High Fat Diet Search Results

How To: Make salmon patties out of simple canned goods

Omega 3 fats, found in salmon among other foods, are vital nutrient that should be in any diet. This salmon patty recipe from the Grazing Gourmet Guy can be made with canned goods, but with fresh ingredients will taste even better. Learn how to cook up these tasty salmon patties by watching and following along with this food preparation how-to video.

How To: Make healthy pasta

Thinking pasta is too heavy for your new diet? Think again. Pasta can provide a healthy meal rich in fiber and vitamins. Follow these steps to make healthier choices for your next pasta dinner.

How To: Get Six Pack Abs

The abdominals can be considered one of the best signals of fitness and strength and is one of the most sought-after muscle groups to develop by both men and women. While the abdominals are very desirable, it can be one of the most difficult areas to distinguish and maintain. This article's purpose is to give you the hard truths, advice, and workout for gaining a hard body and new look.

How To: Sprout nuts and seeds

Wants to add more nuts and seeds to your diet but don't know the best way to incorporate them? With this video tutorial, let Kardena from Kardena's Kitchen show you how to get the most out of a variety of nuts and seeds for maximum flavor and nutritional value.

How To: Stay slim and fit

Isn't it everybody's dream to stay slim and fat? This video will help boost your self-confidence and will give you tips on how to stay slim and fit. Anne Saccone is of the opinion that green tea with lemon helps her to maintain and manage her weight. She has it about eight times a day. Other food that helps in weight management are cereal with semi-skimmed milk, wholemeal bread, natural yogurt, cottage cheese, boiled egg etc. She advises not to be obsessed with food and to count calories but ...

How To: Do an intense fat loss workout

This step-by-step video tutorial will show you how to do a high weight, low rep workout that will burn fat effectively. Yuri Elkaim of MyFitterU will show you six high intensity exercises in a circuit fashion that will have you slimmer in no time. Yuri will walk you through each exercise, including the dumbbell clean, box jumps, and speed skate lateral lines, with basic and simple instructions to make sure you do this workout safely and effectively. Visit Yuri's website for a 12-week workout ...

How To: Tone your legs with leg slimming exercises

No pain, no gain honeys! Though there exist a few genetically gifted women in this world (we're looking at you, Megan Fox), the rest of us have to commit to eating right and exercising in order to maintain fabulous bodies. It isn't fun, but sticking to a strict diet and workout routine does produce a pretty sexy body.

How To: Become a fruitarian and eat a healthy raw fruit diet

Fruitarians eat only raw fruit and seeds, both for their health—they think cooked food is toxic—and for the environment’s, since they believe that eating vegetables “kills” the plant. This is similar to raw foodist idealogy of eating all live vegan diet. Try it out and you might find you have more energy and lose weight. It's also high in anti-oxidants. They also eat primarily organic and non- GMO (genetically modified foods). This is an eco-friendly diet that uses less energy to get nutrients.

How To: Do advanced MMA strength training circuits for fighters

Whether you're a high level athelete who's recently hit a muscle gain plateau or a wannabe UFC fighter looking to make it in the big leagues, this video provides everything you need to formulate an effective fat-burning strength training program. While cardio is always a must in any exercise regimen, strength training helps build and drastically strengthen muscle, meaning your body can more effectively perform work.

How To: Feel full on a raw food diet

Natasha gives you some tips on how to feel fuller when eating raw foods. Natasha dispels claims that protein is what makes you feel full after a meal when it's really the fat. Fruits and vegetables are very water rich foods so they go through your body very quickly, therefore, making you feel hungry soon after eating them. Natasha suggests putting some hemp seeds in your smoothies and even coconut oil or coconut meat to add some bulk. She also suggests maybe making only half of your meal raw ...

How To: Lose belly fat by avoiding junk food

In this tutorial, we learn how to lose belly fat by avoiding junk food. If you eat too many bad fats, they will store inside of your body and cause several health problems for you. The more you eat, the more your body will store and it will be harder for you to burn off, causing you to become overweight. To achieve a flat stomach, you will just need to make sure you are eating healthy foods. Make sure you are not eating foods with a lot of high sugar content or quick burning carbs. Once you s...

How To: Get six pack abs with cardio & strength training

In this video, Yuri Elkaim will teach you how to get six pack abs using cardio and strength training. He breaks down the discussion of cardio vs. strength training for burning fat and building muscle. In the video, Elkaim stresses high-intensity interval training (HIIT), in which he says you will burn more calories, and therefore lose more fat if that is your aim. Furthermore, working at a higher intensity for longer periods of time increases your cardiovascular strength to an even higher deg...

How To: Eat nutritiously for better health

Looking to make a nutritious change in your life? By choosing the right foods in the right amounts, you can reap rewards that will benefit you in all aspects of your life. In this tutorial, learn how to eat healthy and make positive changes in what you consume.

How To: Make homemade dessert icing

While topping your cake or cupcake with icing is easiest done using storebought icing, we're sorry to inform you that most grocery store icing has high amounts of saturated fat and even trans fat, both of which clog your arteries and contribute to heart disease. Not so appetizing now, is it?

How To: Lose Stomach Fat in 10 Steps?

As our lives grow busier, we get secluded in our indoor activities, consuming all types of fatty junk food and what not. Obesity is a very obvious yet unfortunate outcome of our unhealthy living standards. With it comes the predictable rush towards efforts to lose weight. Consequently, we have designed hundreds if not thousands of ways to lose fat and grow slimmer. To ease out your choice of ways, here is a list of the best ways to lose stomach fat. Step 1: Don't Eat Sugar

How To: Do a Diet Coke and Mentos bomb explosion prank

The Diet Coke and Mentos Explosion prank is one of those classic pranks that everyone should experience at some point. When combined the Diet Cola and Mentos become volatile, basting your victim in stickiness. Watch this video to learn how to make a Diet Coke and Mentos bomb, a simple, yet devious exploding prank. Next up: how to con your victim into cleaning up the mess. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!