Incidents Confirmed Search Results

How To: Delete your Facebook account

In this video, we learn how to delete your Facebook account. First, go to your Facebook account and then go to your account options. From here, find the link on the page that will allow you to delete your account. Next, you will need to confirm you want to delete your account and enter in your password along with a Captcha phrase. Now, you will need to go to the e-mail address associated with the account and click on the link from here. With this, you will have completely confirmed that you w...

How To: Delete your Facebook account

In this tutorial, we learn how to delete a Facebook account. First, log onto the internet and log into your Facebook account. Once you are logged in, you will be presented with your home page. Now, click on the account settings on the right hand side and find the button that says you want to cancel your account. Once you have confirmed you want to cancel your account, Facebook will send you an e-mail that asks you to confirm it one last time. After you are done with this, your account will be...

How To: Delete an old Yahoo account

Learn how to delete your old Yahoo account from this video in simple steps. First open your web browser on your computer and go to the Yahoo home page. Now sign into your account using your username and password. Now copy and paste this link " delete_user" in your address bar. Enter your password to confirm the deletion of your account. Finally enter the code to confirm and delete your account.

How To: Set Up Private Internet Access in Linux

This tutorial is for those who've purchased an account with Private Internet Access to hide your VPN and would like to set it up in Kali. Please note, you can chose to run your PIA service from your Windows computer without configuring it in linux as long as you'll be using a NAT connection. Using a NAT connection will allow your Windows machine and Kali Virtual Machine to use the same IP address, hence if your IP is hidden on one, it will be hidden on the other.

How To: Protect Your Identity After the Equifax Cyberattack

Equifax reported on Sept. 7 that it discovered a breach on July 29 which affects roughly half of Americans, many of whom don't realize they have dealings with the company. Hackers got away with social security numbers, addresses, and driver's license numbers, foreshadowing a "nuclear explosion of identity theft." Let's explore what really happened and what you and those around you can do to protect yourselves.

How To: Perform the "spellbound" card trick to impress friends

Andy Field shows his audience how to perform the Spellbound magic trick. The video is set up as a tutorial which means he is explaining to the viewers how the trick is performed, or in other words what his secrets are. The trick itself is fairly complex and to grasp the full understanding of the concept it is recommended that you watch the video. According to Andy, most people already suspect how he is doing the trick, but he just wants to confirm their hypothesis. The video is five minutes a...

How To: Set up a secure lock on a Motorola DROID cell phone

You don't want anybody to have access to your cell phone. Nobody. Well, instead of the standard unlock mechanism, the one anybody can unlock your cell phone with, the Motorola DROID, and Android enable mobile device, allows you to create your own unlock pattern, secret to anyone else, which wakes it from sleep mode. Best Buy has answers. The Best Buy Mobile team explains how simple it is to set up a secure lock on a Motorola DROID cell phone.

How To: Use the instrument landing system in Microsoft FSX

In this how-to video, you will learn how to use the instrument landing system in Microsoft Flight Simulator X. First, open the FSX map. Click on the airport and an ILS frequency will be displayed. Put the ILS frequency in your radio panel. Switch using the arrows and confirm by clicking on the buttons shown. With the displayed dial you are going to do the approach. The vertical bar indicates whether you are on a good glide or not. The horizontal bar indicates whether you are on the runway. Wh...

How To: Get free apps with Installous

This video teaches viewers how to easily download free applications for their iPhone and iPod Touch by installing Installous. Your first step is to open Cydia and click on Manage. You will then click 'Sources' and add this source: Press 'done' and go to the search tab. Search for 'Installous'. When you find it, press install and confirm the installation. Press the home button after it's installation to make sure it is properly installed. Now, open up Installous and pr...

How To: Monitor another computer screen with Real VNC

If you want to know how to monitor another computer screen with Real VNC, you must watch this video. Install Real VNC in your computer and computer that you're going to monitor. Remember the folder where you installed it and check the "Create a VNC Viewer desktop icon" checkbox. Write on a paper the IP address of the computer that you're going to monitor. On the VNC Server Status window, click Configure button. On the Authentication field, select VNC password and on the Encryption field, sele...

How To: Use clip playback in Ableton

In Ableton, you can set follow actions to tell clips to do something on a timed basis. The time can be immediate or random, but it is automated. This is more efficient than doing the follow actions manually. Go to clip view, type "L". This launches the settings which gives the space of time in which the follow action happens. You can set more than one follow action. You can determine when and how often the action will take place. You can determine when the clips occur automatically. The clips...

How To: Make a healthy chicken wrap for your kid's lunchbox

With obesity now a confirmed epidemic in the United States, we should be putting more emphasis than ever on how we feed our children and what they consume at school. While many educational instititions sell salads and healthier options like apples and carrot sticks, these foods often don't catch your kids' attention when they're placed side-by-side with cheeseburgers and calzones.

How To: Identify insects in your trees

This will illustrate us how to identify various kinds of insects in the trees. here are the following steps :Step 1: First of all get a Pictorial version of book based on insects.Step 2: Now on the tree look for various kind of insects and as well as there eggs laid by them.Step 3 : now look for the pictures in the book and match these with the insects on the trees .Step 4 : To be confirmed about the right identification look closely for the shape of the legs off the insect and as well as the...

How To: Grip a golf club

In this video, learn how to grip a golf club the right way. First off, lay the club across your left hand, then you close your left hand, gripping the club. Next, take your right hand, place it underneath your left hand and wrap it around so your left hand's thumb fits into the palm of your right hand. It should feel very natural. Finally, the v's of your hands should point to your right shoulder in order to confirm the correct grip. One will know if they have a proper grip if your knuckles a...

How To: Get System Restore to use less disk space in Windows 7

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make the System Restore feature use less space in Windows 7. Begin by clicking on the Start menu. Right-click on Computer and select Properties. Under Tasks, click on System protection. In the System Properties window, select the hard drive and click Configure. Under Disk Space Usage, drag the slider to the left for a lower amount. Then click on Apply and OK to confirm. This video will benefit those viewers who have a Windows 7 computer and would l...