Insulin Injections Search Results

How To: Handle and restrain a rat for injections

This Animal Welfare Foundation two-part video tutorial is from expert veterinary staff demonstrating the correct procedures for handling small mammals for clinical examination and medication. Its aim is to show that the primary consideration should be for the the welfare of the animal. This video guide will show you practical animal handling for a rat.

How To: Handle and restrain a hamster for injections

This Animal Welfare Foundation two-part video tutorial is from expert veterinary staff demonstrating the correct procedures for handling small mammals for clinical examination and medication. Its aim is to show that the primary consideration should be for the the welfare of the animal. This video guide will show you practical animal handling for a hamster.

How To: Handle and restrain a gerbil for injections

This Animal Welfare Foundation three-part video tutorial is from expert veterinary staff demonstrating the correct procedures for handling small mammals for clinical examination and medication. Its aim is to show that the primary consideration should be for the the welfare of the animal. This video guide will show you practical animal handling for a gerbil.

How To: Hack websites with SQL injection and WebGoat

SQL injection is a common web application attack that focuses on the database backend. WebGoat is a deliberately insecure J2EE web application maintained by OWASP designed to teach web application security lessons. I plan to use WebGoat for a few future videos. This first WebGoat video will show the basics of installing WebGoat and doing two of its SQL injection lessons. Hack websites with SQL injection and WebGoat.

How To: Handle and restrain a mouse for injections

This Animal Welfare Foundation two-part video tutorial is from expert veterinary staff demonstrating the correct procedures for handling small mammals for clinical examination and medication. Its aim is to show that the primary consideration should be for the the welfare of the animal. This video guide will show you practical animal handling for a mouse.

How To: Protect Your PHP Website from SQL Injection Hacks

As a web developer, I often read articles about hackers (from the lowly to the knowledgeable) infiltrating websites via the dreaded 'SQL Injection' method and completely taking control, changing, gaining access, or destroying the owner's data. As a fellow web developer, I'm sure you want to know how to protect against it. Well, here it is! In this article, you will find out what SQL Injection is, what you can do to protect against it, and additional recommendations that are easy to do and onl...

How To: Get fuller lips with makeup

Wondering how to get fuller lips without looking like a clown? Here are some tricks you can use for fuller lips using the stuff already in your make-up bag. No need for injections- with a little color and some other handy tips you can plump them up! Get fuller lips with makeup.

Goodnight Byte: HackThisSite, Realistic 4 - Real Hacking Simulations

Last Friday's mission was to accomplish solving HackThisSite, realistic 4. The fourth in a series of realistic simulation missions was designed to be exactly like a situation you may encounter in the real world. This time, we are told "Fischer's Animal Products is a company that slaughters animals and turns their skin into overpriced products which are then sold to rich bastards! Help animal rights activists increase political awareness by hacking their mailing list."

News: Get YouTube's New Layout Today with a Simple JavaScript Hack

As many of you may have noticed, nearly every Google product (i.e. Gmail, Google search, etc.) has gone through a bit of a makeover since the release of Google+. Big blocky buttons and enormous font sizes are apparently the thing of the future, and with a cool JavaScript hack, you can have a goofy YouTube, too! Now, I'm actually just being a bit facetious, the new YouTube is really the only thing that I like out of all of Google's recent redesigns. It looks pretty sleek.

How To: Treat acne with Mesotherapy

In this tutorial, Jackie Silver tells us how to treat acne with mesotherapy. Acne can occur in all ages, whether you're a teen or an adult. Once your glands get plugged up, it results in acne, and mesotherapy can help treat this. You must go to a doctor to get this therapy, as it's not something you can do yourself. Find a doctor in your area that offers these services, and schedule a consultation. Make sure to ask before and after pictures to see how their work looks. Your doctor may want to...

