Hold Talks Search Results

How To: Use "tummeling" in conversational mechanics

Heather Gold teaches us how to use "tummeling" in conversation mechanics in this tutorial. When you are having a conversation with someone, you need to know that it is not all about you. You will need to appeal to other people's interests and shift from everything being about you to the other party involved in the conversation. When you are performing or speaking in a large group, you will want to talk like a realistic person and make sure you are not saying something that isn't interesting o...

How To: Make a cartoon character in Flash

This video will show viewers how to use Adobe Flash and how to make a cartoon character talk in this program. This tutorial covers aspects such as recording the voice of your characters, drawing their mouths to speak, and how to sync the recorded speech to the animation. Furthermore, this video will also show how to create subtle facial expressions that display emotion in the character. In order to record the sound, the host recommends a program called Audacity which has a free downloadable v...

How To: Describe and express personality in Spanish

In this video, we learn how to speak Spanish by describing personality. There are many words to express personality and how you are. Some of these words include "generoso" (generous), "simpatico" (nice), and "ordenado" (organized). The most common ending to words is "o", which can be used to describe yourself. Only a few words will end in "r", "e", or "a". The end of the word is important because it tells us the gender of the word. This means the adjectives will change depending on who they a...

How To: Make perfect hard boiled and soft boiled eggs

Talk about stepping on eggshells. The process of boiling an egg and achieving your desired consistency is a very delicate process, though super easy with a little practice. When it comes to boiling, or simmering, an egg, the time you keep the egg in the water is key to how it will turn out.

How To: Make peanut and dark chocolate hedgehog slices

Don't worry, no hedgehogs were harmed in the making of this video (at least none that we know of). And you won't have to sacrifice any hedgehogs either in order to make this mouthwatering orgasm on your tongue. Hedgehog slices are like brownies at the Olympic level. Chocolate chips and chocolate dough? Pssh, we're talking sumptuous dark chocolate, peanuts, saltanas, cookies, and more butter than even Paula Deen would use.

How To: Write and post a winning resume & cover letter

In this video, we learn how to write a winning resume and cover letter. First, you want to remember that your resume online needs to be keyword rich, so you will have greater chances of getting an interview. To find keywords for your resume, look up different job descriptions to change your resume to fit that specific job. List your specific qualities that make you the best candidate for that job. For your cover letter, make sure you always send it along with your resume. You want to capture ...

How To: Use noodle-based compositing in Blender

Conceptually, what is node-based compositing and what do nodes do? This clip uses the factory analogy to convey the concept. Blender can process video, images, sequences, and families of images in a directory. Then you'll fire up Blender and talk about threading nodes and how images are duplicated and routed through the compositing network ("noodle"), how threads are created between sockets. Creating threads, cut threads. The clip also points out common threading errors and misrouting threads...

How To: Make beef and rice stuffed bell peppers

Stuffed bell peppers can be prepared in an infinite number of delicious ways. Whole peppers, half peppers, red or green peppers, meat or vegetables or both? The debate will rage as long as chefs like to talk, and that's not going to change any time soon. This particular recipe calls for beef sausage and rice as the principal elements of the stuffing, and halved green peppers for the shell. As always, the dish is easy to prepare, takes quite some time to cook, but yields a delicious, hearty re...

How To: Use any Bluetooth headset with your PS3

For all your Sony Playstation 3 owners out there, if you're looking for a way to trash talk your oppenents to death, this tutorial is for you. In this video, from the people at cnet, you'll find out how to use any bluetooth device as a headset on your PS3. This can not only be a great way to save money, but is easy to do. In no time you'll be calling some poor little 12-year old a noob. So sit back, take notes, and enjoy!

How To: Control snails & aphids

In this video, Extension Horticulturalist Curtis Smith talks with Master Gardener Marsha groves about controlling harmful pests that are damaging to plants throughout the year in both outdoor garden and greenhouse environments. The first part of the video covers the issue of plant eating snails, and how they might best be dealt with. Smith explains that there are a number of non-toxic methods which one can use to rid a plant of snails. The process of introducing predatory creatures such as tu...

How To: Calculate weight average atomic mass of an element

In Chemistry weight of some elements are measure in the form of Average Atomic Mass. Isotopes are found in different abundances in nature. Certain elements have many isotopes and certain elements have few isotopes. Regardless of the number of the natural isotopes, the weighted average mass takes into consideration not only the mass of each isotope, but what also its natural abundance in terms of percent as found in the nature. So when you have the mass of two isotopes of an element and are gi...

How To: Care for and transplant small house plants

This is a great way to learn how to upgrade your small house plants into bigger ones. Start over plants once a year. Put rocks on the bottom for drainage. Bugs help your plants to grow. Do not use Pesticides on your house plants. Water weekly. Compost bins make great soil. Sweet potatoes that have roots growing off of them put in a glass of water and wait for them to grow roots. Give you plants at least six hours of sunlight daily. They also like when you talk to them and touch them you can c...

How To: Find averages & standard deviation in Microsoft Excel

New to Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly advanced as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 243rd installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to find typical values, or averages – a single value that allows you to talk about all the data points in a given spreadsheet. Specifically, you'll learn how to find the mean, median, mode and standard deviation for a set of numbers.

How To: Make a thorough Facebook fan page

This instructional video Nehal Kazim from Site shows you how to make a complete Facebook fan page. Before creating a fan page evaluate the reasons of making a fan page. A fan page lets you connect with your future clients and fans and keeps them updated and gives them a platform to talk about your organization. To create a fan page go to the bottom of any page and click 'Advertising', select pages and click create a page. Select a suitable category and a suitable name make sure to select it c...