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How To: Things to Do on WonderHowTo (05/09 - 05/15)

WonderHowTo is a how-to website made up of niche communities called Worlds, with topics ranging from Minecraft to science experiments to Scrabble and everything in-between. Check in every Wednesday evening for a roundup of user-run activities and how-to projects from the most popular communities. Users can join and participate in any World they're interested in, as well as start their own community.

The "Minecraft: DotA" Map: An In-Game Game Based on an In-Game Game

Hello, everyone. My friend and I recently released a Defense of the Ancients (DotA) map that went viral and thought I should share it with Minecraft World on WonderHowTo since you guys helped me out when I first started making videos! We were featured on Kotaku, RockPaperShotgun, Gamespy, The Verge, Joystiq and many more websites!Exciting!You can see the full details below are head straight here for the downloads.

Don't Get Doxed: 5 Steps to Protecting Your Private Information on the Web

If you follow the Anonymous, Occupy, and IT security scenes, you have no doubt heard about a dox release. What is it? How can it hurt you? And most importantly, how can you protect yourself from it? Some of these steps might seem common sense, while others will be an ah-ha! moment. Your private info is both your biggest weakness and your biggest weapon in your battle to remain anonymous. You must learn how to use it as both.

How To: Create an Epic Build in Minecraft

Minecraft is not just a game. It is a creative tool. Over the past year and a half countless epic builds, servers, and community projects have been undertaken. I'm sure some of you have seen the one-to-one scale recreation of the Starship Enterprise from Star Trek or the epic server Godcraft. Countless projects such as these are being worked on as we speak, and they serve to inspire us all.

News: Top 10 Ways to Fix iPhone 4 Woes

Having trouble with your iPhone 4 voice reception? You're not alone. Thankfully Apple has made it clear with press release after press release that it's not their fault, it's ours. And they're right! Apple can only do so much; if people keep messing up so badly they're going to have to buckle under the preassure and release a fully working product! Let's hope that never happens, and with that in mind we at Load Save have found the top 10 ways on how to fix your mistakes!

Redstone Logic Gates: Mastering the Fundamental Building Blocks for Creating In-Game Machines

Many people get so discouraged by their failures with redstone that they give up using it entirely, or never progress beyond using simple switches. However, by incorporating logic gates into your redstone designs, the applications are nearly limitless. The ability to add multiple switches to your machines is just a small part of what logic gates can do. Most importantly, they give you control.

How To: Who Is Anonymous? How the Wall Street Journal and the NSA Got It Wrong

Over the past couple of weeks, there have been a series of high-profile hacks and leaks. From the rooting of CombinedSystems, to a secret FBI conference call leak, all the way to the distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on U.S. government sites—with a lot in-between. As governments move to close their long fingers around the free speech that exposes their secrets, this shadowy collective of loose-knit, but like-minded individuals are hell bent on preventing them. Or are they?

How To: Make a Sonobe Jasmine Dodecahedron

Math Craft admin Cory Poole posted instructions on How to Make a Cube, Octahedron & Icosahedron from Sonobe Units, plus some great complex models in his article, How to Make a Truncated Icosahedron, Pentakis Dodecahedron & More. These models use the standard sonobe unit and a coloured variant.

How To: Do foot and ankle exercises for pain

In this series of physical therapy video clips, you will learn more about different methods of caring for your ankle and foot. Learn more about the common foot and ankle problems from our physical therapy specialist. You will get insider tips on different exercises that promote health and fitness in the joints of the ankle and the foot. Watch as our expert demonstrates calf exercises that will strengthen and tone these important muscles. Practice the balance exercises featured in these clips ...

News: The Rooftop Coffin Prank

Tell Ehren that he is going to do a prank by coming out of a coffin in pubic. When he is in the coffin take him to the top of a building. Tell him that the people who he was going to prank are going to be there in a few miniutes. Then leave, and about five min later tell him leave the coffin via walky-talky. When he gets out he will be surprised to see that he is on top of a building. Not only that but there will be some random dude up there too, and the dude will act as if nothing weird is g...

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