Hue Scheme Search Results

How To: Create an Excel table in Excel 2007

First, open the Excel worksheet you have previously created that you would like to create a table for. Click on any of the cell that contains data for your table. On the menu found on the upper portion of the application, go to the Insert Tab. Find and click Table. Your entire worksheet will now be selected. When a prompt window appears, click OK. Your table should now be created automatically.

How To: Place a photo inside itself in Photoshop

This video shows you how to form an eye-catching border around any photograph by placing a photo within (or on top of) itself using Photoshop. The process includes duplicating the image, adding a layer mask, adding an inside layer stroke and drop shadow, changing hue or saturation, and using a blur effect. If your vacation photos or family pictures are putting your visitors to sleep, try this easy and fascinating technique that will be sure to draw attention.

How To: Create an ocean sunset look with Make-up Designory's Sun-Kissed Glamour Kit

Looking for something that's cool, yet hot? The rising sun meeting the ocean waves is the perfect inspiration for your makeup look, and in this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a ocean sunset look using Make-up Designory's Sun-Kissed Glamour Kit, full of vibrant hues and soft neutrals. You don't need to use this exact makeup kit— just match the colors as best you can to recreate this look.

How To: Use HSV color correction in Blender

This tutorial shows how to adjust the Hue, Saturation and Value of an image to improve a photo and make it look like it was shot at a different time of the day. Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular 3D modeling program or a seasoned graphic artist just interested in better acquainting yourself with the application, you're sure to be well served by this free video tutorial. For more information, including detailed instructions, take a look!

How To: Change eye color using Photoshop

This seven minute and three second how-to YouTube video, uploaded by user ranash19195, instructs it's audience to 'Change eye color in Photoshop'. There are two methods that are taught: using a hue/saturation mask or a color change mask. The instructor uses clear and concise language to teach both methods. He takes you on a step by step visual and auditory journey and makes learning to change eye colors (retouching photos) both exciting and extremely easy to accomplish.

How To: Unlock your iPhone or iPod Touch to bypass the passcode

Back in the olden days, if a lock was, well, locked, you couldn't get in the door. At least, the average individual couldn't get in the door. But inventive and scheming folk (read: ye hackers of olde) devised crafty ways to pick lock keys and sometimes even created skeleton keys that opened any door or chest. This will let you unlock someones password on an ipod or iphone touch.

How To: Create your own ring light for lighting and more

Ring Lights can create a specific lighting that brings out warmer hues from your actors/models, as well as giving you a cool effect for the eyes. If you're not looking to spend a fortune on buying an already made one, you can make one with items from around the house on the cheap, if you have to buy everything you need, you're looking to spend around $100 which is much cheaper than buying one brand new! Check out this video for a full tutorial on how to build your very own Ring Light!

How To: Use the Entgegen-Zusammen naming scheme for alkenes in organic chemistry

What's in a name? Well, your chemistry grade, for one. In this free video science lesson from Internet pedagogical superstar Salman Khan, you'll learn how to .... Whether you need help studying for that next big test or could just use a hand finishing your homework, you're sure to be well served by this video lesson. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Make lightning in Photoshop

This is a tutorial showing how to make a lightening effect on Photoshop. First click on the gradient tools and then click on the colors. Check to see if there is black on one side and white on the other, if there is then click the ok button. Then hold the shift key while dragging the mouse across the screen. This will make a black to white gradient effect on the screen. After that, click on the filter button at the top of the screen, then click render, and then difference clouds. After the cl...

How To: Use color coding in Axosoft OnTime 2008

One great feature of OnTime 8.1 is the ability to add color schemes to the main grids of OnTime Windows and OnTime Web. This installment from Axosoft's own series of video tutorials on the OnTime Project Management Suite covers how to activate this functionality to allow color changes for items based on their Priority, Status, Severity, and Workflow.

How To: Customize your calendar in Outlook 2007

Did you know the views in your Microsoft Office Outlook calendar are fully customizable? View days and weeks in increments of 5 minutes, 60 minutes, or periods in between. Take a look into instructional video and learn how to adjust the view according to your work week and work day -- you can display Sunday-Thursday and show a normal day as 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Use different color schemes, and show more or less detail.

How To: Use 3 point lighting

This lighting tutorial video explains the basics of lighting a scene using the 3 point lighting scheme with a Lowell light kit and various essential equipment. Using the back light, the fill and key light, three point lighting will produce a properly lit subject. This video is great for lighting designers and cinematographers alike.

