Homemakers Succeeding Search Results

News: PopCap Bought by EA, Earns $750 Million Bonus Points

Electronic Arts is the biggest game publisher in the world, and have been for years. And yet, their only successful internally developed games nowadays are the EA Sports mega-franchises like Madden. Most of their success has stemmed from their ability to buy other companies on their way up, squeeze the creativity out of them, and then sell them to someone else or just let them go. This week they made their largest acquisition ever when they purchased PopCap Games for $750 million upfront—as m...

“Wow, You Look Great!”: Giving Compliments Without Being a Jerk

As someone who’s entering a time of life that involves weddings, reunions, and generally running into people I haven’t seen in awhile, I find myself being shocked by how much people have changed over the years. A lot of times, people will have dropped a bunch of weight, or have turned into a kind and articulate human being, or have obviously stopped doing so many drugs. It’s important, when complimenting people on positive life changes, to let them know how well you think they’re doing withou...

How To: Be a Navy SEAL

There's no doubt about it—the most elite military force in the United States is hands down, the Navy SEALs. They can operate at sea, in the air and on land, and their ability to conduct missions underwater separates them from most other military units in the world. They've fought in World War II, Vietnam, Granada, Afghanistan and Iraq, but have gained some serious hype in recent years thanks to SEAL Team Six, aka DEVGRU, aka NSWDG, who saved Captain Richard Phillips from Somali Pirates in 200...

Surviving the Stress: 5 Tips for Avoiding the Morgue

So, at this time of the year, everyone seems to be going through a lot of stress - and by “everyone,” I mean, “anyone who has any contact with people who are in schools of any kind.” Still, stress can hit you at any time of the year, whether it’s right before Christmas, or when you’ve let all those little chores pile up, or when omigod all those bills are due tomorrow. When you feel like you’re being pulled in a million directions, it’s easy to want to murder everyone or plan an elaborate esc...

“Man, there’s nothing to DO!”: 5 Underrated Inexpensive Summer Activities

The joys of summer are many! If you, like me, live in a place where the summer is short, you’re going to want to maximize your fun in the sun by doing as many awesome things as possible before the sun goes back to wherever the hell it hibernates during the cold and dark times. The most important ingredients for fun in the sun are friends and…well…the sun, so you can do almost anything with a group of exciting creative people, but here are my favorite el cheapo activities for summer.

Dressing Without Undressing: Tips & Tricks for a Family-friendly Summer Wardrobe

People get excited when summer comes around: it gets warmer, there’s sunshine, and the seasonal affected disorder that persists through those long, dark, grey winters starts to lift. This is pretty exciting, especially in my part of the world, where winter is VERY long and cold. Since we have such a long winter, people don’t have very large summer wardrobes, or much practice dressing for the heat. It’s important, even when it’s really hot outside, to look like a person in clothes, and not a p...

News: Introduction to Terrans in Starcraft 2

Interested in playing as the Terran race or curious about the new updates? Here are two excellent guides that methodically take you through the new changes and abilities of the Terran buildings and demonstrate how the Terran units work. It's a bit old, but most of the information on that particular build of the game is still true.

Starcraft 2: Ghost of the Past trailer

Besides the great game play that made Starcraft great, there is also an equally excellent storyline that goes with it. This why Starcraft stands out so much from other strategy games. Anyone that played the original Starcraft probably still remembers the betrayal and Kerrigan's sad fate.

How To: Your New Year's Eve Survival Guide

Going out on New Year's Eve is not for the faint of heart, especially if you live in a big city. Follow the New Year's Eve survival guide below to make sure you are prepared for worst-case scenarios that can range from losing your phone to figuring out how to quickly remove a vomit stain from your friend's new carpet.

How To: Run a Successful Student Council Campaign

Running a successful student council campaign requires hard work and preparation. Whether you’re part of a candidate’s support group or a candidate yourself, you need to focus and give it all you’ve got. As Vince Lombardi said, “Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work.”

How To: Recreate the One-Color Smokey Eye

The smokey eye has become one of the most popular makeup looks in recent decades. Worn by celebrities and the casual consumer alike, it is not only popular but is also one of the hardest looks to recreate. A few months ago, I was aske to create a simple, easy to follow tutorial for creating the smoky eye effect for Sorme Cosmetics. Taking the classic smokey eye, which consists of three shades of shadow, pencil and liquid liners, and mascara, and developing a quicker method for achieving the s...

News: sumo wrestler showdown

first you get a massive sumo wrestler, then you dress all the guys like sumo wrestlers. once you do that everyone takes turns trying to knock him out of the circle. whoever doesnt succeed (which im sure no one will) gets slapped in the chest by the sumo wrestler

News: Kaplan University's Visionary Voices–A Collection of Ideas on Continuing Educa

Kaplan University presents Visionary Voices, a series of interviews that chronicle our goals in regards to adult education and continuing education throughout your life. Kaplan University offers online degree programs designed to expand the way you think and help you develop both personally and professionally. Students turn to us to develop their critical thinking skills, to challenge and prepare them for successful careers.*

News: The Discovery of Dolphin Language

In my early life I was deeply impacted by the work of physician and psychoanalyst John C. Lilly. I still have my dog-eared copies of The Mind of the Dolphin (1967) and Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer (1968). Lilly's work, with dolphins and the development of the sensory deprivation tank, has formed the basis of movies, music and television productions.

News: Resurrecting the Video Game Magazine: PC Gamer Digital

PC Gamer represents all that was awesome about games journalism in the '90s, now sadly diminished. Brilliant, funny, full of integrity, and solid print sales were always present, and with the tragic exception of the latter, still are. Video game magazines were hit harder than nearly any other magazine vertical when the internet began its uncoordinated, but inevitable assault on print media. Magazines are now struggling to find their place in a world filled with more competitors than paying cu...

News: Super Mario Gets a Portal Gun in Stabyourself's Upcoming Mari0 Game

Many of the indie games featured at PAX Prime have been in development for years. That's how long it takes to make a great game. But the two-man development studio in eastern Europe called Stabyourself has existed for less than a year and has already created two games—three more are on the way. They may be spitting out games left and right, but they've got a few to be excited about.

News: Until Project Rainfall Succeeds, We Must Hack the Wii for Xenoblade Chronicles in North America

For as much money as they've made from North American video game audiences over the years, Japanese game developers don't seem to have very much faith in them. Dozens of great titles from their 40 years in the industry have appeared in Japan and across Europe, oftentimes even in English. But they never make it over to America, like Mother 3, Last Window: Midnight Promise, Dragon Force 2, and Tobal No. 2 (that one didn't even hit Europe).

How To: Social Engineer Your Way Into an Amusement Park for Free

When it comes to social engineering, Null Byte is here to show you how it's done. Social engineering is the key fundamental to unlocking tons of possibilities and opportunities in your everyday life. So, what is social engineering? Social engineering can be called many things. It's taking nothing and turning it into something. It's taking the bad and making it good. Above everything else, it's the art of manipulating the world and people around you—coercing that salesman into giving you a low...