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How To: Boost your brain

Could you boost your brain power by eating a banana? Improve your memory and IQ by pressing certain points on your body? Absolutely! In this video, we'll show you how to amp up intelligence using super simple natural remedies.

How To: Freshen your bad breath

Nobody likes having bad breath. Not only does it leave you with a bad taste and scare away potential suitors, it can be a signal of more serious dental issues. This helpful video from Colgate offers up some tips you can use to cure your bad breath and improve your overall health.

How To: Boost your fertility naturally

If you're experiencing infertility, or having trouble getting pregnant, your doctor may prescribe infertility solutions like Clomid. You should know that there are also natural fertility boosters that can increase sperm count and improve your chances of conceiving.

How To: Boost fertility naturally

If you are having trouble getting pregnant, and you're not sure about prescription infertility solutions like Clomid, then you might want to learn about a natural remedy for infertility that can improve your chances of pregnancy!

How To: Prevent insomnia

Whether you are looking for insomnia treatment of you just want to sleep better, improved sleep hygiene can help. It can also be quite effective an preventing insomnia, so even if you're sleeping well, you still might want to watch this video.

How To: Easily prune a young apple tree

If you have an apple tree growing in your yard, it's important to know that pruning it is a very important part of keeping it alive and growing. Pruning helps fight off certain diseases and helps maintain or improve the overall health of a plant.

How To: Stretch with a partner

There are some muscles that cannot be stretched alone. For these muscle stretches, a partner can help. Learn how to stretch with a partner to improve overall health in this fitness tutorial. When stretching with a partner you should push or pull, use gentle resistance, engage muscles, exhale & pull, and hold each stretch for eight to 20 seconds. With this how to video you will be able to stretch more effectively with a partner.

How To: Perform Shiatsu and Thai massage

There's such a variety of massage styles to choose from today. Take Shiatsu and Thai massage. They're based on traditional Asian medicine, and are designed to address aches and pains, but are also aimed at balancing the energy of the body to improve health and well-being.

How To: Identify bipolar disorder

Almost six million American adults have bipolar disorder, which can cause severe mood swings, from manic depression to intense euphoria, on a regular basis. Although this condition is one of the more confusing mood disorders, this video can help.

How To: Do pull-ups

Find a fun environment and get ready to work out the chest, back and arms with pull-ups. Learn how to do pull-ups to improve overall health in this fitness tutorial. To practice pull-ups you should grip shoulder-width, contract arms, and pull shoulder blades together. With this how to video you can learn to do pull-ups more effectively.

How To: Overcome health anxiety (hypochondria)

In this video, we learn how to overcome health anxiety with Robert Taylor. People who learn as much as they can about their condition will most likely overcome it. You should know that there are millions of Americans that have been diagnosed with hypochondria, and you are not alone. You should also not Google your symptoms to diagnose yourself, you will most likely be wrong. Someone with health anxiety will most likely also have clinical depression and general anxiety as well. Doctors often h...

How To: Use a health glitch to beat the Ancient Rock Wraith in Dragon Age 2 easily

The Ancient Rock Wraith in Dragon Age 2 is a really impressive boss, and will probably beat you mercilessly the first time you fight him. Especially if you're playing on Nightmare. This video demonstrates a successful pwning of the Ancient Rock Wraith on Nightmare so you can learn from the creator's success. You'll also see how to use a health glitch in the game that allows you to make this fight a lot easier by taking advantage of teleporting enemies.

How To: Find the Right App to Schedule an Insurance-Covered Virtual Doctor's Visit Right from Your Phone

The World Health Organization has declared the new coronavirus a pandemic, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends video visits with a healthcare professional to reduce the risk of being exposed to the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. If you are experiencing mild flu-like symptoms, virtual doctor visits may also prevent you from endangering others.

How To: Record Your Sleep Patterns with Samsung Health — No Wearables Needed

The quality and length of your sleep will almost always dictate how the rest of your day unfolds. Sleeping fewer hours increases your chances of spending the day in a tired and cranky state, while having a restful night's sleep contributes greatly to being alert and productive. Luckily, if you want to track your sleep patterns to figure out how you can improve your circadian rhythm, Samsung Health has you covered.

How To: Import Your Health Records onto Your iPhone

Mobile phones are not only essential for work and communication, they're quickly becoming an integral asset to our health. Your iPhone can store valuable data about fitness, nutrition, heart health, and so much more. And since iOS 11.3, your iPhone can even import a list of allergies, medications, immunizations, hospital visits, and other health information from your doctor or hospital.

How To: Prune trees into bushes

Pruning is a commong practice that involves removing certain parts of a plant to help improve or maintain its health. It also helps reduce the chances that any branches fall on people and keeping it safe from possible disease. For some trees, instead of letting them grow to giant proportions, you can actually prune them to a certain point so they instead grow to be the size of bushes.

How To: Eat a breakfast that will lower your blood pressure

In this tutorial, we are shown what type of breakfast will help lower blood pressure. If you have lower blood pressure, you will reduce your risk of stroke and improve your overall health. If you start your day with a cereal of whole grains, you can add in a banana to mix in even more nutrition. After this, you can add in fat free milk and berries to have the most nutritious cereal that is not only healthy and filled with vitamins, it also has extremely low cholesterol and can help lower your...

How To: Avoid the curveball trap when throwing a curveball

Dwts7sdbt5 teaches you how to avoid the curveball trap when throwing a curveball in baseball. This is mostly seen in young pitchers, aged 12 and younger. The curveball trap is when a pitcher learns to throw a curveball and then uses it almost all the time to strike out a hitter. The hitter might be inexperienced. This is not a good long term strategy for health or effectiveness. You should sacrifice a little success now to have more success later. You should learn other types of pitches and s...

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