How To: Paint an African inspired home decoration wall hanging

This video crafting tutorial gives step by step directions for making an African inspired wall hanging. You will need a canvas, a brush, paints, MDF figurines, and copper paint. This home design project can be customized to suit the color scheme of your interior, and will add a little international flavor to your decor. Watch this instructional video and learn how to paint an African inspired wall hanging.

How To: Change the color of anything with Photoshop

This video demonstrates how to change color using Photoshop. The video walks you through making layers, changing the hue of the photo, and ultimately changing the color of the object you want. While the video is silent and lacks text, if you zoom in you can generally follow along.

How To: Change the color of your lips in Photoshop

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to change the color of lips in Adobe Photoshop. Begin by importing the image into the program. Select the quick mask tool and then select the brush tool. Now color the part that you want to retouch. This will allow the mask to create a selection. No click on the masking tool to create a selection. Then select the marquee tool. Right-click the selection and click on Select Inverse. Right-click the selection again and select Feather. Make it 1 pixel and...

How To: Create futuristic wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS3

This how to video shows you how to create wallpaper for your computer desktop. Open Photoshop and create a new file. Change the dimensions to the size of your desktop. Click okay and go to edit and fill. Choose color and select black. Click okay to fill the screen with black. Duplicate the layer. Once this is done, go to filter, render, and lens flare. Make sure the lens flare is in the center. Edit the settings to your liking. Click okay to add the effect on to the image. Go to filter, disto...

How To: Make a reflection in water using Photoshop

In this how to video, you will learn how to make a reflection in water using Photoshop. First, open the image in Photoshop. Select the crop tool and select the whole photo. Click and drag the lower part down. Select the rectangular marquee tool and select the picture. Click on the selection and select layer via copy. Click the move tool and drag the upper point in the picture to the bottom of the document. Go to filter, blur, and select motion blur. Choose a -90 degree angle with a 35 pixel d...

How To: Modify eye color with Adobe Photoshop CS4

In this how-to video, you will learn how to change eye colors using Adobe Photoshop. First, open the image, Duplicate the background image. Zoom in to one of the eyes and select the pen tool. Set it to paths. Now, go around the iris of the eye. This does not have to be perfect. Click and drag to the other eye and select the other iris as well. Once these are both selected, right click into one of the selections and set the feather radius to about three pixels. Go to Image and Adjustments and ...

How To: Retouch an image in Photoshop CS4

This video is describing how to retouch a photograph by using Photoshop CS4. The first step is to get a photo that you would like to edit, preferably of a person's face. Then make a new layer that duplicates the background, go to Gaussian blur, then go to hard light for your layer blending. Then draw lipstick on the model by using the polygon lasso tool and the hue/saturation tool. Then chase the hue and saturation to the correct color, then erase the edges that you accidently missed with you...

How To: Change hair color in GIMP

Open up the GIMP on your computer, and then proceed to open up the photo you wish to modify. Now, select the scissors tool from your Tool palette or by clicking "Tools" on the menu bar, then click "Selection Tools," and also click "Intelligent Scissors." Use this tool to outline the person's hair in the photo by clicking along the hairline at about 1/4-inch intervals until you return to the first place you clicked.

How To: Use Keyframes to Animate Effects & Create Custom Transitions in Enlight Videoleap for iPhone

One of the most powerful features when editing videos with Enlight Videoleap is the keyframe tool, which allows you to add custom transitions, animate text, granularly adjust audio, move video clips across the frame, supplement effects, and more. If you want your video to change color over time or for captions to move across the screen, use keyframes in combination with Videoleap's other tools.

Hack Like a Pro: How to Change the Signature of Metasploit Payloads to Evade Antivirus Detection

Welcome back, my budding hackers! I've written several listener guides on creating a malicious PDF or malicious Word document that would carry in it a payload with the Meterpreter, or reverse shell enabling you to own the system. One of the hurdles to using these techniques is the antivirus (AV) software on the target system. For instance, if you try to email a malicious PDF or Word doc, it's likely that the victim system will alert the victim that it contains a virus or other malware.

How To: Turn yellow teeth into perfect pearly whites using a layer mask in Photoshop

It's not brain surgery, but teeth whitening systems still hits the pocket books hard. However, there is a cheaper alternative to have the whitest teeth in the neighborhood, and it's called Photoshop. With Adobe Photoshop, you can have whiter teeth in seconds! Really. It's definitely the best tooth whitening remedy for those behind the camera lens. But remember… Photoshop is only a digital cure. You still might have to hide that smile in public… or consult a dentist.