Instruct Children Search Results

How To: Do advanced bowling

Our experts Glenn Soanes and Roger Manzo are professionals who know how to instruct even the worst of bowlers in this fine sport. They will first address the basics that we all must know like your stance, how the ball is properly held and the release. Then they venture off into the actual game and show you how to pick up many different kinds of spares of several difficulty levels.

How To: Quickly Look Up the Valid Subdomains for Any Website

Traditional subdomain enumeration techniques create a lot of noise on the target server and may alert intrusion detection systems to an attacker's intentions. For a stealthier approach, there's a tool with the capability of finding hundreds of subdomains related to the target website without alarming the server administrators.

News: Chickens Can Be Cuddly but Salmonella Is Not, Warns the CDC

Multistate outbreaks of Salmonella infection in humans have led the Centers for Disease Control to advise caution when interacting with poultry. A press release on June 1st mentioned eight multistate outbreaks connected to backyard flocks. As of May 25, 372 people in 47 states were reported infected with the outbreaks' Salmonella strains. That means this year could be as bad as 2016, a record year, for salmonella outbreaks with 895 people infected.

How To: Light Up Your Walls with Stars

Everybody loves the stars. Well, I certainly do. As a child I'd spend hours outside during summer nights marveling at the seemingly endless amount of sparkling dots spanning the sky. Maybe you have children of your own and want to create a sparkle in their eyes, or in your own. This tutorial will provide a basic method of bringing the stars inside—at least, in part.

How To: Watch the Hobbit

Many people that I know who have gone to see the Hobbit have come back unimpressed or annoyed with the film. I LOVED it. When those non-specific people, cough Loziers cough, gave me their reasons for not liking the movie, I was very annoyed... I considered the demands that they were placing on Peter Jackson and his team to be very high and unreasonable. So, as a method of venting my anger, here is how to watch the Hobbit. If you’ve read Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, please, go back, and R...

How To: The Humble THQ Bundle Is Out Just in Time for Christmas—7 Games for Any Price You Want!

Over the past few years, indie game developers have gathered together to release their products in the widely popular Humble Indie Bundle, a collection that gamers can purchase for whatever price they want. It's a win-win for both. Developers get more exposure for their games, and customers get tons of games for whatever they could afford. Heck, charities even get a little piece of the pie.

News: Post-TIFF Micro-Blurbs

Every year the fine folks at Row Three do a post-TIFF mega-wrap up, collecting the micro-blurbs of a bunch of attendees into a giant meta-analysis of what everyone liked, loved, hated, etc. etc.. We'll link to that post when it goes up on the weekend, but in the mean time, here's my contribution:

How To: Eat for Free at DragonCon 2012

If you're like me, you've already spent a ton of money on your costumes, your badge, and your hotel room, and now you're looking for ways to cut costs. There are all kinds of ways to save money at DragonCon, but many of them involve violating the rules in some way, such as not buying a badge, sleeping on the floor in a hallway somewhere, etc. However, the one thing you can do that is totally not against the rules is eat for free. It requires a little self-discipline and a willingness to eat w...

How To: Build Star Wars Christmas Tree Ornaments Out of LEGOs

LEGOs are more than just a toy for young children— it's an emerging art form combining photography, stop-motion (i.e., brickfilms), and imitative models that portray today's pop culture as it is. It's something visual culture analysts are sure to be studying over the next decade, and Chris McVeigh, from Halifax, Nova Scotia, is sure to be studied for his LEGO mastery.

How To: Fold a Simple Origami Mouse

This tutorial teaches you how to fold an origami mouse with an ordinary sheet of paper. This model is suitable for beginners and children. Origami is great for small kids as the only material needed is paper, no scissors or glue that could do harm!