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News: Creating Content For Videos

Okay, so what are we going to make our videos about? I’ve written before about creating articles, and what kind of content we are going to put in our articles. So what are we going to put into our videos? Let me give you a few ideas that I have. These are some things that I would do if I had a service business.

News: Unity3D Could Change the Gaming World Now That It Has Flash

Big news from the world of game development engines. For several years, Unity3D has been the free 3D game development engine of choice for aspiring and indie game designers around the world. While it isn't as powerful as Unreal Engine 3 or CryEngine, it's free and much easier to use. Now, according to an announcement made by Unity yesterday, Unity 3D is about to unleash a huge weapon that neither of those other engines can claim: Flash compatibility.

News: Until Project Rainfall Succeeds, We Must Hack the Wii for Xenoblade Chronicles in North America

For as much money as they've made from North American video game audiences over the years, Japanese game developers don't seem to have very much faith in them. Dozens of great titles from their 40 years in the industry have appeared in Japan and across Europe, oftentimes even in English. But they never make it over to America, like Mother 3, Last Window: Midnight Promise, Dragon Force 2, and Tobal No. 2 (that one didn't even hit Europe).

Games That Act Like Films: Are They Really 'Bastard Half-Children'?

Many gamers see the film industry as the premier model that video games should follow, and it's no surprise. Movies are seen as the most legitimate and profitable of all artistic visual mediums, which is certainly qualities practitioners of any new medium would desire. Big budget games like Heavy Rain and L.A. Noire strive for the same level as film by aping its techniques, focusing on storytelling in a cinematic fashion, rather than creating compelling gameplay experiences.

News: Alfred Knows Where You Want to Eat (iPhone App for Instant Restaurant Recommendations)

Exploring a new city is tough if you're all by your lonesome. But if you have your iPhone on you, you're not alone at all... there's tons of great apps available for discovering the city around you. We've previously featured an app that helps you decide on what bar or club to attend, as well as one that shows you the hidden world unbeknown to most tourists (sometimes even the local population). When it comes to dining out, Yelp helps considerably, but it doesn't provide you with personalized ...

News: Indie Game Mashup! DTIPBIJAYS + LSQOM = Scorpion Psychiatrists of Saturn

Most of the oddest games in the world are free web games. They may not always be well made, but low budgets (and consequently low risk) allow them to be as weird as they fancy. That's a big part of why they are so interesting. Prime examples such as Don't Take It Personally, Babe, It Just Ain't Your Story and Lesbian Spider Queens of Mars have graced these pages previously, and both are great games. But the quality of the games hasn't stopped mysterious Glorious Trainwrecks user snapman (else...

How To: Oktoberfest

Oktoberfest is the world's largest annual beer festival located in Munich, Germany! The festival starts in late September and lasts until early October -approx 16-18 days. Oktoberfest is an important part of the Bavarian Culture and has been going on for over 200 years. Each year the festival is held in an area called Theresienwiese, but often referred to as Wiesen for short. Wisen is located near the center of Munich. Oktoberfest is held as one of the world's largest fairs with over 5 millio...

How To: Get Free Windows Software Daily

When you look up the word free in the dictionary, you'll find a lot of definitions, but in the days of digital dependency and a falling economy, free only means one thing—expensive stuff for nothing. And if you own a Windows computer, one of the best sites to get free software from is Giveaway of the Day.

News: Boost Mobile. Is It Hot or Not

You and I know that everyone's lookin for a killer deal for cellphone service. A lot of us hear about good deals for the plans, or who's got the hottest phones at the moment. Though most of us these days are just looking for something simple, that has all we need, and is fairly cheap too. But how cheap is too cheap?

News: old man and the bloody pool

ok i know lately the jack ass guys have had to resort to the old man bit to get some funny stuff in joe public so iv had this idea first as a high school prank but my friends thought it was just wrong so i assume its perfect for you guys (at least i think it would make a good prank) anyway. the prank goes that we go to some random public pool and fill the whole thing up with red die or enough to make it look like a body was thrown in there and then just throw some random plastic body parts li...

How To: Add cushions to your seat

If you've made chairs from scratch and are looking for something else to add, cushions could be a good option. Buying them from the store is great and all, but making your own is so much better. Not only are your able to choose whatever material you want, but you can have it look a certain way as well as make it as soft as you want. In this tutorial you'll find out how to add cushions to your chiars with some help from these videos. Good luck and enjoy! Add cushions to your seat.

How To: Activate the junk mail filter in Hotmail

For anyone who has a Hotmail account, this video tutorial from GetNetWise shows you the steps involved in activating the junk mail filter. The first step you need to do to activate this feature, is to click on the Junk Mail Folder button at the top of the mail screen. You will then be taken to a settings area that shows you what sensitivity your junk mail filter is currently at. The higher the sensitivity, the more aggressive Hotmail is at moving a possibly piece of spam to the junk mail fold...

How To: Package your homemade baked goods

So you've made a lot of beautiful cookies, bars and brownies to give out as presents but don't have that much pretty packaging. Don't worry; Anne shows you how you can use things you have lying around the house to make some gorgeous presentations. Save yourself not only stress, but also some of your hard-earned cash as well.

How To: Start a first aid kit

A well stocked first aid kit is a good tool to have at home at any time, and it will help you be better prepared in the event of an emergency. It's also a good idea to have a kit with you while hiking, biking, camping or boating. While kits can be bought preassembled, you can also build your own. For more information on keeping and creating your own first aid kit, take a look. Start a first aid kit.

How To: Play bass drum triplets on the drumset

Vic Firth presents the 4th installment of the Drumset Lesson Series with Jeremy Hummel to learn how to play bass drum triplets. Try to give a right foot a workout. Once you get it going at a good speed, it can be really good. Watch this drum playing tutorial video and improve some of your basic skills. Play bass drum triplets on the drumset.

How To: Stop someone from bleeding

This video demonstrates first aid for serious bleeding. Lay the injured person down with head slightly lower than the trunk or elevate wound above the level of the heart. Apply pressure, after bleeding stops, wrap tight with sterile gauze bandage. Get medical help for the victim. Good video for camping or just good knowledge for home. Stop someone from bleeding.

How To: Snag Prime Seats at an NBA Game

There is no fan experience in professional sports quite like watching an NBA game live. Partly, this can be attributed to the combination of fluid teamwork and jaw-dropping athleticism the players exude in the form of size, speed, jumping ability, grace, and strength. What truly differentiates the NBA from the spectators' perspective, though, is the figurative nakedness of the players. While the NFL buries its athletes beneath pads and masks, the NBA presents its talent in shorts and a tank top.