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How To: Improve your short-term memory with brain exercises

In this video, we learn how to improve short-term memory. There are many brain exercises that can help, that will jump start your abilities. Remember to focus your attention, take mental snapshots, and connect your snapshots with memory. This will help you not only remember different things, but it will also help you to connect pictures and different details along with it. Just small things like this while you are younger can help improve your short-term memory while you are both younger and ...

News: The Many Wonders of Black Garlic

Garlic: almost every cuisine in the world considers it a staple, and for good reason. Its pungent flavor gives depth and character to food. Dishes made without it seem bland and forgettable. And on top of all that, it's been studied for its potential anti-cancer properties (and don't forget: it's been mythologized for warding off vampires).

How To: Deal with & stand up to a bully

It’s scary, but you can learn how to stand up to a bully – and come out on top. You will need courage, wit, and even a bit of self-control. Bullies tend to pick on those who don't stand up for themselves, so being a little assertive helps. Find out how to stand up to a bully by watching this video self help tutorial.

How To: 5 Unconventional Uses for Leftover Cookie Dough

While I frown upon any form of uneaten cookie, sometimes we overestimate our late-night cravings for baked goods leaving us with extra cookie dough at 4 a.m. If you're in the privileged dilemma of not having enough excess dough to make another batch of cookies but just enough left over that you can't justify tossing it, don't fret. Here are five effortless and unexpected ways to salvage it.

How To: Grill Pizza Like a Pro

When I was a kid, there was just pizza. You ordered from whatever nationwide chain was near you and they made your pizza in an oven. There certainly weren't these highfalutin pizza subsets that have more choices than a cheese shop. Wood-fired, brick oven, artisanal, make-your-own — it's enough to make you long for simpler times.

How To: Organize research materials for writing your research

Mary Silva teaches us how to organize and research materials for writing. First, copy and past all of your different references from the exact order that you wrote about them. A great way to help you organize all of these is to use notecards. If you don't want to do all that writing, then you can make your notecards on the computer! With this, you can make different notes on the bottom of the cards to help you remember things, as well as different citations. This is a great tool to help you o...

How To: Stop procrastinating and boost your productivity

In this tutorial, we learn how to stop procrastinating and boost your productivity. If you are someone who likes to put things off until the last minute, you should watch this video! To help you get over doing this, you should start a calendar! When you boost your productivity you will no longer procrastinate and get a lot of things done. This may not seem like a good idea, but it will help you be a happier person. You can also write out a list, which will help you stay accountable for what y...

How To: Measure current, voltage, resistance, and continuity using a multimeter

If you own or have access to an auto-ranging or manual-ranging multimeter you can measure several different aspects of circuits, resistors, and the like. For example, you can determine the resistance, voltage, continuity, and current with the multimeter to help you determine the precision of a resistor. This guide will help you learn how to use a multimeter to perform these tasks.

How To: Protect your Wordpress blog from hacker attacks

Google is one of the most powerful forces on the Internet, and their technology can be the key to helping you find success in whatever your online endeavor might be, from web design to filmmaking. This video is a part of their Google Webmaster Series, offering help to webmasters the world over on how to best utilize Google in their work. This video will show you how to ensure that your Wordpress blog is safe from the hacker attacks that are so common for Wordpress users.

How To: Optimize your deep web assets for Google

Google is one of the most powerful forces on the Internet, and their technology can be the key to helping you find success in whatever your online endeavor might be, from web design to filmmaking. This video is a part of their Google Webmaster Series, offering help to webmasters the world over on how to best utilize Google in their work. This video will show you how to optimize your deep web content, like databases and forms, to be crawled by Google using a few simple tricks.

How To: Improve your blood pressure with yoga

Do you suffer from high blood pressure and hyper tension? Do you happen to suffer from low blood pressure? In this excellent video, you'll learn some breathing techniques and yoga moves to help stabilize your blood pressure. Improve you energy and feel all around more centered. This is a great video to help release all your tension and stress.

How To: Overcome social anxiety

Learn to take back control if social anxiety is getting in the way of your life. The first step is to take control of conversations at social functions by asking questions. This will help you to direct the conversation more and not feel like you have no control. Next, learn to always have an exit plan for any social function you might attend. Planning an exit strategy beforehand will help you to relax. Finally, be kind and loving to yourself. Don't beat yourself up and take the time to be mor...

How To: Help someone through depression

If you know someone who is going through depression, it's important to know that it's no laughing matter. It can be a tough time, where the person may feel like their entire life and world around them is nothing. It's important to be there for them and help them in any way necessary. In this video tutorial, you'll find out more on how to help someone who is going through a depression. Good luck!

How To: Play "Help" by the Beatles on piano

In this video piano lesson from Piano Play It, host David Yzhaki will teach you how to play the song "Help" by The Beatles. He starts you out by breaking down the intro into its basic chords and demonstrates them on the keyboard for you. Once you've got that down, he breaks down the verse for you to practice. With the help of this high energy video tutorial you will learn how to play this song in no time.

How To: Deal with overwhelming anxiety & depression

In this tutorial, we learn how to deal with overwhelming anxiety and depression. Most people go through anxiety in their life, but just don't know how to deal with it properly, which is when it leads to depression. If you aren't the type of person to get diagnosed with prescription drugs, there are ways to deal with it on your own. A great way to help is to have a friend or someone that you can talk to, including maybe even a clinical psychologist. Another thing that helps is to write. You ca...

How To: Build confidence by remembering people's names

This video describes how build your confidence by remembering peoples' name. This Confidence Quickbite explains that a person's name is the sweetest sound to him/her and will make them feel special if you remember it. If you don't remember a person's name he/she may think that he/she is not important enough for you to care enough to remember. To remember names a simple trick is to say the name back to the person in conversation right after he/she tells you it. Then try to think of anybody els...

How To: Stop getting overwhelmed

In this video from RawRadiantHealth Natasha talks to us about getting back to basics and not getting overwhelmed. A lot of times we can feel like we have too many responsibilities and we can get burnt out. Having a strong foundation and basics like getting enough sleep, eating your meals, your home is clean, you're taking care of yourself can really help you. When the foundation is a bit shaky these things can overwhelm us. If the basics are not taken care of the rest of your life can be a me...