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News: Dramatic sushi presentation

Tomo Sushi in Atlanta with a friend/vendor on a recent work trip. Expensive but delicious and inspirational presentations. I don't remember exactly which fish this was. It wasn't mackerel or needlefish. The flesh was minced with some green onion and white wine vinegar I think. Good stuff.

Kony 2012: Question its Motives

s the Kony 2012 movement a fraud designed to justify another U.S. military invasion into another country? With oil reserves in Uganda speculated to be as large as those in Saudi Arabia, it wouldn't be a surprise. The Kony 2012 movement is VERY popular and seems to have a good intention. Let's just make sure we don't repeat history. QUESTION EVERYTHING, then you can support it!

Gambling with Secrets: Video Series

I recently found this video series that discusses (in a more round about way) the theories that make cryptography what it is today, which goes great with my most recent blog post. I haven't finished watching them all yet, but so far they have been fairly good and I would recommend watching one to see if you like it?!

Making Electromagnetic Weapons: The Theory Behind EMP Generators

This is the third part of my electromagnetic pulse series (see Part One and Part Two). By now, I've covered the hardware and general concept of electromagnetic pulse generators, but how exactly do they disable electronics? How can an invisible field of energy have such a catastrophic effect on computers, cell phones, and most any other electronics? I'll be answering all these questions in part three of Making Electromagnetic Weapons.

News: Minecraft Seed

So as per request, i found an great seed. Right out of the spawn, there is over 7 ravines right out of the spawn, with iron, coal, gold, and redstone everywhere. This world is pretty good for advanced players wanting to make a legit build

News: 20 Amazing Minecraft Costumes at MineCon 2011

MineCon 2011 (held at the Mandalay Bay in Vegas) was in a word, awesome. The crowd was overwhelmingly young, the vibe was fun and nerdy, and best of all, the costumes were inspired. Below are my favorites, which unfortunately aren't of the best quality (lighting was low and super yellow, which wasn't helped much by my standard point-and-shoot). If you happened to attend Minecon as well, post about your experience to the community corkboard... if you're pictured below, please comment!

How To: Convert Protected M4P Files to MP3 Songs with iMovie and iTunes

I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but it's awesome that you can now download music from the iTunes Store that's free of DRM (digital rights management) limitations. That was always my biggest problem with buying music from iTunes. Paying a buck for a song that I can only play on Apple devices? Really? That's what finally led me away to other legal music downloading services like eMusic and Amazon.

Pet Portrait Challenge: Link Hat

My dog Elvis hates having his picture taken so I don't have any artistic pictures of him. Here's a funny one though. I had just finished making a full scale wearable Link (from Zelda) hat for a present for a cousin. I think Elvis looks good in it.

News: PVC Shallow Well Pump

PVC can literally be a life saver in the developing world, as well as in the wake of a disaster. This little article is a picture of innovation after a disaster in the developing world, and it is a perfect example of the simple ways we can do good for each other.

News: Friday Indie Game Review Roundup: Arcade Games Are Dead

If you're between the ages of 20 and 40, then video arcades probably hold a special place in your heart. Whether you all but lived in one (me), wished you could, or detested those with a liking for them, there's no denying that arcades were a ubiquitous part of American culture. They were everywhere, from big chains to little mom-and-pops, housing better systems than gamers had at home and with all the best games and newest titles.