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News: As FTC Cracks Down, Instagram Will Start Letting You Know Who's Getting Paid to Post

Get ready IG influencers, the Instagram promotional world as you know it is about to change. Instagram is one of the top places for influencers to make money with product promotion. So, of course, it is to be expected that these IG dominators would run into their fair share of disasters. Especially since over 90% of celebrities and influencers on Instagram don't follow FTC guidelines.

NR50: The People to Watch in Mobile Augmented Reality

While the world is only recently becoming aware of its existence, augmented reality has been around in some form or another since the '90s. In the last decade, with the advancement and miniaturization of computer technology — specifically smartphones and tablets — AR has become far more viable as a usable tool and even more so as a form of entertainment. And these are the people behind mobile AR to keep an eye on.

News: Waveguide Developer Wins Big in New Round of Funding for Augmented Reality Displays

DigiLens, a company specializing in optical waveguide technology, recently announced that they had closed a $22 million round of strategic investment, also known as Series B funding. This round brought in Sony, Foxconn, Continental, and Panasonic, as well as more traditional venture investors such as Alsop Louie Partners, Bold Capital, Nautilus Venture Partners, and Dolby Family Ventures.

News: HoloLens Can Give Tank Crews 360-Degree X-Ray Vision on Missions

As a commercial and potentially consumer product, one might assume it very unlikely to see the Microsoft HoloLens in the military marketplace. And that assumption would be completely wrong. One company from the Ukraine is currently working on using the mixed reality head-mounted computer for 360-degree vision inside armored tanks. If a tank crew could see the entire battlefield there are in, they would likely have a better chance of accomplishing their mission and avoiding damage. Tanks are l...

How To: Make a Simple Superfood Shake

Hey there I'm Lyfe Riley and I am here to show you how to make a really simple super food shake thats not only good for you, but can taste great!. Drinking this everyday will give you more energy, increase your metabolism, remove toxins from the body, and boost your immune system. Chances are you have most of these products in your kitchen now! Check it out! Let me know what you think. If your would like to see more videos on nutrition hit the subscribe button!! I really Hope this Helps.

How To: 9 Handy Uses for Cream of Tartar

Though cream of tartar, also known as potassium hydrogen tartrate, is commonly used in the kitchen to stabilize egg whites when making meringues or meringue toppings, it can also be used as a DIY cleaning product and to repel ants from your home, among other things. Read below for more practical uses for cream of tartar.