Innovative Tech Search Results

Brief Reality: Industries Are Flocking to Augmented Reality

While the technology continues to mature, businesses from various industries continue to adopt augmented reality to improve the efficiency of business processes. In this edition of Brief Reality, as conference season continues, we see examples of augmented reality applied to logistics processes and marketing of industrial supplies, as well as the topic of discussion at another trade show.

News: HoloSuit Proof of Concept Uses Full Body Motion to Control the HoloLens

Here at NextReality, we talk a lot about the many different ways of controlling holograms in the HoloLens and other augmented and mixed reality devices; New and creative ways are coming more and more every day. Most recently is something called the HoloSuit. In the 25-second clip below, you can see a woman moving the arm of a jacket which in turn moves a 3D model of Darth Vader on the screen. It's a simple idea with big potential.

How To: Set up the intonation on your guitar at home

As a guitar player one thing that you may find yourself running into is your guitar, over time, will start to lose its intonation, especially if you never set it up after you purchased it. You could take it to a tech to have him set it up and fix it for you, but that's expensive, and who wants to spend money when you can do it for free right!? In this video you will learn how to adjust the bridge of your guitar among other things to help get your guitar back into tune!

How To: Broadcast live online

Systm is the Do-It-Yourself show designed for the common geek who wants to quickly and easily learn how to dive into the latest and hottest tech projects. They will help you avoid pitfalls and get your project up and running fast. In this DIY episode, see how to broadcast live online.

How To: Open files on your iPhone

Iphone is a innovative product from Apple, which can be used for many purposes. Some times even when using different applications and having a collection of music in your Iphone you may still be left with some space on it. Now you can use this space to fill it with other files which are not necessarily supported by the phone. Air sharing is a wonderful application which lets you drag and drop files into your Iphone. You can now browse it from any connected computer in your local network. So a...

How To: Use Crayola Hassle Free watercolor paints for projects

Crayola Hassle Free Watercolors are like regular watercolor paints, without the mess! There are no cups of water to tip over and no paints to spill. The specially designed paint pots contain a bright, solid color that is only activated when you dip in the brush tip. You can even turn them upside down and they won't spill or drip. This tutorial teaches how you and your kids can use these innovative hassle free watercolor paints from Crayola.

How To: Prepare clay for wheel throwing

Georgia Tech resident pottery instructor, Trip, describes how to knead clay and get it ready for use on the wheel. First you need a piece of soft scrap or fresh clay. When kneading, or wedging the clay, try to force out all of the air bubbles. The kneading board should help to absorb excess moisture. Test the kneaded clay by slicing it with a wire cutter to check for air bubbles.

How To: Inflate a flat ball without a needle or pump

Well, you're all ready to play basketball, or dodgeball or football or kickball, but, your ball is flat. To make matters worse, you don't have a pump. To make matters even worse, you don't have the needle you'd normally use to inflate your flat ball. Well, this how to video shows you a simple life hack to get your balls up and bouncing again in no time. What you'll need is a can of compressed air, commonly used for cleaning keyboards, or other tech equipment. These cans come with plastic 'tub...

How To: Master basic tactics and micros in StarCraft 2

Starcraft 2 came out today, and it's fantastic. Unfortunately for those of you who are new to the game, it's pretty complex and the barrier to entry can be high especially if you want to play online. This video will help you get started by teaching you how to use basic build orders and micros and some basic tactics. This is a great video for any Starcraft 2 n00b who wants to improve their skills.

How To: Add multiple power outlets to your car

Sometimes when it comes to long road trips, we find out that having just on power outlet in your car isn't enough. iPod, cell phone, GPS, etc. how can you be able to use all these items and have just one power outlet? Well in this video, you find out how to add multiple power outlets for those long road trips.