Implementing Strict Search Results

How To: Embed a Metasploit Payload in an Original .Apk File

UPDATE: This post is outdated, the latest version with the correct links and updated instructions can be found UPDATE: This post is outdated, the latest version with the correct links and updated instructions can be found at my blog, here - at my blog, here -

How To: Safari for iPhone Lets Advertisers Track Your 'Clicks' — Here's How to Disable It

Apple wants to support the advertising economy, but its primary focus of late has been user privacy and security. In Safari, cross-site tracking, which lets content providers track you across websites and apps to show you more targeted ads, is disabled by default. However, content providers can get around that using less privacy-invasive ad measurements, but you can stop that too in iOS 14.5.

News: iOS 14.4 Developer Beta Released on iPhone with More App Clip Experiences & Privacy-Geared Tracking Requests

The next big phase of iOS 14 has started with the release of the iOS 14.4 beta. Right now, the developer-only beta features only one known item. Apple introduced the ability to scan App Clip Codes in iOS 14.3 with the Code Scanner control, and now in iOS 14.4, you can launch a local App Clip experience via Camera, NFC, Safari Smart App Banner, or iMessage.

How To: 15 New Safari Features in iOS 14 That Will Change the Way You Surf the Web

Nearly every native app on the iPhone received an upgrade or new features in iOS 14 — and Safari is no exception. The web browser now has better password protection, faster performance, privacy reports, and built-in translations, just to name a few. Some of the Safari updates went unnoticed by many, but they're there and ready to use in iOS 14.

News: Apple Releases iOS 13.7 Beta, Includes Exposure Notification Support Without Needing an App

The iOS 14 beta may be picking up steam, but the iOS 13 beta program isn't out for the count. With the release of the iOS 13.7 beta, build 17H33, Apple has included API changes for the COVID-19 Exposure Notifications setting. The update makes it possible for public health authorities to let iPhone users get coronavirus exposure alerts without installing their state's app.

News: Our Writers & Editors Pick Their Favorite Phones of 2019

One of my favorite perks of this job is the opportunity to try out all the big flagship phones each year. Whether it's rating their suitability for a particular use-case or just entering their specs into our comparison tool, we have to get our hands on all major phones released in the US. We pride ourselves on being fair in our reviews and roundups, but that doesn't mean we don't have preferences.

How To: 24 Voice Control Features in iOS 13 That Let You Use Your iPhone Totally Hands-Free

There are times when physically interacting with your iPhone is less than ideal, like when you're cooking or driving. Fortunately, iOS 13 has you covered regardless of the circumstance you may find yourself in. With the new Voice Control feature, you can control pretty much everything on your device without even touching it.

How To: 10 Privacy Settings in iOS 13 That Everyone Should Double-Check

Apple has seemingly always made it a priority to show how much it cares about user security and privacy — enough that it has a page dedicated to it, proclaiming that "privacy is a fundamental human right." It's true that there are few issues more important than user privacy when it comes to technology, and Apple only makes things better in iOS 13.