Heavy Metals Search Results

News: May feels like November

A November release week in May It used to be that games marked to be blockbusters (expected to sell more than a million in their first month) would always be released during the holiday September to December season. November was always the month companies chose to release their best game. This release model worked fine until the last few years, when too many games were being released in November and companies started to see diminishing returns on their titles because of the release rush.

News: A Small Look at Aquaria

A look at Aquaria Last week I made a post about the Humble Indie Bundle (http://www.wolfire.com/humble). It's a small online charaty drive where you could buy five indie games for any price you wanted.

Eyeliner For Dummies: All the FYI You'll Ever Need

Ah, the art of applying eyeliner. Bad habit of going just a weee bit too heavy? Having a hard time keeping your line nice and steady? Is it really supposed to go INSIDE the outer edge of your eye? Jezebel received a flood of woes such as these, and therefore asked their readers to send in all of their best eyeliner tips.

News: Airport mayhem

disguise yourself however you like Go to an airport. have a suitcase full of fake illegal items such as powder (cocaine), crushed leaves (weed), guns, knives and dynamite . make sure it all looks real and also something metal to set off the detector so the search your bags.

News: Airport mayhem

Disguise yourself how ever you like. Go to an airport. Have your suitcase full of fake illegal items such as powder (drugs), crushed up leaves (weed), guns and Knives dynamite make sure everything looks as real as possible and also something metal to set off the detector (so they search your bag).

News: Ass Rocket Race!!!!

What we do is strap heavy duty bottle rockets to the cast's respective asses. Their pants will have padding of cource. We then stick them on skateboards and light the rockets and see how far they'll go. To make this more fun they dress up like whatever they want to. This should be funny due to the painful reactions from the cast when the rockets explode. Its not like the cast isn't used to things blowing up in there ass right?

How To: Make a Banner for a Lightweight RC Plane

I decided to make a quick banner for my RC plane. It was basically free, but you might need to get a few materials if you don't have them. My plane is a Hobbyzone Champ, which is a hardy but tiny plane, weighing only 1.3 ounces with the battery. My how-to is modeled after this, which is intended for the Super Cub. It is the bigger version of the Champ, weighing a total of 25.2 ounces, which is more than 18 times the weight of Champ. As you can see, I was faced with a problem. How was I going ...

How To: Replace a piece of timber fascia

Fascia goes along the top of your gutter line to hold the gutter in place. As fascia boards tend to break down over time, many builders are now using metal products in the place of timber. If you're looking to replace a piece of timber fascia, however, you'll be well served by this short clip, which offers installation tips meant to ensure that your replacement works for days to come. Replace a piece of timber fascia.

News: The Old Pervert

Alright guys, I'm Aaron from Texas. I want to prank my bestfriend James that moved away to California outside of Oakland a few years back. He is now a guitar teacher and I think at work would set him up for the best prank ever. The idea is to set up an appointment with him for guitar lessons as an old man, hence the old person make up you guys have done in the past, which would probably be best done in glasses and one of those "flasher"/pervert coats. I see it probably starting with a name fo...

News: Ball Bearings fill a room PRANK

Someone opens a cupboard door and ball bearings fall out and fill the room entirely up to their neck.How it's achieved:The cupboard has to be one of those ones that is attached to the ceiling and high up, like you get in a kitchen. A hole is made in the ceiling above the cupboard but when the doors are closed you can't tell. The room above the cupboard has a tank filled with enough ball bearings which would then feed thru the hole and rush out of the cupboard doors once they get opened. The d...

How To: Use a sew on button foot on a sewing machine

Watch this video sewing tutorial and learn how to use a sew on button foot on a sewing machine. Mark where the button will be placed. Insert button between the black metal piece and the presser foot. Make sure that the two holes are positioned in the cut-out of the presser foot. Position the fabric and lower the presser foot. Select the button sew-on or zigzag stitch. If using the zigzag stitch, lower the feed dogs. Select the width to match the button holes. Manually turn the handwheel to ma...

News: shower fun time

so victim gets in the shower. person locks/blocks them in the shower. victim does not know they are locked in. let victim get all wet and fill the shower up with a bit of water. (before victim gets in shower) hook up a stun gun, or some other low voltage torture machine to the drain of show (which is usually metal). so, victim is stuck in shower, soaking wet, naked, water at the bottom of the tub, turn on electricity, watch the fun.

