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How To: Determine the launch velocity of a metal ball

This experiment uses a ballistic pendulum to determine the launch velocity of a metal ball. This is compared to a measurement of the launch velocity found using projectile motion. You may wish to emphasize why energy is not conserved in the initial impact of the ball into the ballistic pendulum, but momentum is, and conversely why energy is conserved as the pendulum rises but momentum is not conserved.

How To: Set up a Doom 3 to Maya workflow

This video is to get you started with the initial setup of the Doom 3 to Maya workflow. Topics covered (in order) are set up, export your first character ingame, texturing, animations on character cycles, load game models into Maya. Part 4 is a WMP video.

How To: Install Joomla 1.5 on Windows Server 2003 with IIS6

Installing Joomla on a Windows server can be tricky, on Windows running IIS even more so. Installing Joomla 1.5 in this scenario has caused many frustrations.In this video, we take the process step by step and jump over the hurdles that cause some people to wind up pulling their hair out. If you follow along closely, you will be up and running in no time, and if you haven't already tried to do this, you will wonder why people find it so difficult. There are some prerequisites to the steps in ...

How To: Extend a background in Photoshop

All of us know by now that the pictures you see of actresses and models in magazines have been doctored beyond belief. After the initial photo shoot, retouchers quickly work their magic with thigh chub resizing (only in Photoshop do women not have cellulite), wrinkle reducing, and skin spot removing.

How To: Create & work with pivot tables (PivotTables) in Excel

Whether you're interested in learning Microsoft Excel from the bottom up or just looking to pick up a few tips and tricks, you've come to the right place. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, ExcelIsFun, the nth installment in his "Highline Excel Class" series of free video Excel lessons, you'll learn how to create and work with pivot tables (PivotTables) in Microsoft Office Excel. Specifically, this video covers the following topics and examples:

How To: Make your school reports or papers look longer

This subtle trick will lengthen your school report without your having to write a single extra word. Learn how to extend the length of your papers with this simple video. You will need a paper and flexible ethics. The trick is to enlarge the font of all the periods in your paper! Fact: If you have a 16 page, 12 point paper, changing the periods to 14-point will stretch the paper to 19 pages!

How To: Use imperatives or reporting verbs in English speech

In this tutorial, we learn how to speak English: Imperatives or reporting verbs. Imperative sentences are sentences like "open it!", where you are asking someone to perform an action. You can also say this in a nice fashion, asking "please open it". There are many different forms of imperative sentences, which include: commands/orders, directions, instructions, requests, and warnings. All of these different types of sentences are asking someone to do something, just changing up the way they d...

How To: Monitor social network activity with Net Nanny

Danny with Top Ten Reviews will show you how to monitor social network activity with the Net Natty program. This will be helpful for monitoring social networking accounts on websites such as Facebook and MySpace. First, open Net Nanny. Go to the dashboard and select Additional Settings under Filtering. With this section, social networking sites that have been used on the computer will be listed. You can check whichever account you want to monitor. Under the dashboard, go to Reports and select...

How to Speak English: Reported speech with conditionals

In this tutorial, we learn how to speak English with conditionals. Conditional statements need special attention and usually start with the word "if". An example of a conditional statement is "if you want, we'll go out to dinner". This has two parts, a condition, and a result. The condition is expressed by "if". To report them, don't change the verbs unless you're dealing with a real condition. Look and see if verb tenses can change depending on how the sentence is structured. Try to remember...

How To: Get credit when you have no credit

In this video, we learn how to get credit when you don't have any. Most credit agencies are now gathering information about younger people to figure out if they are allowed to get credit cards, which will help them build a credit score. There is a website, PRBC, where you can start a file and enter your information, and it can verify all the information you report. This information will be given to credit reporting agencies, and give you more of a chance to get credit. Next, you can get depar...

How To: Prepare homemade jerky provides a short preview of their online step by step video instruction and report on how to make beef, deer, or venison jerky. This homemade jerky can be made right in your own oven using 15 secret ingredients and by following step by step instructions which can be found in both the online video and printable report, all available for immediate use. A glimpse of what this delicious homemade jerky looks like can be seen in this preview video, offering up a tasty jerky recipe f...

How To: Fill a Basement Watchdog sump pump backup battery with initial fluid

For some homeowners, having a backup battery for their sump pump is important for making sure a loss of power doesn't cause a flood in the basement. And if you have yourself a standard new Basement Watchdog sump pump battery backup, before you can use it, you have to fill it up with the right amount of fluid. These batteries do not come with the fluid already inside, because it lessens the life of the battery. This video will show you the precautions and methods you should take in filling eac...

How To: Mold a white crappie fish sculpture out of fiberglass

This video taxidermy tutorial shows how to make a wall mount sculpture of a white crappie fish. The initial fish is bedded into a soft clay mold, and then painted with fiberglass resin. When the mold hardens and dries, it can then be filled with whatever material desired to make the wall mount. Watch this instructional video and learn how to make a mold for a white crappie fish wall mount sculpture.

How To: Use Samsung Health to Diagnose Symptoms from the Privacy of Your Phone

You really can't go wrong with Samsung Health when it comes to staying on top of fitness-related data. Its features help you keep track of workouts, track calorie and nutrition intake, and monitor your heart rate, just to name a few. And if you start exhibiting symptoms you've never had before, you can even use the app to find out more about what's wrong with you.

Market Reality: Apple's Smartglasses Timeline Shifts, Continental Invests in Automotive HUDS, & Target Ships Web AR App

Consumers are chomping at the bit for augmented reality smartglasses from Cupertino's finest, but one market analyst is saying not so fast, Apple fans. Meanwhile, automotive AR is gaining speed, with the latest milestone coming courtesy of a major investment in waveguides by Continental. And although mobile AR apps have already arrived, retailer Target is taking a different approach. So why is Target tinkering with web-based AR? Answers below...