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How To: Use cracks to play a DVD or CD without the disk

In this video, we learn how to use cracks to play a DVD or CD without the disk. First, go to Gameburnworld and download/install the patch to play your game. Then, open it up and go to the program files folder to find the files for the game. Drag this and drop it in, then you will not have to use the DVD for your movie or CD. Remember to only use this if you own the game or movie, not if you have downloaded it illegally. You can do this for all your discs, it's easy and just takes a few minutes!

How To: Make and distribute a successful podcast

Podcasts are quickly becoming the new Blogs. They are fast and easy to distribute and really get the point across because you can hear the person's voice. A podcast is sort of like the Internet's version of a radio show, only you don't need to get a job as a DJ to make one. Podcasts are free and easy to make on your own and you can send them out however you want. These days, even iTunes has a channel dedicated exclusively to podcasts.

How To: Use FOIL to distribute two binomials in algebra

Learn how to use the FOIL method to distribute two binomial expressions in algebra. The FOIL method — which stands for first, outer, inner, and last — takes two binomials and multiplies them for a single quadratic equation. Solving for binomials with FOIL takes just a few steps. Could you use a little help figuring out how to divide fractions? Watch this free video lesson. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have b...

How To: Drag and drop objects in Flash shows us how to create drag and drop functionality into a flash program. Start off by making a few shapes in flash and then add color to each of them, a different one for each shape in order to differentiate between them. After doing this select all the shapes by dragging the cursor over them, once done distribute the shapes into layers by going into the 'modify' drop-down button at the top, then timeline and there will be the option to distribute. Now we have to turn the sha...

How To: Apply the distributive property

The distributive property is a very important factor to consider in math and may save you a lot of trouble on your math homework. For values which lie right outside parentheses, you will need to distribute this value across the contents of whatever is inside the parentheses. You will need to multiply the value outside of the parentheses by first the first term inside the parentheses and then by the following terms inside the parentheses, distributing the value across all the terms found insid...

How To: Pack for mountain hiking

Is it time for your planned hiking adventure? Hiking is great, but mountain hiking, through the brush and rocks, is even better. Going for a hike in the mountains can be exhilarating, but it also has its dangers. Make sure you pack for the occasion.

How To: Hack a network with Nessus 3

The Nessus vulnerability scanner, is the world-leader in active scanners, featuring high speed discovery, configuration auditing, asset profiling, sensitive data discovery and vulnerability analysis of your security posture. Nessus scanners can be distributed throughout an entire enterprise, inside DMZs, and across physically separate networks. In this network security video tutorial, you'll learn how to hack a network using Nessus 3.

How To: Simplify PDF form creation in Acrobat Pro 9

In this Adobe CS4 software tutorial you will learn how to work in Acrobat Pro 9 in a way that will simplify form creation. You will learn how to create fillable PDF forms, add interactive elements and distribute forms in Acrobat 9. The Acrobat 9 Pro tutorial also covers how to review, filter, and export form responses.

How To: Get a free bumper case for the iPhone 4 with an App

Oh, the iPhone 4 antenna. We've heard so much about how the vile human hand has impeded your perfect designs sublime functionality. But finally Apple has come down from it's high horse, admitted it was wrong, and started distributing free signal-fixing bumper cases to all of their iPhone 4 customers via, appropriately, an App for the iPhone. This video will show you how to use the Free Case Program App to order a free case from Apple or get a refund from them if you've already bought your own...

How To: Wire your entire house for VoIP

Vonage is a very cool and inexpensive way to have a home phone, but unfortunately it requires a little box to be near your phone at all times. In this two part tutorial, learn exactly how to hack your Vonage phone and route it to your central telephone box to distribute your VoIP line throughout the entire house. The days of being stuck near the phone box are behind you once you follow these steps to a simple hack.

How To: Simplify exponential expressions in basic algebra

The video shows how to solved mixed property problems using the exponent rules. See if there are any rules you can apply to the problem until you get to a point where you can't simplify anymore. The instructor shows in the example problem that the two bases are the same, but there is extras happening the numerator. The power to power multiply rule is applied removing the extra issues from the numerator. Next the quotient rules is applied as there is the exact same base to the power so we keep...

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