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How To: Watch the Hobbit

Many people that I know who have gone to see the Hobbit have come back unimpressed or annoyed with the film. I LOVED it. When those non-specific people, cough Loziers cough, gave me their reasons for not liking the movie, I was very annoyed... I considered the demands that they were placing on Peter Jackson and his team to be very high and unreasonable. So, as a method of venting my anger, here is how to watch the Hobbit. If you’ve read Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, please, go back, and R...

News: Why Defining Steampunk Is Worthwhile

I've tried my hand in the past at defining Steampunk, but as anyone else who has made a similar attempt will tell you, there's a significant backlash from the community against working to create a real definition of what Steampunk is. That may sound ridiculous to some, but it's a very serious matter to others. With the recent announcement that TeslaCon 4 will be called the Congress of Steam, I think it's appropriate to talk about why all of this stuff is worth it. In this article, I'm going t...

News: 15 Quick Google+ Tips

Are you feeling like you've got the hang of Google+? Or do you, as I do sometimes, feel like there are just a few too many quirks to keep track of? Here, I've given you 15 quick tips you should know about Google+ so you can maximize the way you want to use it.

How To: Are There Bedbugs in Your Library Books? Here's How to Spot and Destroy Those Bloodsuckers!

Of all the places you'd think to check for bed bugs, I doubt that library books would be at the top of your list. As odd as it sounds, though, libraries and library books are some of the most common places for bed bug infestations. Libraries all over the country have reported bed bug problems this summer, and some have even had to temporarily close to take care of the problem. But before you vow to never set foot inside a library again, here's a little primer on how to check your books for be...

How To: Purify Urine for Drinking with an Emergency Solar Still

It’s called Urophagia—the art of consuming urine. There could be any number of reasons for having the desire to drink your own urine (or somebody else’s). There’s the so-called term “urine therapy,” which uses human urine as an alternative medicine. In urine therapy, or uropathy, it’s used therapeutically for various health, healing, and cosmetic purposes. There’s also those people who drink urine as sexual stimulation, where they want to share every part of each other. And then there’s the o...

How To: Draw a human body structure

This instructional drawing video allows ample time to draw the structure of a human body or comic book character. This method of drawing bodies is about basic position and movement. So, draw these shapes lightly, to place your character in a believable position before you add individual characteristics to your drawing.

How To: Automatically Bypass Human Verification Prompts on Your iPhone, iPad, or Mac to Experience Fewer CAPTCHAs

Some websites require you to perform a verification task so they know you're human and not a bot. It helps websites curb spam, abuse, unauthorized access, and cyberattacks but also adds an obstacle for anyone trying to visit their content. If you find it more of a nuisance than a necessary evil, there's an easy way to reduce the number of human verification prompts you receive on your iPhone, iPad, and/or Mac.

How To: Detect and treat ticks on dogs

Ticks on dogs not only cause discomfort to your dog, but may also cause diseases to dogs as well as humans. Ticks appear as tiny, dark insect or a fat skin-colored bump and may be found on their legs and especially on the pads of the feet. If ticks are found, put on latex gloves and use tick spray to get the tick to back out of the skin and grab it with tweezers. Apply disinfectant to your pet's skin afterwards and your dog will soon be healthy and tick-free once again.

How To: Walkthrough Metro 2033 on the Xbox 360

Human life has been wiped out. Extinct for 20 years. Destroyed by a nuclear holocaust. But there are a few survivors on Earth, and they're forced to live in the underground metro systems in the big cities. But it gets worse. There's mutant beasts, communists, Nazi factions, and even psychic powered Dark Ones that endanger your lives every second. This is Metro 2033, and this walkthrough series from Mahalo will show you the entire gameplay on the Xbox 360. Can life really be like this in the M...

How To: Draw shoes

There’s so much you can do with a shoe. Be it the house in a fairy tale or just on the foot of a man, you will want to know how to sketch a good shoe. Keep on practicing and try giving your shoes a little wear-and-tear character.

How To: Play the board game Go

If your looking for a break from monopoly and checkers, try your hand at the ancient Chinese board game Go. Go is a strategic board game in which you must try to surround a vacant point on the board with your stones and avoid getting your stones tied up by your opponent.

News: Get Dinner Delivered to You from Almost Any Restaurant with These Apps

Whether you were exposed to the COVID-19 virus or just taking precautionary measures, self-quarantining is a tremendous disruption for anyone. Still, we all have to eat, pandemic or not. But unless you like eating canned food for two weeks, you're going to want to explore other options. That's why food delivery apps are going to be so necessary during such a hectic and uncertain time.

How To: Find the Right App to Schedule an Insurance-Covered Virtual Doctor's Visit Right from Your Phone

The World Health Organization has declared the new coronavirus a pandemic, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends video visits with a healthcare professional to reduce the risk of being exposed to the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. If you are experiencing mild flu-like symptoms, virtual doctor visits may also prevent you from endangering others.

News: The Best Touchscreen Gloves to Get You Through the Winter

Not that long ago, touchscreen-friendly gloves were an outlier accessory, something you had to track down at a specialty brick-and-mortar store or solely online. But as the smartphone has become an integral part of our lives, so, too, has the need for fashion accessories that cater to our desire to be always connected. So now, touchscreen gloves are everywhere.

Market Reality: Magic Leap App Makes Waves, Norm Glasses Push Smartglass Future, & Facebook's Mind-Powered Controllers

When it comes to the business of augmented reality, companies that aren't already introducing new products or apps are focused on producing the AR technology of the future. But in the realm of real products and apps, Magic Leap continues to show off what its headset can do, this time via a new app that transports users to the ocean's depths.

How To: A Hacker's Guide to Programming Microcontrollers

While hackers know and love the Raspberry Pi, many don't know of its cheaper cousin, the microcontroller. Unlike a Pi, which can be used more or less like a regular computer, microcontrollers like the Wi-Fi connected ESP8266 require some necessary programming skill to master. In this guide, we'll build an Arduino program from scratch and explain the code structure in a way anyone can understand.

How To: Use Color Adjustments in Photoshop Express for More Vibrant Images

Imagine an Instagram feed filled with a wild array of vivid color. Beautiful right? But when you look at the photos in your iPhone or Android phone's albums, they're all just too dull to pull off that dynamic look. There's no doubt that colorful images are more eye-catching than dull ones, so how do you get your photos to overflow with vibrant color? The answer: Add it in post.

How To: Choose Which Microphone Your Phone Uses When Recording Video in Fimic Pro (To Capture Clearer Audio)

When shooting video on your phone, you have two cameras at your disposal, the rear camera and the selfie camera, and you can switch freely between the two. As for microphones, you may have more than one but, unlike with the cameras, it's not easy to switch between them. Filmic Pro solves this problem by isolating the mics so you can choose the best option for the audio track.