Hidden Daily Search Results

How To: Monitor Cellular & Wi-Fi Data Speeds from Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2's Status Bar or Notification Tray

Whether you're pressed against your bedroom window, hidden deep inside your linen closet, or lounging on the rooftop, finding that area of maximum Internet speed around your house is usually just trial and error. And when you finally find the sweet spot, apps like Speedtest.net can help you determine how fast your Wi-Fi or cellular connection is overall on your computer or smartphone, so you know your full capabilities. But, if you want to know exactly how fast your Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is u...

How To: Find all of the hidden Rare Books in Fable 3

Fable 3, like many modern 3rd person games it seems, has a Banjo Kazooie-like number of random collectibles for you to find to enjoy the entire game experience. One of these sets is Rare Books. There are a ton and tracking them down takes a long time, so watch this video to learn the locations of every Rare Book and how to unlock them.

How To: Find the nine hidden treasures in Red Dead Redemption

It's time to go achievement hunting, as well as treasure hunting in this tutorial. The game is Red Dead Redemption and there are nine hidden treasures, each with their own video. It can take a long time to find these treasures if you were trying to get them on your own, but with the help of the videos, it much easier. So good luck, take your time, and enjoy!

How To: Hide/unhide files and folders & view/edit extensions

This video shows you how to easily hide or unhide files and folders and how to edit extensions of files. The first thing you have to do to hide or unhide files and folders is to open Control Panel and then open Folder Options. Next, click the View tab in the upper menu and check one of the following options: Do not show hidden files and folders or Show hidden files and folders. You can hide a file or a folder by making a right-click, then clicking properties and then check the Hidden File box...

How To: Find all hidden spiders on Scorpion in Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

Doing a full 100% completion playthrough is always a pain, especially when hidden collectibles come into the picture, and in Scorpions level, not only is he also kind of a pain, but finding some of the hidden spiders are difficult. In this great video you will get a walkthrough of each location, how to get into some of the tricker locations, and some great commentary explaining each section.

How To: Compare the difference of annual percentage rate

This video is about Annual percentage Rate(APR) and the Effective APR rate.The video begins with an example of a credit card which has a APR rate of 22.9% and daily periodic rate of 0.06274%.You can get the APR rate by multiplying the daily peiodic rate with 365, which in this case will be 0.06274*365 which is equal to 22.9.If you convert the daily periodic rate into decimal values , it will be 0.006274.So for example, if you have 1 dollar in your balance on day 1, on day 2 you will owe 1.000...

How To: Extrapolate given daily fixed costs in MS Excel

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 325th installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to create a formula that takes a fixed daily cost and calculates the monthly total for months with different number of days.

How To: Create a daily Gantt Chart in Microsoft Excel

New to Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly advanced as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this two-part Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 564th installment in their series of Excel magic tricks, you'll learn how to create a cell chart using conditional formatting with Logical TRUE FALSE formulas to create a Gantt Chart. Functions used include WORKDAY, AND, NOT, NETWORKDAY.

How To: Talk about your daily routine in Spanish

In this video, we learn how to talk about your daily routine in Spanish. First, you need to learn common expressions about doing things. The key verbs that talk about your typical routine include: "despertarse" (to wake up), "levantarse" (to get up), "banarse" (to bathe), and "ducharse" (to shower). These are just a few of the verbs you can use for your daily routine. Other activities include: "estudiar" (study), "cenar" (to have dinner), and "acostarse" (to go to bed). Make sure if you are u...

How To: Do daily work makeup for any job

You work five days a week, and each day you try, try and try again to get the perfect makeup. Once you find that perfect look, it's your go-to makeup style for not just work, but any everyday, routine event. Well, this video tutorial might be your answer. See how this girl applies her daily work makeup that she pretty much uses every day.

How To: Make hidden files visible in Windows Vista

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to view hidden files and folders in Windows Vista. Begin by clicking on the Start menu and select Control Panel. Click on Appearance and Personalization, and select Folder Options. In the Folder Options window, click on the View tab. Under Hidden files and folders, check the option, Show Hidden files and folders. Now click Apply and OK. This video also provides a demonstration of hiding and revealing a hidden file. This video will benefit those viewer...

How To: Prep a hide for tanning

Warning. This video is not for vegetarians or animal lovers since it does show an animal's hide. Now for those interested, this two part turorial shows you how to prep the right equipment needed to tan an animals hide.

How To: Do a daily check of the code blue cart in nursing

Going to be a nurse? Then one important part of your nursing responsibilities involves doing a daily check of the code blue cart or crash cart. The crash cart is checked every shift for emergency items and function. In this how-to video we review the nurse’s responsibility to test the defibrillator oxygen tank, most hospitals change tanks at 500 or 1000 psi. Follow along an see how simple it is to do a daily check of the code blue cart.

How To: Show or hide tiles on your HP TouchSmart homepage

This video is showing you how to hide or show tiles on your homepage of your HP TouchSmart. You can look at all your available tiles on your homepage by tapping on the "personalize" button. The tiles that are dimmed means that it is hidden, and the tiles that are bright mean that it is showing. To hide a tile, just tap on it and it will go dim. To make a hidden tile shown, just touch it and it will turn bright. When you are finished choosing which tiles to show and which tiles to hide, click ...

How To: Become a Better Reader Using Apple Books' Reading Goals

Whether you've made a resolution to try and read more books this year or are just looking to set time aside to listen to an audiobook a little bit each day, building good reading habits can be tough with a busy life. However, with iOS 13, Apple Books includes reading goals, which might give you that little extra bit of encouragement and accountability to help you reach your goals.

How To: Do a Half Frog Stretch Out

Dina Prioste teaches viewers how to do a half frog stretch out. Now, lie down on your stomach with your elbows right under your shoulders. Now grab your left leg and pull this towards your right butt cheek. You can also lay all the way down on the floor. You can also bring the heel outside of the hip if you are very flexible. This is a great stretch for your quad and hip. This will stretch the entire front of your body as well as your core. The more open you get with this pose, you can do bot...

How To: Tan a cow hide

Preparing a cow hide can be a bit trocky if you don't know how to do it properly. Lucky for you, that's what we're here for! Watch this two part tutorial on how to properly tan a cow hide. Enjoy!

How To: Clear up office clutter

It's easy to find yourself drowning in a pile of papers and nick-nacks if you're not armed with a good organization system. By taking the time to set up a system where everything is condensed and has a place you'll find it much easier to keep it that way.

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