Hot Yoga Search Results

How To: Do yoga exercises to flatten the stomach

Cindy Mastry, Yoga instructor from YogaEtcStudio shows us how to do the yoga exercises to flatten the stomach. She considers the best exercise to flatten the stomach is the cleansing practice called as Agnisaar kriya which actually means Fire wash where you are washing the fire in the stomach. it not only flattens your abdomen but also improves the digestive and eliminatory system. For this you need to do is to inhale and reach your arms up to the sky and then you need to exhale and bend your...

How To: Make a delicious hot chocolate mix

This hot chocolate mix recipe from chef Jason Hill is a decadent Valentine's Day treat or winter drink. Hot cocoa is a hit for adults and children alike. The ingredients are milk, chocolate chips, vanilla extract, whipped cream, and chocolate shavings. Learn how to prepare this sweet cocoa drink by watching this video beverage-making tutorial.

How To: Use cactus arm yoga movement for forearm balance

In this yoga How-to video Kira Ryder looks at how cactus arms can help create the support necessary for forearm balance, or tail of a peacock feather. Watch and learn how the cactus arm movement can help you not only in doing the tail of a peacock pose but also in other yoga poses that require intense forearm balance.

How To: Control yoga breath with a breathing theme

Watch this how to video to use a breathing theme with your stretches. Improve your flexibility and stronger mind body connection with yoga. This yoga breathing theme makes your stretches wonderfully fluid and helps you pace your breathing. It's a good strategy when flexibility is the goal.

How To: Move & dance Bollywood style

Curious how to get your hips moving and shaking like a Bollywood dancer? Ashley Lowe from WatchMojo talks to Hemalayaa Behl, a dance choreographer and yoga instructor, about the origins of Bollywood, the Indian cinema, and the most important things to remember when showing off your Bollywood moves on the dance floor like pointing your fingers, the "shrug", the silly face, and most importantly, to have fun!

How To: Flush the RV hot water tank

Jim Twamley, Professor of RVing, shows you how to do essential RV maintenance by cleaning out the hot water tank. It is recommended that the hot water tank is cleaned at least once a year, or more if it is more heavily used. This procedure will remove dirt and scale that can shorten the life of your tank. Follow the simple instructions outlined in this instructional RV maintenance video to learn how to flush the RV hot water tank.

How To: Meditate with Tara Stiles

In this video Tara Stiles gives an introduction to basic meditation. Meditation can be done while doing the physical yoga poses, or really any time when you have a few moments. Even while you are in line at the grocery store you can practice simple meditation by bringing your attention to your breath. Observe your thoughts and focus on breathing in and out. The intent is to bring yourself back to yourself. Tara leads a guided meditation which begins by encouraging the listener to find a comfo...

How To: Perform hip opening tiger stretches

In this video from Shiva Rea we learn how to perform hip opening tiger stretches in yoga. Shiva oozes with sensuality and loves what she does. Coming forward into a lunge, take right arm in front of right shin, turn head to right side, and come back into the runner's stretch. Next time you come forward you can tuck the left toes under and turn to the left, a give a HA HA cough. And last, come forward, you can come to the edge of the right foot, turn head to the right, and get even lower, and ...

How To: Awaken your kundalini

Awakening the female energy that resides in the base of your spine is not a process that can be done in an afternoon but is something you work towards though lots of work in kundalini yoga and work toward an enlightened state of being.

How To: Do a yoga triangle pose with tips on proper form

Dina Prioste shows us how to do a triangle pose in this tutorial. Start in a wide stance, turn your back foot in and take your arms out wide with both legs straight. As you exhale reach towards the end of the mat on the right side and reach your arm down as far as you can. Now, take your left arm straight up and look up or look to the side. Remember it's not how far you are reaching, it's how open your chest is. Remember to deep breathe for several seconds while doing this, then do it on both...

How To: Do a yoga resting crocodile pose

In order to do the resting crocodile pose, you will need to lie on your stomach. Separate your legs. Space your legs greater than hip distance apart. Your toes should be pointed. Cross your arms. Your arms and chest should form a triangle with the floor as the base. Rest your head on your hands and breathe deeply. As you inhale this will work your lower abdominal muscles, while it sends more oxygen to the cells of your body. This pose is a recommended pose for anyone who is rehabbing muscle o...