How To: Pick Basic Tumbler Locks

Professionally and academically speaking, I am a computer scientist, but I also enjoy lock picking as a hobby, so I thought I would share what knowledge I have with this. Before we start doing anything, first we need to understand the fundamentals of how locks work and then acquire and familiarize ourselves with basic lock-picking tools.

How To: Wildlife Photography with a DIY Motion-Triggered Camera

Even if you live in a big city, chances are you have some wild raccoons or foxes that cannot abide a vertical trash barrel. While apparently omnipresent, these phantasmic critters usually vanish in the night leaving only a shameless trail of refuse you never wanted to see ever again. While I haven't found a way to stop them, I can help you snap some photos of the dastardly creatures.

The Sweet Smell of Success: DIY Smoke Mix with Sugar and Potassium Nitrate

I finally got around to trying out another one of Will's mad science experiments and found out that this one was actually more satisfying (and less frustrating) than my slightly uncooperative jar jet. There's something very pleasing about making potassium nitrate at home in the kitchen and then watching the transformation from semitransparent liquid to spiky, frozen crystals. That was the best part for me, second only to igniting it with its sugar companion.

How To: This DIY Soft-Circuit Military Tech Lets You Power Electronics Using Your Clothes

It turns out that the popularity of soft circuit electronics has leaked out of the interwebs and into the hands of the U.S. military. Soft circuit electronics allow you to literally sew electronics circuits into fabric using flexible conductive thread instead of wire. Soft circuits can be used for all sorts of fun projects, like the TV-B-Gone Hoodie and the Heartbeat Headband.

How To: Make Crop Circles or Are Aliens Among Us?

Does this video prove that otherworldly intelligent life has visited Earth? No. It does not prove anything other than there are designs ‘etched’ onto the surface of a field. Does the video immediately above prove that otherworldly intelligent life hasn’t visited Earth? Yeah, you saw it coming; no, it proves nothing more than humans are able to ‘etch’ designs in a field of grain.

Understanding Electricity: Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla In my opinion, one of the most neglected inventors of all time. The names Edison and Marconi come to mind as familiar, but Tesla? Most think of a car. Few know that Tesla is responsible for alternating current, florescent lights, radar, remote control, generators that preform efficiently, the spark plug, and many others. The U.S Supreme Court declared in 1943 that Tesla, not Marconi, was the true inventor of the radio.

News: Welcome to Edit on a Dime

Video Introduction to Edit on a Dime. Hey there, Interwebs and welcome to Edit on a Dime, your community for reviews, tutorials and news in the world of free and low cost creative tools. The purpose of this World is to make your video, audio and images look professional without costing you professional money.

How To: Make Torus Knots from Soft Metals

Torus knots are beautiful knots formed by wrapping a line around a torus and tying the ends together to form a loop. The resulting knot has a star-like appearance when viewed from above. The 36 examples with the least number of crossings can be seen at the Knot Atlas's page on torus knots.

News: Bring the Brothers Grimm Characters to Life This Halloween

Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood and Sleeping Beauty are some of the most horrific fairy tales ever written, but over the course of nearly 200 years they've become watered down and sugar coated for innocent children everywhere. The original tales by the Brothers Grimm are virtually opposites of how we know them today, because they were never really intended for unsullied youngsters. The folk tales came from storytellers across the German countryside, recounting the terrors they've heard ove...

News: The Best Places to Play Scrabble Online

There's nothing better than playing a game of Scrabble, feeling the smooth wooden tiles in your hand and savoring the heavy fumes of cardboard, cheap wood and plastic as you rearrange the letters on your rack into the perfect word. You try to keep a straight face while you watch your opponent sweat, but you can't help but release that diabolical grin of self-admiration as you play the elusive triple-triple. The score's recorded and you feel sorry for your bitter rival, but then you remember y...

News: Does the World Really Need Anymore Zombie Games? Yes, If They're Like These Ones…

The war between horror movie monsters has been going on for the better part of the last century. We're talking vampires, werewolves, ghosts, zombies and mutant flying creatures, each of which has had their fair share of the limelight in film. But it comes and goes. Once moviegoers get an overdose of a particular monster, they aren't scared anymore, meaning it's time to move onto the next. So, Dracula goes away kicking and screaming, just to be replaced by Frankenstein and then werewolves. But...

News: Canon's 5D Mark II Invades Hollywood

Since its release three years ago, Canon's EOS 5D Mark II has been the most sought out digital SLR for photographers everywhere. But it's also becoming a favorite amongst cinematographers, thanks to its compact size and high-def video recording mode, seeing action in everything from independent features to Hollywood blockbusters and even big network TV shows.