Imagined Threats Search Results

How To: Play "Imagine" by John Lennon on your piano

Playing along with your favorite songs is an enjoyable, and highly effective, way of developing your playing technique. In this keyboard tutorial, you'll learn how to play John Lennon's "Imagine" on piano. While the lesson is geared toward players of an intermediate skill level, all players can follow along given adequate time and motivation. To get started playing "Imagine," press play!

How To: Survive a knife attack from behind

This video details how to survive a knife threat from behind. When threatened from behind with a knife, do not attempt to move the body first, this will result in the attacker maintaining the capability to thrust the knife into the body. When threatened, place arms out and low in a submissive position, this is to be followed by moving the left arm backward in a sweeping motion to push aside the arm which is holding the knife. Once the arm is moved, turn the body and bring the elbow up into an...

How To: Get a restraining order

If you believe there is a person out there who is threatening your life or has even made a threat against you already, you might want to file a restraining order against that person. This video will teach you the criteria you need for a restraining order and how to go about getting one.

How To: Play "Imagine" by John Lennon on piano

Want to learn how to play John Lennon on the piano? With this tutorial you can learn how to play "Imagine" by John Lennon on the piano or keyboard. This version is a simplified version of the song and is not exactly how John Lennon plays it. This lesson is geared towards intermediate pianists because it assumes prior knowledge of piano playing. Watch this how to video and you will be able to sing and play piano along to "Imagine" by John Lennon.

How To: Fix your iPod video without having to restore it

If you've ever received that grim error message from your iPod that tells you that you have to restore it, then you know what it feels like to stare down the threat of losing all your hard-acquired music files. This video teaches you how to make your iPod work again without having to restore it, preserving both the functionality of the iPod and your extensive MP3 and video library.

How To: Toilet train a cat

Kind lady at teaches you how to toilet train your cat in four steps with this instructional video. Her delivery sounds like a joke, but the content is rich and I'd imagine it works. Watch this video pet training tutorial and learn how to teach a cat to use a regular toilet, instead of a litter box. It's eco-friendly and less work for you!

How To: Meditate & achieve deep relaxation & awareness

In this video we learn how to meditate & achieve deep relaxation & awareness. Imagine you are on the beach and completely alone, nobody is around for a while. It's nice weather outside and you can hear the waves rolling in. The sun is going down and you are just focusing on your breathing. Take in four very deep breaths and with each one you will get more and more relaxed. Imagine your lungs filling up with air, clean and crisp air. Let your stresses go and then return your breathing to norma...

How To: Meditate with a visual guide

In this tutorial, we learn how to meditate with a visual guide. Begin my taking a slow deep breath through the nose and feel the air going through your body. Then, feel the exhalation leaving the body through the nose feeling the breath. Breathe deeply at your own pace and try to lengthen and slow the breathing. On the inhalation feel the coolness inside of the nostrils rising upwards. Imagine the air rising up into the forehead and going throughout your entire body. Imagine you are breathing...

How To: Learn "Imagine" by John Lennon on acoustic guitar

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to play the song "Imagine" by John Lennon on the acoustic guitar. The video reveals the string movements and the order that the notes are needed to be played, in order to execute the song. The video provides step-by-step narration and a visual demonstration for viewers to easily understand and follow along. This video will benefit those viewers who are interested in guitar and want to learn how to play a new song.

How To: Convert decimals into fractions

In this simple tutorial the author shows the basic arithmetic operations like converting a terminating decimal into a fraction. He says that the complexity depends up on the number we are converting. He asks us to imagine the decimal as a fraction with an imaginary denominator of value one. Now he intends to remove the decimal in the numerator by moving it to the right of the number and he tells us to similarly move similar number of decimal places in the denominator to maintain the original ...

How To: Build a wooden house with a concrete wall that is safe from hurricanes

Hurricanes are a constant threat to many Americans, and many homes are not constructed properly to be safe from hurricanes. In other countries with less money, these problems are even worse. This video from the International French Red Cross will show you how you can construct a cheap, effective shelter against hurricanes out of concrete and wood. If your home is unsafe and you don't want to retrofit, you might want to consider one of these.

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