Innovative Title Search Results

News: The youtube converter

the converterhave you ever wanted a voutube video or song from youtube on your ipod but either cannot find it or don't have money to pay? well we can help. copy the youtube video's url and go to this link and click your country. it should take you to the next page and pop up some annoying adds. exit out of those and click audio converter for sound or video converter for video. we will assume for this guide that you want a song, but the same principal applies to video. click on audio converter...

Start Your Day Off Right: Beautiful Oscar Nominated Short "The Lost Thing"

The Lost Thing is a lovely short written by Shaun Tan and co-directed by Tan and Andrew Ruhemann (executive producer of the fantastic doc My Kid Could Paint That). Based on the award-winning children’s book of the same title (also by Tan), the piece was created over a span of eight years(!) using a mix of CGI and 2D handpainted elements. Tan, whose background is in painting, spent much of the duration "carefully building, texturing and lighting of digitial elements to create a unique aestheti...

News: 80s SF/Fantasy Revival

The Writers at have been running through a fantastic series of blog posts, in which they're teaching their readers about the history of great 80s sci-fi and fantasy. Because so much of this is right up my alley, I though I'd aggregate their aggregations, so to speak, and write a little retrospective of my own.

Real Life Cyborg: Man Plans to Implant Camera in the Back of His Head

Professor Wafaa Bilal of New York University plans to soon undergo a surgical procedure that would temporarily implant a camera in the back of his head. The project is being commissioned for an art exhibit at a new museum in Qatar. The Iraqi photographer will be a living, breathing cyborg for an entire year, during which the implanted camera will take still photos every minute, simultaneously feeding the images to monitors at the museum.

News: SNOW White Disney Princess Make up

HI everyone, its time for HALLOWEEN COSTUMES! This i my second tutorial and I am so excited about this once because I get to dress up as my FAVORITE Dinsey Princess. EVERYONE MUST LOVE Disney characters, and halloween is a prefect time to dress up as your favorites. I am so excited to see your comments about this video. Snow White is so dear to me, because beyone her pefrect skin and physical beauty she has a stron inner character and a perfect most humble princess ever. She is so feminine, e...

Ni no Kuni (Another World): From Studio Ghibli

Ni no Kuni is a gorgeous hand drawn and animated game coming to the PS3 and Nintendo DS. The story is about Oliver, a 13 year old who has lost his mother. Wishing for her to come back, a magical toy tells him that this might be possible and they set off on a journey in a parallel magical world. In the trailer above, the PS3 is able to almost match the visual quality of the cartoon animations originally made for cut scenes in the DS game.

Palermo: Coming Soon (somewhat) to a theater near you.

If you don't watch Argentine soccer regularly, it's possible that you don't know who Martin Palermo is. He scored Argentina's second goal against Greece yesterday and wrote another page in a story that's bound to be made a movie someday. He's won about 14 titles, scored over 222 goals in Boca Juniors and is their record striker.

News: Joe Danger on PSN

A cartoony, "Trials HD"-type game being released today. It's multiplayer so you can take on people at home or online. Looks like a lot of fun. You can also create your own levels. Here is an excerpt from the Game Informer review:

News: Just Cause 2

Just got finished playing Just Cause 2, a fairly new title developed by Eidos & Avalanche.  I was fairly skeptical of it due to the 81 metascore on metacritic, but decided to rent it with Gamefly.  At first, I was pretty turned off due to the highly repetitive missions (HIGHLY), but after exploring the vast world, I realized it offered so much more.

News: Twitch Will Soon Allow Mobile Gamers to Live Stream

There is a seemingly endless supply of games on mobile. While many of these games are fantastic, many are also, well ... garbage. And unfortunately, the platform as a whole has been dismissed because of those garbage games. This situation leaves gamers like myself wondering what can be done to develop a deeper public respect for gaming on smartphones.

News: The Crash Test Dummy

Simple as the title, someone will particpate as a crash test dummy. The funny part of course the prank is the "particpate" will not know he is a crash test dummy. Its kinda like the prank that was pulled on Ryan Dunn in the addtional footage in the DVD of Jackass Number Two where an airbag was suppose to go off in his face. Well i hust thought of the same concept but add a 30 or if you want to go crazy, 40 mph crash into wall or whatever it may be. You would tell the person being pranked that...

News: Friday Indie Game Review Roundup: Old-New School

This week's FIGRR is all about games that are old-new (or new-old, if you like) school. Each celebrates a different vital, yet largely taken for granted, aspect of video game history in the decidedly new-school world of indie games. Their titles betray them. Blocks That Matter is all about blocks. Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale is all about item shops. Neither are particularly sexy aspects of gaming, but both are ubiquitous elements of great games that can stand on their own.

News: Netflix DVD Rentals Becomes Qwikster… Now What Are Your Alternatives?

It's been a long journey for Netflix users. At first, it was a rough ride as Netflix struggled to find its place in the homes and hearts of movie watchers everywhere. Once monthly subscriptions bumped off the pay-per-rental charges, Netflix soared to great heights, known for their flat-fee unlimited rentals without due dates, late fees, or shipping and handling fees. And it was smooth sailing when streaming services were incorporated into monthly plans, with customers being able to rent DVDs ...

News: Friday Indie Game Review Roundup: Arcade Games Are Dead

If you're between the ages of 20 and 40, then video arcades probably hold a special place in your heart. Whether you all but lived in one (me), wished you could, or detested those with a liking for them, there's no denying that arcades were a ubiquitous part of American culture. They were everywhere, from big chains to little mom-and-pops, housing better systems than gamers had at home and with all the best games and newest titles.

A First Look at Call of Juarez: The Cartel

The developing team Techland gets a free pass. Having thoroughly enjoyed their previous title, Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, this sequel was bought on day one by good ol' fashion blind faith. After playing for most of today, it's still to early to tell if the game is a mess or a fun romp. Here are some first impressions.

The Rdio App for Mac: A Desktop Alternative to iTunes

A few weeks ago, I wrote about why I think streaming music services like are better than Apple‘s iTunes Music Store. This week, I follow up with a how-to about Rdio for Mac, a desktop music player that streams music from your account. Even though Apple is introducing new iTunes features, I think you will find Rdio for Mac a much more affordable option—especially if you like to listen to new music on a weekly, or even daily basis.

Important Astronomers: Isaac Newton

In my opinion, Isaac Newton is definitely the number two astronomer, right below Galileo Galilei. His discoveries were very important to uncovering the secrets of space, and he deserves to be remembered.

News: The Cosmic Connection

The recent report of the ubiquity of extrasolar planets coupled with the fact that it bodes well for searches for life friendly Earth twins, brought me back to my reading of Carl Sagan's 1966 Intelligent Life In The Universe and later article in Sky & Telescope where he came up with a remarkable number in favor of such.