How To: The Essential Newbie's Guide to SQL Injections and Manipulating Data in a MySQL Database

No doubt you've seen some of the hack logs being released. One part that stands out over and over again is the heavy database usage. It used to be early on that virus and hackers would destroy data, usually just for lulz. However, with the explosive commercial growth of the Internet, the real target is turning into data theft. You should learn how this happens so you can protect yourself accordingly. Let's take a look at what makes this possible and dare I say, easy.

Google Dorking: AmIDoinItRite?

What is Google Dorking? Well, simply put, "Google Dorking" is just an efficient way to utilise keywords in order to perform very specific searches on a given subject. In this case, one would look for websites/servers that are vulnerable to attacks or are configured improperly by using specific search criteria that should yeild results, should it find matches to known mistakes/errors in a website or webserver.

How To: Get Packet Injection Capable Drivers in Linux

In this Null Byte, we are going to be installing Packet Injection capable drivers in Linux. These are the open-source drivers required to sniff wireless traffic, inject packets to crack a wireless access point, and go into "monitor-mode". These drivers are superior because they are the fastest available drivers.

IPsec Tools of the Trade: Don't Bring a Knife to a Gunfight

Pull up outside any construction site and you'll see tools scattered about—hammers, jigsaws, nail guns, hydraulic pipe benders—these are the tools of the trade. You would be hard-pressed to build a home or office building with just your hands! On that same page, security professionals also have their own go-to tools that they use on the job site, only their job site is your server.

Goodnight Byte: HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 3 - Legal Hacker Training

Welcome to the Goodnight Byte for HackThisSite, Basic Mission 4. In Friday's session, we tackled some coding in Gobby. Nothing special, just a few modifications to the NullBot script we made a few session ago, and some education on regular expressions. Apart from coding, we did our scheduled HackThisSite mission. We had to take on some JavaScript, which was a new thing for Null Byte. This mission taught us about client-side HTML manipulation through JavaScript injections. This just means that...

How To: Reveal Saved Browser Passwords with JavaScript Injections

JavaScript is the language of the internet. It is what allows us to create dynamic, interesting webpages that are fast, web-based applications and so much more. The primary use of JavaScript is to write functions that are embedded in or included from HTML pages and that interact with the Document Object Model (DOM) of the page. This is the magic that allows all of what we see to happen, and for our browser to be manipulated.

How To: Lose Weight The Correct & Healthy Way

Obesity has ballooned into a worldwide epidemic. The World Health Organization estimates that 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and 700 million will be obese by 2015. Over 20 million children are overweight today. The reasons for these distressing figures are common knowledge: The international switch to high sugar, high fat, low nutrient processed junk foods prompted by global fast food chains and their advertising; the increasingly sedentary nature of jobs; children playing video games ...

How To: Noob's Introductory Guide to Hacking: Where to Get Started?

There is a vast amount of knowledge out there on computers! In fact, it is so vast that no single person could ever possibly ever learn everything there is to learn about hacking or computers in general. People usually specialize in a certain field: cryptography, computer security, networking, software development, testing, and so on...It's probably a bit premature to decide what you want your speciality to be, but keeping the question in the back of your mind will help give you direction in ...

How To: An Entry Level Guide to Finding and Reading Logs (And Maybe Staying Out of Jail)

Big brother is watching when you're playing around on another system—and big brother is that system. Everything from operating systems to intrusion detection systems to database services are maintaining logs. Sometimes, these are error logs that can show attackers trying various SQL injection vectors over and over. This is especially so if they are using an automated framework like sqlmap that can spam a ton of requests in a short time. More often than not, the access logs are what most amate...

News: Anonymity, Darknets and Staying Out of Federal Custody, Part Two: Onions and Daggers

In the first part of this series, we learned about darknets, as well as how they came about. But these patches of forgotten Internet are not the oasis of free information you might think. Despite being hidden—or just harder to come across—these networks are no more safe then anywhere else on the 'clear' Internet. The nature of networking and routing means your location is always known in server logs. It only takes one phone call to your ISP with your IP address to obtain both your physical ad...

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