Herbal Remedies Search Results

How To: Cure acne with a homemade mask

Take care of that acne without any expensive products that dry you out. This proven method only requires three ingredients: Oatmeal, honey and bioyogurt. This all natural remedy is all you need to have beautiful, clear skin again. This video will show you how make a natural homemade acne mask.

How To: Treat athlete's foot with vinegar and Listerine

Red, itchy, scaly, and cracking feet can only mean one thing, athlete's foot. Watch this how to video and learn how to treat athlete's with a simple home remedy from Pharmacologist Joe Graedon. He shows you over the counter products that you can buy and how to use a solution of vinegar, Listerine and Vick's Vapor Rub to help the foot fungus go away.

How To: Use home remedies on your pet dog

In this tutorial, we learn how to use home remedies on dogs with Zephyr Carke-Dolberg. One natural remedy that can help dogs, is rice, which helps with diarrhea. You can also use Pepto Bismol for dogs if they are having stomach problems. Benadryl is also safe for dogs to eat if they are having an allergic reaction to something, or if they have a bug bite they are itching. You can also use Benadryl for a dog that is really hyper, and it will help them relax. For tick removal, you can use liqui...

How To: 10 Quick & Easy Herbal Drinks That Relieve Aches & Pains

When a headache strikes, I reach for the nearest painkiller. Forget closing my eyes, laying down, or even applying an ice pack—I seek the quickest and most immediate relief possible, and normally that comes in the form of pills. However, fast relief can be found from another, more natural source: herbal beverages. So if you're tired of popping pills when you have aches and pains, try some of these herbal drinks out instead.

How To: Treat and prevent heartburn with baking soda

Everyone has suffered from heartburn at one time or another. Learn how to treat heartburn with home remedies from Pharmacologist Joe Graedon. Watch as he shows you how baking soda can help neutralize the acid in your stomach. If you suffer from high blood pressure consider using natural alternatives like chamomile and ginger to treat heartburn.

How To: Treat & cure headaches with fever few

We've all had headaches at one time or another. Sometimes we don't want to take those over the counter drugs. Learn how to treat headaches with home remedies from Pharmacologist Joe Graedon in this how to video. Watch see how magnesium, vitamin B-50, or fever few can help soothe your head pain.

How To: Overcome Anxiety with Supplements

There has been a huge shift over recent years to alternative medicine as people get disillusioned with conventional medicine to overcome anxiety. Natural and herbal supplements are becoming popular as people re-engage with nature. The list of potential side effects from drugs and the rebound effects from withdrawing often make the thought of taking medication unpleasant. Often the promise of how effective the medication can be is exaggerated or it simply does not have the effect it should bec...

How To: Cure a headache using peppermint oil

If you've ever woken up with a hang over or have just gotten a headache, you know that it can be pretty annoying and just waiting for it to go away can be the most painful of them all. But in this video you will learn a simple home remedy that you can use: peppermint oil.

How To: Make an herbal liniment

John Gallagher here explains the process of making herbal liniments. We use Comfrey root (1 ounce) 3/4th ounce of valerian root and ½ ounce calendula flower along with 1/4th teaspoon cayenne pepper and 3/4th ounce of ground cinnamon. Pint of rubbing alcohol or grain alcohol along with pint jar, strainer, cheese cloth and a coffee filter will also be needed. All the herbs in required weights have to be mixed. Pour the rubbing alcohol to fill the jar to the top. Stir it then. Always label your ...

How To: Make herbal lozenges

John Gallagher explains the process of making herbal lozenges in which need slippery elm bark powder and licorice root slices both which sooth the irritation of the throat. You need half a cup of water and two tablespoons of honey along with a small bowl and a dough roller. To cut the dough get a bottle cap and store them in a small metal container. Boil half a cup of water and put licorice according to the number of lozenge required and simmer it on a low flame for 10 minutes. Take 2 tablesp...

How To: Prevent gas

While intestinal gas is a normal occurrence within the digestive process, it can also cause bloating, burping and flatulence. Follow these tips to remedy the problem.

How To: Control dog fleas with home remedies

This video illustrate us how to control dog fleas with home remedies. Here are the following steps.Step 1: First of all take some water and wash the dog with it.Step 2: Now take markotic powder and spread it on the dogs fur. If the fur hair is long then comb in the opposite direction for the powder to settle down. Leave it for some time.Step 3: You will find all the fleas on the surface of the fur.Step 4: Now dip a towel in water containing alum and sponge the dog with this towel .All the fle...

How To: Remedy stretch marks

Robert Scott shows us in this video how to remedy stretch marks. Stretch marks can be caused by excess of weight gain, muscle building or anything that occurs over a short period of time and breaks down the fibers in the skin. They are not really curable but they are treatable. They can be minimized by a few different treatments. Laser treatment can be done in an aesthetician or physician's office, depending on which state you live in. This builds up the collagen and rebuilds the dermal layer...

How To: Create Lea Michele's 2010 Emmys makeup look

Lea Michele, who plays perfectionist and super-talented singer Rachel Berry on "Glee," is quite unlike her school girl outfit-loving television alter ego. In fact, on the red carpet she's a big fan of sultry, sirenish makeup looks with winged liner, red lips, and big, voluminous hair.

How To: Make a "Black & Blue" layered shooter

Watch this video to learn how to make a “Black and Blue” layered shooter. The ingredients are Hypnotiq, Blue Curacao and Jagermeister. Mix 1/2 oz of hypnotiq and 1/2 oz of blue curacao. Fill ice to the top of the shaker. Shake it and pour it into a cup. Top it off with 1/2 oz of Jagermeister. The resulting shot is blue on the bottom and black on top. The layering is impressively fine. The line should be perfectly floating on the top. The taste should be tropical and herbal. You have to really...

How To: Scrunch hair

In this tutorial, we learn how to scrunch hair. You will need: hair spray, Herbal Essences Totally Twisted Curl Scrunching Gel, and clips. First, take a shower and towel dry your hair for a few minutes. After this, apply the gel to your hair all over and scrunch it up. To do this, push your hair up and grab it with your hands, crunching it. Then, spray hair spray in your hair all over. From here, bring your hair into a messy bun on the top of your head. Next, you will take the hair down and i...

How To: Make herbal capsules with a capsule machine

Mountain Rose Herbs John Gallagher shows us how to make our own quality powdered herb capsules using a machine in this video. You will need three things to do this, your powdered herbs, zero size capsules and a zero size capsule machine. He shows us the parts of the capsule machine so we can follow his instructions. Find a container to put the base of the machine in, pull apart the capsules, putting the bottom part in the bottom of the machine and the top in the top part of the machine, filli...

How To: Properly wash your American Girl doll's hair

In this tutorial, we learn how to properly wash an American Girl doll hair. First, rinse warm water through the doll's hair, then wash the hair with Herbal Essence's hydration shampoo. After this, rinse out the shampoo until there are no more bubbles. Next, place conditioner in the hair, the rinse off the conditioner until it's completely rinsed out. Comb your fingers through the hair so there are no more knots in the hair. When finished, comb out the hair and then blow dry it until there is ...