Hunting Search Results

How To: Clean a bear skull and make a European mount

Just got back from your bear hunting trip? Instead of paying a taxidermist, take a look at this instructional video and learn how to clean a bear skull and make a European mount on your own. To use this procedure, you'll need a knives, gloves, large pot, garbage bas, dishwashing soap, a large pail, 3-4 liters of 40 volume peroxide, and fast drying glue.

How To: Prepare a whitetail deer head for mounting

In this video taxidermy tutorial series, a professional taxidermist demonstrates how to prepare a whitetail deer cape for mounting. Now that the skin has been fleshed and tanned, the deer head cape is ready to be mounted. The skin will need the mount that will shape the skin, and will require trimming and sewing of the tanned and prepped skin. Watch this instructional video and learn how to prepare a whitetail deer head for mounting.

How To: Mold a white crappie fish sculpture out of fiberglass

This video taxidermy tutorial shows how to make a wall mount sculpture of a white crappie fish. The initial fish is bedded into a soft clay mold, and then painted with fiberglass resin. When the mold hardens and dries, it can then be filled with whatever material desired to make the wall mount. Watch this instructional video and learn how to make a mold for a white crappie fish wall mount sculpture.

How To: Pattern your shotgun

When shooting a shotgun, you don't really have to aim--just point and shoot. Whether you hit what you're shooting at depends on how well you did your homework. "Patterning" your shotgun allows you to choose exactly the right brand of shells, size and type of shot and type of choke required for the game you're pursuing. Set yourself up 40 yards from a 30-inch circle target, and bring along several brands of shells in various shot sizes. Use some form of rest like sandbags on a table or a rolle...

How To: Skin a deer properly

The title is pretty self explanatory, how to skin a deer, so you can get to the venison, and use the hide for something. Make sure you hang the deer by its hind leg prior to skinning, so that it will be easier to pull the hide off.

How To: Build a coyote trap

If you're going to build a coyote trap, you want to make absolutely sure you get it right. After all, the last thing you need to deal with is a furious coyote getting loose after you've trapped him! In this video you'll learn how to make a cheap and effective coyote trap.

How To: Mold and cast a fish mount for taxidermy statues

This video taxidermy tutorial demonstrates the process of molding and casting a fish mount. Any fish can be placed into molding material and covered with plaster to create an exact replica of the fish. When the mold hardens, a duplicate of the fish can be cast. Watch this instructional video and learn how to mold and cast a fish mount for taxidermy statues.

How To: Skin a turkey

How to skin a Missouri turkey: 1) make small cut through skin on breast, 2) pull breast out - like a quail or pheasant, 3) filet the breast off like you would on Thanksgiving, 4) cut the head off and use for prank, 5) trash rest of bird

How To: Gut a deer, field dressing

Kentucky Afield: Watch as Tim Farmer hosts the processing of venison, starting in the field and ending in the kitchen. Start with the deer down. Start with the tail and trim around the anus. You want to not break the colon nor the bladder for sanitary reasons. This is a long and delicate process of gutting a deer so that you may bring it easily back to the kitchen to make venison! Field dressing is an important hunting skill. Gut a deer, field dressing.

How To: Set a single dirt hole land trap

If your land is frequented by unwanted coyotes, then a land trap could be the solution. This instructional video shows how to set a single dirt hole land trap for catching coyotes. Make sure to keep the hidden trap area free of rocks and sticks, as canines will not generally dig at these objects, and as an added lure, cover the trap backing in urine. Set a single dirt hole land trap.

How To: Flesh a raccoon

If you are a hunter, you will eventually need to know how to flesh a raccoon. These cute and fluffy animals aren't typically the ones you would imagine skinning, but if they've gotten into your garbage cans one too many times, who knows? Follow along with this video and learn how to get the skin clean off these backyard dwellers. Flesh a raccoon.

How To: Use a squirrel call

A whistle is really all you need to scout for for squirrels. Squirrel sure is tasty when you fry them up, or whatever, but hunting those little guys can be kind of tricky. Wade Bourne, host of Wade's World on MyOutdoorTV, shows you how to scout for whitetail deer while squirrel hunting.