Hot Yoga Search Results

How To: Do a yoga half boat and boat pose

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga half boat and boat pose. Make sure you are warmed up before going into this. First, lie down on your stomach and bring your right arm out and lift your left leg up with your left arm. Try to lift your thigh and leg up while lifting the right arm up as well. Deep breathe while doing this, then hold the position for several seconds. Now, do this on the other side of your body for the same amount of time. For a harder exercise, grab both legs...

How To: Do a yoga grasshopper and peacock pose

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga grasshopper and peacock pose. First, get into a grasshopper pose with your elbows close together. Place your chin on the floor and pick your knees up into the air. Remember to focus on breathing while you are doing this, because it will be challenging. This is a really deep shoulder opener, so it will be difficult if you have no tried it before. Make sure you stretch out well before you do this, or you run the risk of pulling a muscle. You...

How To: Stretch hamstrings, quads and feet with a yoga pose

In order to stretch your quads and feet through yoga poses, begin by sitting on the floor with your right leg in front of you. Your left leg should be folded back behind you. Your foot should be just outside your hip. Your foot should be pointed behind you. You can use props to help you. Pillows or folded blankets can help. Lean forward over your forward leg. If you have difficulty reaching your foot, you can use a stretch to help you. Remember to exhale, as you lean into a stretch and inhale...

How To: Practice standing yoga poses

This fitness how to video discusses a few standing poses that might work for tight hamstrings and hips. Ask any non-yogi office worker to sit down on the floor and cross his legs, and 9 out of 10 times, his knees will be way off the floor and his back will be hunched up like Quasimodo. If your hips are really tight, your average yoga class will only help you make small gains. In order to double or even triple your progress, keep going to class, but take ten minutes each day and practice the p...

How To: Stretch out your stress before bed

A quick and effective sequence, to get your body de-stressed before bed and help relieve restless legs syndrome, with Sadie Nardini, founder of Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga. No more restless nights, no more medication this video shows how stretch and fall asleep comfortably.

How To: Do bakasana or crane pose for yoga

The Crane pose is one of the easiest arm balance postures to perform. Place the hands on the mat in front of you. Bend the elbows out a little and place the inside of the knees or upper thighs on top of the triceps (the outer upper arms). Watch this how to video tutorial to see the bakasana or carne pose in action.

How To: Practice the yoga crow and crane poses

By themselves, crow (kakasana) and crane (bakasana) aren't all that exciting. They're good for wrist strengthening and concentration, but the best thing about these poses is that they teach you where your center of mass is. That's what this video is all about!

How To: Give a Thai body massage

There are 2 videos showing the different styles in Thai body massage: the northern style puts more emphasis on the stretching, while the southern style is putting more emphasis on pressure point work. No oil or other lubricant is used in this massage technique. This body massage is believed to orginate from India and is sometimes called Thai yoga as the stretches are closely related to Yoga.

How To: Do Yin yoga and Zen yoga poses

Learn all about Yin Yoga and Zen Yoga in this free video series with expert Scott Soller. You will learn the philosophy behind Yin and Yang and meridians in the body and poses like the subtle pose, seal pose, and the butterfly and half butterfly poses.

How To: Make a homemade hot air balloon

Think a hot air balloon is something you can only read about in books? Think again. In this six-part science based tutorial, learn how to make your very own hot air balloon using science & the following easy to find materials: plastic bags, plastic drinking straws, thin candles, aluminun foil, tape, and scissors.

How To: Practice "Pranayama" yoga breathing exercises

Controlling your breathing in yoga is one of the ways to bring in more energy, life force, or in yoga it is called "Prana". In this fitness how to video, Pius Ruby and Deborah York will guide you through one yoga breathing method. Yoga help us both obtain physical balance and helps us in keeping balance in our lives. Watch this tutorial and you will learn how to gain strength and flexibility through yoga.

How To: Transition from cactus arms to cigarette girl in yoga

The yoga cactus arm movement helps establish stability underneath the shoulders and upper arm area for inversions and back bends. This yoga how-to video demonstrates how to use the cactus arm movement to transition into cigarette girl action. Cigarette girl action is a name that Kira Ryder, our yoga host, has assigned to a movement she uses in her yoga classes. Watch and learn how to transition from cactus arms into cigarette girl movements in yoga.

How To: Do Sivananda yoga

This video series will teach you step-by-step a Surya Namaskar Sun Salutation and over a dozen other Sivananda poses to begin or continue your yoga practice. Expert Cynthia Mastry will show you many poses, including uttanasana, sirsasana, dolphin, cobra, sarvangasana, halasana, and more.

How To: Do a backbend for yoga

In this online Yoga video series, learn advanced Yoga poses from certified yoga instructor Leta Koontz. Leta will demonstrate and teach advanced yoga backbending poses and positions to prepare you for the foot to head pose.