Instance Household Search Results

How To: Tame Unruly Cling Wrap with These Plastic Whispering Tips

The biggest problem with plastic wrap is also its most useful trait: its incredibly clingy nature. Plastic wrap seems to stick to itself or you before you can get it over the plate, bowl, or food you're trying to preserve. And once you do manage to get it in the right position, it never sticks as well as you need it to. Fortunately, you can combat these inconveniences with two extremely helpful methods—a change in temperature or a bit of added moisture—as Jenny Stewart of CHOW explains in the...

News: Microsoft Beat Google to the Punch with a "Now on Tap" Clone for Android

One of the biggest new features in the soon-to-be-released Android 6.0 Marshmallow is something Google is calling "Now on Tap." Essentially, this service will be able to scan the contents of any screen on your Android device, then after you long-press the home button, it will provide you with relevant information about anything—from movie times to directions or dinner reservations.

How To: Protect Your Home from Mice for the Winter

Brought to you by Tomcat. Falling snow, warm fireplace, delicious hot cocoa, quiet reading time, mouse. Quick quiz - which one is not like the other? Nothing can ruin a perfectly cozy afternoon in your home like a pest on the loose. With dropping temperatures, you may have some unwelcome residents, like mice, looking for shelter from the cold.

How To: Make Sticky or Stubborn Wooden Drawers Slide More Smoothly

When I was moving into my current apartment, I had to store some of my things in my ex-roommate's garage for over a month while I was getting settled. One of those things was my dresser. Upon moving it into my new place, I realized something was horribly, horribly wrong—none of the drawers seemed to fit quite right anymore (if they fit at all). The combination of the differences in temperature and humidity in the garage caused them to swell and change shape. Several months later, they fit bet...

How To: Opt Out of Facebook's Creepy New Ad-Targeting Partnership with Datalogix

As if you needed another reason to lock down your Facebook profile, the company's sketchy new partnership with data mining firm Datalogix is geared towards giving advertisers more information on what you're doing—even when you're not online. It's just not enough that they can target ads based on your preferences, now they want to know how those ads are influencing your buying habits in the real world.

How To: Pack Household Goods Effectively

When the time comes to move home, the logistics of moving your belongings can easily become tiresome, tricky and even disastrous. However, with a little careful planning and foresight, the act of packing can be a simple process. The key to getting the most from your move is in efficiency, planning and care. Here, we take a look at the best ways to pack in order to ensure a safe and simple move.

How To: Treat strains and sprains [signed] (British Red Cross)

Everyone should be able to perform basic first aid, even those with hearing impairment. Deaf individuals are just as likely to save a life as anyone else, but they need to know how, just like everyone else. This video is signed to help those with hearing problems learn about strains and sprains treatments. Although strains and sprains are not a serious injury, they are still very painful for the sufferer, and the only way to make sure they heal properly is to make sure they get immediate atte...

How To: Use ActionScript 2.0 and Flash 8 Professional

Shown here is another video tutorial made possible through TutVid. In this video, you are learning the basics of Action Scripting in Flash. This lesson is titled "Action Scripting:101." Action scripting is one of the coolest thing about flash. The thing that makes flash special is the ability to make simple actions interactive. Flash possibilities are endless!

How To: Touch up high dynamic range (HDR) images in Photoshop

This software tutorial shows you how you can blend three differently exposed images using Photomatix, and then demonstrate how to use some basic Photoshop techniques to touch-up the resulting image. [Note: the Flash overlay in this video doesn't sync completely with the audio; pausing for a second and then resuming it fixes the problem.]

How To: Simply read a binary clock

Sydus 93 teaches You Tubers how to read a binary clock by demonstrating the following process: A binary clock is made up of four rows and six columns of colored or uncolored dots. The rows, from bottom to top, represent the numbers one, two, four and eight. From left to right, columns one and two represent hours, three and four minutes and five and six are seconds. In order to tell time using the binary clock, begin at the left of your chart and simply determine which dots are filled in and a...

How To: Make a keylogger

This video tutorial instructs you on what a key logger is and how to make a key logger which records your computers key strokes for later review. There are software or hardware based key loggers that intercept the connection between the keyboard and computer. Hardware key loggers consists of a micro controller for data logging. Software key logger is a script that runs in the background then processes and saves the key strokes to a text file. To make a key logger you'll need to know a program...

How To: Iron clothes

In this video series, watch as professional homemaker Vickie Pavone teaches how to iron clothes and other household items. Learn how to iron fitted sheets, how to iron flat sheets and pillow cases, how to iron a blouse, how to iron a skirt, how to iron pleats, how to iron a men's button down shirt, how to iron a men's polo shirt, how to iron slacks, how to iron denim, how to iron a law enforcement uniform, how to iron clothes using starch, how to iron, delicate silk fabrics, how to iron synth...

How To: House cleaning

In this series of informative videos you will learn new ways of cleaning your home. Watch as our expert,Paige Williams, demonstrates cleaning techniques for cleaning the bathroom sink, bathroom, and fixtures. You will also learn more about cleaning the dust from your ceiling and light fixtures. See our expert demonstrate mopping basics and other techniques for cleaning household floors and walls. Get tips on cleaning faucets and countertops in the kitchen and bathroom. Cleaning windows and ot...

How To: Make a Borax snowflake using supersaturated solutions

Perform your own fun and exciting science experiment from the comfort of your own home. With the help of this instructional video, create a beautiful Borax snowflake with simple household items like boiling water, string, pip-cleaners and pitcher. Fun for both kids or adults, this step by step guide will give you exact measurements and in less than twenty four hours, anyone can have a unique gift or decoration! You can even add food coloring to make a rainbow of delicate snowflakes that are p...

How To: Whistle very loud using 4 fingers

First of all you have to wash your hands thoroughly so that they are nice and clean. Now take your middle finger and your index finger of your both hands. Now open your mouth and roll your tongue upwards. Place these fingers on your rolled tongue inside your mouth. Now blow very hard. If you can whistle then you have done it. Otherwise the tutor suggests that you must practice a lot to learn this. You only have to keep following the steps mentioned. It needs a lot of dedication. You will not ...