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News: Microsoft Windows Gets the Virtual Reality Treatment with Envelop VR

Most of us work with a single monitor, but even with one or two extras, they still offer a rather confined workspace. Virtual reality, however, doesn't have such boundaries. As a result, VR headsets can work as excellent productivity tools. Windows can't just adapt on its own, however, so Envelop VR stepped in and created a new working environment to allow the desktop to expand beyond its traditional, rectangular bounds.

How To: Make Your Own Battery-Saving 'Lite Apps' for Android

Several major web services—most notably Facebook—have horrendous Android apps that occupy way too much space and drain battery life at an alarming rate. Such issues have led to a new trend where third-party developers create minimalist "lite" apps that are essentially the mobile website bundled into a native Android wrapper, freeing up storage space and saving battery life without sacrificing many features at all.

How To: Program Your Own Little RAT (Part 1) Getting the Server Working

I saw many people asking for a Tutorial about writing their own Remote Administration Tool, so I now introduce you in a basic kind of RAT. This program is not for real use, but for learning how you could write this kind of tool. It will be basicly coded and not very refined. I used Python 3, so you have to install it if you want to use this program unchanged. Also this RAT is for Windows and almost all features won't work under Linux.

How To: Cover Your Tracks After Hacking a Wifi

Greetings null-bytians. Say you have been able to penetrate your neighbour's AP, and of course you had spoofed your MAC address. Now you go on and test to see with excitement if the password really works and the MAC is still spoofed. You login successfully and you browse the web forgetting to check what your current MAC is. Well, if you may do an ifconfig command, you will see that your permanent MAC is being used. Oh!! and guess what, ... your real MAC has been logged. Even though there is t...

News: How to Better Your English (For Foreign Speakers)

Hello! I'm newbie at Null Byte and I want tho share some of my thoughts with you guys, hope you like it. I've been inspired by 3 facts for making this: 1- The post 'How to write better code', 2- A few illegible comments at some posts, 3- I myself have never written such a long text in English, this will be my first one!

How To: Hack Metasploitable 2 Part 2

In this tutorial I am going to look at what services are running on our Metasploitable machine and setup firewalls. This is more basic scanning of our machine to get an idea of how to get in. Obviously in a real engagement you would want to do research on Google and whatnot to find out as much as you can about your target but this series isn't about all of that.

News: How to Write Better Code

Programming is an essential thing in hacking/pentesting, and at times, I do not feel that it is being addressed enough here, at Null-byte. I understand that this is a forum dedicated for hacking, but I'll address some of the stuff I feel is muy importante about programming. I am not a professional programmer, but I do have experience and I do want to share some of the stuff professionals have taught me.

How To: Build an ARP Scanner Using Scapy and Python

As you might know, there are a multitude of tools used to discover internal IP addresses. Many of these tools use ARP, address resolution protocol, in order to find live internal hosts. If we could write a script using this protocol, we would be able to scan for hosts on a given network. This is where scapy and python come in, scapy has modules we can import into python, enabling us to construct some tools of our own, which is exactly what we'll be doing here.

How To: Attack on Stack [Part 2]; Smash the Stack Visualization: Ebp, Esp, RET and Stack Frames.

Hi everyone! After messing around a little bit with IDA and Hopper disassemblers and briefly introducing you to memory, registers and Assembly, we are going to understand what happens when a process is running, which variables join the play and especially what happens when a function is called and why is this procedure-logic so interesting and useful along with the concept of stack.

How To: Unsubscribe from Paper Junk Mail Using Your Phone

The only mail I like getting comes in the form of an Amazon package, but when I go to my mailbox, it always ends up being a pile of credit card offers and catalogs I could never see myself ordering from. Those pieces of junk mail usually end up in the trash, which is horrible when you think about all the trees that had to get cut down in order to produce them.

How To: Enable Media Playback from the Front Earpiece on Your OnePlus One for Stereo Sound

Starting with the original HTC One and now present on the new Nexus 6, dual speakers allow for smartphones to pump out true stereo sound. OnePlus, however, kept their speakers on the bottom of the device and use different sound drivers for each to produce great sound quality, although it's still mono. While there are mods out there that can further increase the volume of the OnePlus One, none of them can produce true stereo sound.

Hacker Hurdles: DEP & ASLR

This is the first installment in a new series that I am calling "Hacker Hurdles." These are things, methods, techniques that make our job as hackers more challenging and difficult. Don't misunderstand me, these items don't make our task impossible, but rather more challenging and, therefore, more gratifying when we are successful. One of the most important new hurdles for hackers is DEP and ASLR. Data Execution Prevention (DEP) and Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) are designed to pre...