Use cobalt blue for a watercolor sky. Learn how to choose colors for a watercolor landscape with houses in this free painting lesson from a painting instructor and professional painter. Choose colors for a watercolor landscape with houses - Part 1 of 23.
Have one of the jackass guys think the skit is to go tandem skydiving with a funny costume on but the real prank is right as the jackass guy and the skydiving instructor jump out of the airplane the skydiving instructor says, "oh shit" and pretends their was a malfunction with the parachute that they're not deploying and then when they get close enough that they need to deploy it he deploys it and the jackass guy has been scared shitless
Step one. Find out who is most terrified of heights, someone inevitably will be!
How Step got started. Learn about the history of step aerobics in this free fitness workout from a professional instructor. Learn about step aerobics - Part 1 of 10.