Honorable Search Results

How To: Make an origami water bomb to soak your friends

In this tutorial, we learn how to use the ancient and honorable craft of origami paper-folding to make a water bomb we can then employ to soak our poor, unsuspecting friends and families. The materials are very simple, just some printer paper and water. But the results can be devastating. (Of course, you could also just make a paper balloon without filling it with water and throwing it at somebody. But where's the fun in that?)

How To: Make an origami Shogun Japanese warrior for beginners

The Japanese Shoguns built their entire warrior culture around masochism. Did you lose in battle? Congratulations, you must cut off your own head! Did you dishonor your general? Punishment consists of swirling your guts around with your own sword (yes, you're doing this yourself) and then chopping off your head. As you can see, failure - and disobedience - was not an option, and to commit it shamed you so much it would be more honorable to be dead than alive.

News: Shocking Videos Reveal Truth Behind Syrian “Freedom Fighters

No one can deny that Bashar Al-Assad’s regime has been responsible for violence. But in failing to equally acknowledge the fact that NATO-backed rebels have also carried out innumerable atrocities is not only dishonest, it represents a deliberate effort by the press to manipulate the narrative of unfolding events in Syria as a one-sided war crime rather than the truth – which is the fact that Syria is in a state of civil war.

News: PvP + Traps = Awesomeness! in This Week's Redstone Competition

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our tutorials, post to the Inspiration board, and come play on our free server! HELLO, FELLOW MINECRAFTERS. Pmaguire here, bringing you my favorite idea for a competition so far! I hope that you will come to love it as much as I do! Well, starting off, as the title states, this week's Redstone Competition will be PvP Arenas! Except, not just ones where you physically fight. You have to have traps, things that make it hard to fight, and various ideas using...

News: The Best Augmented Reality of 2017

The augmented reality industry made great strides in 2017, but its apex is not even in sight. In terms of software, augmented reality is approaching meaningful mainstream awareness, thanks mostly to Apple and ARKit. Meanwhile, on the hardware side, AR is very much in its infancy, with headsets mostly limited to enterprise customers or developer kits and the majority of smartphones lacking the sensors necessary to achieve much more than parlor tricks.

How To: The 5 Best Apps for Streaming Movies on Your Phone

There are more than a few subscription-based movie streaming apps available for Android and iPhone, each with different benefits and varying pricing plans. Needless to say, it can get expensive fast if you sign up for multiple services because you can't decide on what's best. Hopefully, we can help you out with choosing the right video-on-demand app to spend your hard-earned dollars on.

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