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Binance 101: How to Install the Mobile App on Your iPhone

Binance, a China-based cryptocurrency exchange, is rapidly gaining popularity thanks to the sheer selection of digital currencies you can purchase — Ripple (XRP), Tron (TRX), IOTA, and Stellar (XLM), to name a few — using both Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). Binance has an iOS app, and there are a couple ways to install it. Either way, you can trade cryptocurrency from your iPhone today.

News: Dying Cells Do Tell Tales & What We Learn Can Help Us Stop Cancer from Spreading

As our cells age, they eventually mature and die. As they die, they alert nearby cells to grow and multiply to replace them. Using a special imaging process that combines video and microscopy, scientists have observed the cellular communication between dying and neighboring cells for the first time, and think they may be able to use their new-found information against cancer cells, whose damaged genomes let them escape the normal dying process.

News: How Zero-Day Exploits Are Bought & Sold

Most of you already know that a zero-day exploit is an exploit that has not yet been revealed to the software vendor or the public. As a result, the vulnerability that enables the exploit hasn't been patched. This means that someone with a zero-day exploit can hack into any system that has that particular configuration or software, giving them free reign to steal information, identities, credit card info, and spy on victims.

How To: Increase the Sound & Quality of Your Mac's Speakers

During a power outage at my apartment this year, I watched movies on my MacBook Pro instead of on my television. While I had no complaints about the screen size, I did have an issue with how low the audio coming from my speakers was. External speakers would help, but I don't want to buy them or lug them around every time I want to watch a movie.

How To: Apple's iOS 8.1 Update Gives iPhones Everything That iOS 8 Promised

While the adoption of Apple's newest mobile operating system, iOS 8, was smoother than its predecessor, there were still a lot of bugs and features that needed ironed out. There were lost cellular signals, missing Camera Rolls, a confusing iCloud Drive, and no functioning Apple Pay yet, among other things. Now it's just over a month later from its first release to the public and things are finally looking pretty good.

How To: Acorns App Makes You a Better Saver Without You Even Noticing

Investing is like exercise—we all know we should be doing more of it, but we often just can't find the time. I mean, really, who's got the hours, inclination, and skill to pour through volumes of data and put together a balanced yet sophisticated portfolio of investment vehicles tailored specifically to optimize their returns while mitigating potential risks. Not me, that's for sure.

How To: Use Twitter Custom Timelines

Custom Timelines (CTs) allow you to control exactly which Tweets appear in a column on Tweetdeck. So if a particular event catches your eye as newsworthy you can tailor your CT to show what you consider to be the most relevant Tweets. These CTs can then be customized, shared and embedded on your website. This is a great way of increasing interaction on Twitter and sharing current, interesting and breaking news stories from any niche or subject

How To: Use Wet/Dry Eyeshadows.

Pressed mineral eyeshadows are great because you can use them wet and dry. Using eyeshadows wet, increases the iridescence and deepens the pigment creating an amazing effect! Since, you can wear eyeshadows both wet and dry, you essentially have two totally different colors in one pan of eyeshadow! In this video Andrea shows you just that!

How To: PowerPoint Ribbon & Interface Introduction

Learn the and understand the mechanics of the PowerPoint interface. This tutorial will explain the Ribbon, Slides Pane and Slides Tab. Throughout this tutorial it is assumed that you are a complete beginner however as new tutorials are added the complexity will slowly increase from basics to advance. This tutorial is brought to you by Cozy HowTo your place for a snugly warm learning experience.

How To: Do the pedestal pose to increase strength

In order to do the increase your strength, through the Pedestal Pose Routine, you should begin in a modified pushup position. Resting on your elbows and looking down at the ground/floor, while you rest on pointed toes. Hold each pose for 20 seconds. Next, rotate over to one side. Remain resting on one elbow. Next, roll over onto your back, resting on both elbows. Next, roll over onto your other elbow. Make sure that you keep your spine aligned in all poses.

How To: Whiten your teeth in a photo using Photoshop

In this how to video, you will learn how to whiten teeth in Photoshop. First, open an image that you want to edit in Photoshop. Zoom in to the teeth as much as you can. Next, go to the brush tool and set the diameter to 21. Hold shift and q to put you into quick mask mode. Now paint over the teeth with your brush. Whatever is red will be your selection. Once you are done painting the teeth, select press shift and q again. Go to select and choose inverse. Next, go to image and adjustments and ...

How To: Remove camera flash hotspots in Photoshop

This video gives detailed instructions for removing a hotspot or flash reflection in a photo by using layers and masks. Start by adding a new blank layer and naming it something like Flash Suppress. You will use a special blending mode for this layer called darken. With your paintbrush you will loosely paint out the hotspot, having selected the color tone that you need with the eyedropper tool. Later on you can use layer masks to clean this up. Adjust the opacity of the layer until you have t...

How To: Strengthen the core with Superman exercises

Have you tried working out with the Superman exercise? The Superman exercise is an essential part of strength training and core stability. This fitness how-to video demonstrates how to increase body strength and flexibility with "Superman" exercises. Learn how to do this exercise and what it does for your fitness in this video.

How To: Change car rims and increase the size in Photoshop

In this how to video, you will learn how make car rims bigger using Photoshop. First, open the image in the program. Choose the elliptical marquee tool and select the rim. Next, right click the selection and click layer via copy. Now you should have the cut out rim in a new layer. Drag layer 1 bigger by holding shift. Replace it and then click on the accept button. Erase the part of the rim that is on the body of the car with the eraser tool. Have layer 1 selected and merge it down. Do the sa...

How To: Use a metronome as a practice tool for the bodhrán

In this how to video, you will learn how to use a metronome as a practice tool for your Bodhran. This will be helpful as it helps track your progress. You can very tempos with this device. Press the red button of your metronome to turn it on. It should be at 60 BPM. If you want to change the speed, press the buttons with the arrows. Press the top gray button and press the arrow until a musical sign appears. Next, go to the second grouping of notes and press the top gray button. This will sub-...

How To: Fire up your metabolism

This video focuses on strategies you can use to boost your metabolism--one-step needed in order to lose belly fat. Obtaining a faster metabolism will train your body to burn more calories throughout the day. The first step to boost your metabolism is through strength training, which means developing leaner muscle mass. This will result in long-term investment for caloric burning. The second step involves exercising in the morning; this will help you burn calories more easily throughout the da...