Instilled Confidence Search Results

News: Google Bets $20K You Can't Hack Chrome

Since its inception in 2007, the Pwn2Own computer hacking contest has been challenging the vulnerability of mobile phones and web-related software. In 2010, the fruit of two full days of hacking came down to the exploitation of the following web browsers: Safari 4 on Mac OS X, Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7, and Firefox 3.6 on Windows 7. The winners walked away with the successfully hacked computer, plus a cash prize, but they left one Godly browser intact: Google Chrome. Even the savviest ...

News: References As A Marketing Tool

One of the most important marketing tools we should always be developing to help reinforce our brand is our references. Just like many companies use their client list and client references to build credibility and confidence for their products and services, we should also leverage our references to build credibility and confidence in our capabilities and brand. Sometimes reference checks are just a formality, but in most cases potential employers (i.e., potential clients) use reference checks...

The Schmupaissance: Gatling Gears and the Rebirth of Shoot-'Em-Up Games

Shoot-em-up games, or shmups, consist of lone or small groups of players shooting at and being shot at by hordes of colorful enemies. The genre is thought to have peaked in the mid-'90s, but recent games in the indie world may be saying otherwise. Geometry Wars and other twin-stick games kicked off the trend, but newbies Trouble Witches NEO, Outland and just-released Gatling Gears have brought some much needed originality into the modern shmup scene—making it something worth exploring again. ...

How To: Attract a man like a magnet

This video shows how to attract a man like a magnet! There are three powerful principles involved. Men are very attracted by confidence. It is not a question of acting confident, but of being confident. You need to practise thinking about what you like and appreciate about yourself. You should not try to impress a man because he can sense that you are auditioning for him. Principle number one is to stop trying to impress him. Men love to pursue a woman. Think about yourself as a flower and th...

How To: Tie the sheep shank Boy Scouts knot

Learn how to tie the sheep shank Boy Scouts knot. A sheep shank knot has two uses. First, you may use it to shorten a rope and maintain its strength for pulling. Its most useful purpose, however, is in situation when you cannot retrieve your rope. When lowering yourself over a rock (with no intention of returning up the face) how are you going to retrieve the rope that it tied to a rock or tree at the top? Tie a sheep shank knot close to the top end of the rope. Maintain tension on the rope a...

News: Living Life

Living Life- everyone knows how to do that right? Right everyone does know how to live life, but not everyone knows how to live life to it's fullest. Living Life to its fullest can be hard, when there is all these other obstacles in your life. But with a little guidance, motivation, and self confidence anything you set your mind to can almost magically happen. Ok now that that has been said; your wondering how can I get more guidance, motivation and self confidence. Well to do that you must g...

News: Not Your Parents' Documentaries: "California is a Place"

Sony's Bravia Balls Ad, David Michod's "Crossbow", James Nachtwey's war photography. Every once in a while, you get smacked in the face by art so powerful and sublime, it leaves you inspired, envious, or both. The mini documentary series, "California is a place", is no different. Led by filmmaker Drea Cooper and photographer Zackary Canepari, these 5-7 minute masterpieces tell the stories of unique individuals and groups throughout the Golden State. What really separates the quality of these ...

News: Hone O Oru

This Japanese expression has two basic meanings. The literal meaning is to break one’s bone(s), as when falling from a height. The figurative meaning is “to try harder.” That is, to try so hard that one’s bones break.

How To: Set SMART Goals In 10 Ways

10 Ways to Make Your Goals Easier to Achieve Do you have goals in your life? Most people do. You may want to lose weight, advance your career, or make your relationship better. You think about where you want to be and then find a way to get from where you are to where you want to be.

How To: Become Fashion Friendly By Painting Your Nails

Do you wanna be that person who stands out in a crowd? Our society dictates our fashion sense. We believe we all must look like who ever is the "most popular" in the media (TV, film, magazines etc.). Our choice to express our self is very limited because of the stigma of what patterns, styles and colors belong to which gender. I have found by adding just a hint of feminine flair to my person that I am able to catch peoples eye's faster than a supermodel walking onto a runway.

HowTo: Flash Mob Like a Boss

Watch enough Glee and Buffy's Once More, With Feeling and it will never fail to instill the urge to do something stupid in public. And hey, what better way to do this than to drag others down with you? Welcome to the world of flash mobs, and in just a few simple steps you too could be arrested!

Xbox LIVE Achievement: How to Earn Free Microsoft Points with Social Engineering

Sometimes, paying for the whole Xbox LIVE service might seem like a waste of money. You're constantly experiencing lag, you've got people modding and cheating, kids are being loud and obnoxious over the mic, and your kill-to-death ratio is getting dumped on. Basically, the whole multiplayer experience just isn't cutting it anymore—you want to go back to the classic world of single player. Well, there's always downloadable content—simply known as DLC.

May 21st: End of the World or Zombie Apocalypse?

Could the world really be coming to an end tomorrow? Presuming you believe the biblical prediction from 89-year-old Harold Camping, May 21st, 2011 is undeniably Judgment Day. If you have confidence in that prophecy, you're probably not even reading this because you're too busy either A) preparing for the Rapture or B) sitting in your backyard bunker hoping to outwit annihilationism.

How To: Killer Tips on How to Coach Soccer

Via Sports Game News By the time you finish reading this, you’ll agree with me on the thought that a coach will always be at the center of change. How to coach soccer is a feeling that is innate in a coach and he or she is a natural in it. But, a coach still needs to learn and become accustomed to so many other things if he or she has to shine in the field of coaching.

How To: Bowl the yorker in cricket

Martin Bicknell of Surrey and England shows how to bowl the yorker. It's one of the most dangerous weapons a bowler can have in a one-day game. The yorker is a ball which pitches right on the batsman's feet, giving him little time to react to dig the ball out. Aim for the batsman's feet, around middle stump and don't be afraid of bowling a full toss or a half volley. Have confidence in your ability. Bowl the yorker in cricket.

News: Laying the Foundation pt.4

Huzzah! My sentences have been recorded! This is normally the most exciting part of beginning a language with this method, because you actually had another person do something for you that is really of great value. I remember receiving my first recording in Japanese. I listened to that thing about 100 times. I shadowed it, repeated it to my family multiple times and still hear it in my head from time to time.

News: Introduction to Link Building

This article is going to cover the basics of link building. Why do we want to build links? First of all, what is a link? A link is a hyperlink, actually. You click on it and it brings you to another webpage. I'm sure you've all clicked on links before. Well, what we want to do is we want to build links from other sites back to our own site. Why do we want to do this? Google’s problem, as I see it, and this is based on thousands of hours of research, reading articles and watching videos and li...

News: Complete Your Degree as a Nurse Online with Kaplan University's Nurse Practiti

A degree in nursing from Kaplan University addresses the challenges and scenarios real nurses work through on a daily basis. Kaplan University’s Master of Science in Nursing (MSN program) is based on relevant material to help ensure our students are prepared for their careers. Our online nursing degrees are based on flexible coursework; students enrolled in the Kaplan University School of Nursing program are already nurses and there is no easier way to cater to the ever-changing schedule of a...

GENRE JAM: West Side Story (1961)

There's gonna be a rumble.... For this week's GJ article, I thought I would jump right into talking about a mortal-lock favourite of mine: West Side Story. If you haven't seen it (and a lot of folks havent - dudes especially) and you want a lesson in filmmaking craft from a bonafide master then you kind of owe it to yourself to rent this undisputed gem.