Indexing Social Search Results

How To: Show welcome messages in WordPress with subscribe link

Do you know where your blog's traffic is coming from? Everywhere. That's where. And they all want a warm welcome to your website. Every blog has multiple traffic sources. In order to welcome visitors from different traffic sources like Twitter, Facebook, Delicious, Digg, etc., with the welcome message, we can add our subscription link according to the traffic source. Also, we can use default welcome message for direct visitors with help of this plugin. See how.

How To: Turn down an invitation

With careful wording you can avoid lying and still avoid going to something that you just don’t want to attend. Even without a good excuse you can politely decline without hurting anyone’s feelings or ending up in an embarrassing situation.

How To: Recover a stolen bike

You love your bike and it was stolen. Although, this is not a good scenario, you still may be able to retrieve it. Sketch the serial number or means of identification into the bike and then when it is stolen you can really get the word out to all the places that it might turn up.

How To: Rhyme

From nursery rhymes, to rap songs, to love poems, rhyming is an important part of the English language. If you're feeling a little shaky on your rhyming abilities, glance over some of these simple rules and you'll be off and rhyming again.

How To: Perform easy office tricks and pranks

In this expert video series, let Malik Haddadi show you some fun office tricks and pranks. Using a combination of deception and skill, Malik illustrates some tricks that will truly confuse your fellow co-workers. For instance, stump your friends with some logic games and puzzles. Also, learn how to magically tie ties or break a pencil with an index card. With this series, you can make your co-workers laugh and groan at the simple tricks they fell for. So, what are you waiting for? Begin the f...

How To: You Can Finally Change the Default Notification Sound on Your iPhone — Here's How It Works

Using different sounds on your iPhone for different notifications can help you determine — just by listening — alerts you may want to look at immediately versus untimely alerts or even ones you typically ignore. But Apple has never given us complete control over notification sound customization on iOS, though the latest iOS update is a step in the right direction.

How To: Everything You Should Do Before Posting Protest Photos & Videos on Social Media

As protests surge in the wake of George Floyd's murder by a Minneapolis police officer, powerful photographs and videos from the demonstrations have gripped the world, putting our nation's very real and very justifiable widespread civil unrest out into the digital world. Unfortunately, these pictures could put you or others in danger if precautions aren't taken before uploading them online.

How To: Apps & Websites Send Your Activity to Facebook — Here's How to View, Manage & Delete It

It's pretty much a given at this point that Facebook has a lot of data on us. While you might be conscious of the data you share with Facebook when you post, upload photos, or chat with friends on Messenger, you might not be thinking about all the data it receives from websites and apps you use outside the social media giant. Now, you can actually do something about it.

Android for Hackers: How to Backdoor Windows 10 & Livestream the Desktop (Without RDP)

The Windows 10 desktop and microphone can be livestreamed without using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) software and without opening any ports on the target computer. A hacker with low user privileges can monitor and exfiltrate a target's every move and private conversation in real time no matter where they are. Hackers are watching and listening, and there are few ways to protect yourself.

How To: How Hackers Use Hidden Data on Airline Boarding Passes to Hack Flights

Millions of travelers pass through airports each day without understanding how powerful and insecure a boarding pass can be. Anyone can scan the boarding pass barcode with a mobile app, allowing access to frequent-flyer accounts and even a passenger's temporary airline account. In this guide, we will explore how hackers scan and decode the information contained in a boarding pass barcode and why.

How To: Use a Virtual Burner Phone to Protect Your Identity & Security

Every time you make a call or send a text, you're giving the recipient your phone number. This can be quite the security vulnerability, opening yourself up to scammers, spammers, and the feds. In this how-to, we'll look at what a burner phone is, why you might want one, and how to get started using a free second phone number on your regular smartphone.

How to Hack Radio Frequencies: Hijacking FM Radio with a Raspberry Pi & Wire

In our first part on software-defined radio and signals intelligence, we learned how to set up a radio listening station to find and decode hidden radio signals — just like the hackers who triggered the emergency siren system in Dallas, Texas, probably did. Now that we can hear in the radio spectrum, it's time to explore the possibilities of broadcasting in a radio-connected world.

How To: Ignore someone

Not a social butterfly? You can go out into the world while ignoring a particular person or just not get caught up in a conversation with anyone at all. With the use of some distracting devices and a little acting you can be on your way.

How To: Follow chopstick etiquette

Try using proper chopstick etiquette next time you are in a situation in which chopsticks are involved. If chopsticks are not a utensil you are used to using you may not realize that you are being rude or using them incorrectly.

How To: Use BearShare to download music

In this video series, watch as computer, internet and software expert Matt Nichols teaches how to use BearShare to download music. Learn the basics of BearShare software, how to download BearShare, how to install BearShare, how to search for songs to download, how to download music, how to get a monthly subscription to BearShare, how to use the playlist, how to burn CD's using BearShare, and how to use BearShare for social networking. File-sharing is a great way to learn about new music and s...

How To: Discover the Unbelievably Easy Way to Animate Your Own Cartoons with This Animation Software Bundle for Mac

Did you know there's a way to make animating your own cartoons that's way easier than it looks — and that you can learn all the skills you need from home? Whether you want to pick up a fun, creative hobby over the holiday season or learn the skills to start working in animation, The Ultimate Cartoon Animator 4 Pro Mac Bundle will have you quickly making your own cartoons. Right now, it's on sale for 74% off, at just $49.99 (regular price $196).

How To: 11 Unique Effects to Make Your iPhone Photos & Videos Less Boring on Social Media

Social media apps like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok have plenty of editing tools that go beyond the basics, but there are still a lot of things they can't do. So if you want to apply interesting, unique effects to your photos and videos for social media, you'll need to add some other apps to your iPhone's arsenal of tools.