Human Colour Search Results

News: The Chemistry of a Perfect Bloody Mary

A perfect Bloody Mary on a Sunday morning could be the best thing that ever happened to the human race. It's tangy, it's sweet, it's spicy...and there's alcohol. Need I say more? Flavor chemist Neil C. Da Costa's latest project is to investigate the taste sensations created by Bloody Mary ingredients and create tips for making the best Bloody Mary humanly possible.

News: Save aluminum can tabs for extra $$$$$

I have heard rumor's about this save a milk carton full and get 100 buck's cause they use the pure aluminum for medical supply's. If you still belive that sorry to bust your bubble they use a mild steel and not aluminum. Good news though if you got carton's of tabs laying around on ebay you sell the regular one's for 1 to 2 cent's and the colored one's like on monster's for 5 to 8 cent's a piece.

Rodarte - Spring '11 (DP: Matthew Lloyd)

Todd Cole directed this beautifully shot (DP Matthew Lloyd) and art directed preview of the Rodarte Spring '11 line. The visual execution of this ostensibly simple concept is flawless; there are no extraneous colors whatsoever. Clarity of vision and preproduction certainly paid off.

News: >> To Start in a Good way =)

Hi every one =) Omar, Student , my age starts from my birthday , and finish at this moment , and from the start of my life i always liked art and colors and everything that is beautiful to see , also it affects me because that creates a positive mood in your daily life, So i created this world to all people like me, who have skills or Do graphic design or even the person who like this domain .

News: Paint + Water Looks Like Beautiful H-Bombs

Though photographer Mark Mawson's concept is simple, the results are stunning. In a series entitled Aqueous I and Aqueous II, Mawson took photographs of wet paint dispersed in water. The images evoke jellyfish, or rainbow colored hydrogen bombs. Mawson says:"I had seen lots of ink in water shots and wanted to try something which had more body and which produced more organic forms."


Each of the Jackass cast members are encased in different colored Jell-O molds the shape of life size penises on wheels. They whiz down the hill in an unsuspecting suburban neighborhood, flabbergasting and horrifying onlookers. The flying phalluses meet their sweet, sticky demise somewhere along the way in epic 3D splats!