Heart Surgeon Search Results

How To: Create a scary green zombie look for a little kid for Halloween

Zombies will probably not be as popular a Halloween costume as vampires or werewolves this Halloween, which means all the more chance for you to stand out and look spectacular if you're dressing up as one! If your little kid has his heart set on becoming a flesh gobbling undead then check out this Halloween makeup tutorial for creating a rotting green zombie look.

How To: Check blood pressure

In this video we learn how to check blood pressure. First, ensure that the patient is relaxed the cuff is empty of all air. The arm should be held at the level of the heart. The doctor will then start to pump air into the cuff to inflate it. The doctor will do this until the pulse is not felt anymore. The pressure of the cuff will start to raise, then they will slowly reduce the air from the cuff. The doctor will listen to the flow of blood through the artery as the air is leaving the cuff. N...

How To: Make Indian chicken meat balls with pasta

If the only way you've ever had meat balls is coated in a sea of marinara or meat sauce at an Italian joint, then you haven't even hit the tip of the iceburg when it comes to meatball recipes. If you love your balls of meat and are interested in trying a spicier, alternative take on traditional meat balls, then check out this recipe.

How To: Create cute XOXO Valentine's nails

In this tutorial, we learn how to create cute XOXO Valentine's nails. First, you will need to gather all of your nail colors and clean off your current nails. After this, paint a cherry red glitter coat to all of your nails and allow it to dry. next, you will grab a white nail polish and paint on a thick diagonal strip over the red. Next, use a thin white line to create a lace pattern on the nail, then allow to dry. Once dried, draw on hearts and "x's" on the middle of the thick white strip, ...

How To: Make a syrup out of hawthorne berries

If you could believe, those Hawthorne berries that you see around town are actually edible! Imagine that right? Not only are they edible but they are high in anti-oxidants and are good for your heart, just don't over do it! But what do you do with them exactly? Well, you can make jellies, jams, and even syrup! In this video you will learn how to make a Hawthorne berry syrup for your pancakes or whatever else you use syrup for!

How To: Access the secret ninja mode in Google Reader with the Konami Code

Google is the biggest and best search engine on Earth, and if you are a webmaster and want your website to be a big success it would really behoove you to know as much about how it works as possible. The Google Webmasters series of videos and website were created to teach webmasters, SEO professionals, and others how Google works by answering their questions and giving them insights into how they can best integrate and utilize Google's functionality to improve their business. This video will ...

How To: Make healthy and simple sweet potato fries

Fries are such a killer food. They're beloved as the favorite "vegetable" of kids and adults everywhere, yet they are one of the absolute worst foods you can eat if you want to, you know, live past 40, containing high levels of saturated and trans fats that clog your arteries and lead to lots of gnarly diseases.

How To: Make grilled salmon with garlic, ginger, & basil sauce

Packed with rich omega-3 oils, fatty acids, and more protein than a WWE wrestler needs before a big match, salmon is a wonder food of sorts. Omega-3s protect heart health, boost your metabolism, and reduce inflammation (which means fewer pimples for those that are acne-ridden), while protein helps you lose weight by keeping you fuller longer.

How To: Fold an origami grand piano for beginners

These are the pianos of concert halls, of greats like Mozart and Beethoven, and of piano masterpieces that still set the standard for good music production. Grand pianos are large and a bit ostentatious, yes, but they create a deep, resonant sound that tugs on your heart strings.

How To: Make a Southern Italian pasta with sardines

Got a few cans of sardines you've been stashing in your emergency kit that are so old you don't even know when you purchased them? Well, as long as your sardines aren't expired (canned goods can last years) you can actually put some use to them before the world ends simply by tossing them into a pasta.

How To: Roast a Greek-style Mediterranean fish

It's been proven in studies of areas with the longest living people that a Mediterranean diet full of vegetables, fish, and nuts makes for a long and healthy life. You can catch on to some of this wisdom by simply incorporating light and healthy foods like fish into your diet.

How To: Bake a currant and orange cake from scratch

Betty Crocker will always have a fond place in our hearts, but every now and then we find it fun - and okay, maybe a little ego boosting - to bake a cake all our own from scratch (gasp!). While the concept is unheard of amongst busy adults and college students, baking using only what you have at home (and not something premixed) is well worth the effort.

How To: Make raspberry chocolate cupcakes

These chocolate-raspberry cupcakes dessert may look intimidating, but don't let that stop you from making this yummy chocolate and raspberry treat. Plus, in addition to getting your daily fill of chocolate, you can also claim that eating one of these cupcakes counts as a serving of fruit (it does!), which means you're being health conscious as well. Sort of.

How To: Play two lead guitar licks on the electric guitar

While we'd love to say that all the members of a rock band are important to how the group performs, we have to admit it: the lead guitarist generally has the best gig. With blazing, fast licks that make our heart go all aflutter, the best and most catchy melodies in the song, and the spotlight always on them, lead guitarists have become many a schoolgirl's crush.

How To: Make a delicious and healthy wrap with sprouts

You may think that wraps and sandwiches are pretty much alike, since they contain most of the same ingredients (your choice of meat, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and whatever else you like to throw in) and taste mostly the same. The only difference is, of course, the consistency of a flat tortilla and sandwich bread.

How To: Cook a bacon wrapped sausage roll

Are you feeling in the mood to really test the limits of your arteries? Then this is the recipe you've been looking for. Everything is better with bacon, right? So take that sausage and wrap it up with some bacon for a truly decadent adventure in gluttony. This is literally not for the faint of heart! This video will show you how to cook a bacon wrapped sausage roll.

How To: Butcher & cook rabbit cacciatore

Check out this two-part series. It's not for the faint of heart. In the first part, executive chef Sean Rembold of Marlow & Sons walks you through butchering a rabbit. In the second part, he shows you how to make a delicious, mouth-watering rabbit cacciatore with creamy polenta. Get out your knives and get ready to make dinner!

How To: Use a focus group for new brand name candidates

Focus groups strike fear into the hearts of even the most season marketer, and with good reason. In a world where everything is subject to change based on public opinion, from movie endings, to popcorn flavors, to logo colors, focus groups can make or break a new idea, but it doesn't have to be that way. A focus group is just a way to gather opinions in a vigorous way and can be very useful. Watch this video tutorial to use a focus group to develop and test a new brand name or corporate ident...