How To: Do a Yoga Twist to Release the Lower Back

Doing a low back relief exercise can make your body feel more relaxed, and stretch out your muscles. First, lay down on your back with your arms at a T, and cross your right leg over your left. Deep inhale and when you exhale, let your knees drop to your right. As you are doing this, turn your left pinky finger to the wall behind you. When you inhale, go back to your regular position. The left shoulder should stay down and the outer edge of the left foot should go up to the ceiling. Keep repe...

How To: Do chakra purification with mantra

In this tutorial, Dina Prioste shows us how to purify chakras with yoga. First, go into a gentle back bend while chanting a mantra. Then, lie on your back with your feet flat on the ground. Next, lift up your hips and place your fingers under your thighs and look up at the ceiling. When you do the chant, feel the vibrations through your body and remember to deep breathe while focusing intently. When finished chanting, lower your back down to the floor and relax the body. This will open up you...

How To: Do a yoga bharadvajasana twist pose

In this video tutorial, we learn how to do a classic feel good twist with Dina Priost. Begin seated with your knee bent and your feet over to the left side. Your right hand should be just behind you on the floor. Next, turn your torso to the right side and then turn your neck to over the left shoulder. Stay in this pose for around eight deep breathes. This is a great exercise for people with stiff backs or arthritis. You can change this and do it the opposite way if you are interested in stre...

How To: Perform a 5 minute daily morning yoga routine

If you only have 5 minutes to practice in the mornings, string together the four warrior poses. Begin in the Downward Facing Dog position. Push into Plank pose. Transition into Cobra pose. Then, push back into Downward Facing Dog. Lift right leg up, swing it through into a lunge. Transition into Warrior I pose. Open from Warrior I to Warrior II. Then, transition into Reverse Warrior pose. Then, Open up into side angle pose.

How To: Do a seated yoga shoulder and chest opening sequence

Stretching on rainy days on rainy days is a means of transforming your mood, in to a more positive one. To begin, sit on the floor. With your right leg extended and your left leg bent, with your legs creating the shape of a number 4, hold your right toe with your right hand. If you are unable to reach your right toe, you can use a strap to help you. Open you chest, by extending your left arm, looking left with your head, making a T with your upper body. You can modify the stretch, while you a...

How To: Clear your mind using a yoga mantra meditation

Dina Prioste wants you to clear your mind by using simple mantra meditation, and show us how to in this video tutorial. This is a great exercise to use if you have creative block and need help relaxing and clearing your mind. First, begin sitting comfortably on a pillow or folded blankets. Bring your left hand inside your right hand with your palms facing up and your thumbs gently touching. Now close your eyes and sit up tall while breathing through the nose. Begin to observe the sound of you...

How To: Do variations of the squat and crow yoga poses

In this tutorial, Dina Priost shows us how to do variations of the squat. Begin in a standard squatting position, and deep breathe 3 times. Now, place your hands on the ground and crouch down, placing one leg off the floor one after the other. The knees should be placing the arms around where your elbows are. The next move will start with a squat, and place the right arm on the ground with the left raised in the air. Do this with both arms while deep breathing. Place arms on the floor again w...

How To: Do a yoga durnit squat pose

In this video tutorial, we learn how to do a durnit squat with Dina Priost. This is a great hip opening pose, but it does put a strain on the hips, so avoid if you have hip problems. First, bring your feet a little wider than your hips and squat into the pose. You can also sit on a couple of blocks to make this pose easier. At first, place your toes facing out, which will make it easier to get into the pose at first if you haven't done it before. Let your elbows guide your movements and deep ...

How To: Prepare hot peppers

Learn how to prepare hot peppers. Hot chili peppers like jalapeños and chiltepin can add depth to a recipe, but they can also set your mouth on fire. Reduce their heat by removing the seeds and veins. To prepare hot peppers, you'll need a sharp knife and your choice of red hot chili peppers.

How To: Meditate to relax with Tara Stiles

Here are some meditation tips from Tara Stiles. Tara Stiles is a revered Ford Models yoga instructor. Meditation is a mental discipline by which one attempts to get beyond the conditioned, "thinking" mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. Meditation often involves turning attention to a single point of reference. It is recognized as a component of almost all religions, and has been practiced for over 5,000 years.