Intercontinental Play Off Search Results

News: How to Get Unlimited YouTube & Google Play Movies on T-Mobile

Google dropped its opposition to T-Mobile's Binge On service due to some favorable policy changes at the magenta carrier. From now on, YouTube and Google Play Movies will happily work with the feature. Binge On rolled out late last year, allowing many customers to receive unlimited video streaming at 480p. That's not a great offer if you care about video quality, but it's nice if you want to save money.

How To: 5 Ways Android Can Lead to Better Sleep

We spend over 30 percent of our lifetimes sleeping—yet it never seems like enough, does it? Distractions ranging from work issues to personal relationships keep our minds racing well after they should be shutting down for the night, and the onset of smartphones has only added to this problem with the instant information and easy entertainment that they offer.

How To: Save Battery Life by Activating Doze Mode Faster on Android Marshmallow

Of all the new features in Android 6.0 Marshmallow, an automatic battery-saving function called "Doze" might just be the most interesting. What it all boils down to is that if you set your phone down on a flat surface, the device uses internal sensors to detect that it's motionless and not in use, then responds by drastically scaling back battery-sucking services until the next time you pick your phone up.

News: Playing an Electric Guitar With 100,000V

Video: . I made this Tesla Coil using the myRIO and LabVIEW. It uses electricity to play the music, which can be Star Wars, Harry Potter or even Hunger Games! The music is played by the spark heating the surrounding air (causing it to expand) then the spark turning off (causing the air to cool and contract). This expanding and contracting cause's longitudinal waves - or sound waves.

How To: Disable the Annoying Increasing Ringtone on Your Samsung Galaxy S4

Samsung introduced a wave of seriously unique and innovative features on the Galaxy S4, including air gestures and weather sensors, but a lot of the features are actually just updated ones from the Galaxy S3. Unfortunately, one of those that returned was the dreaded increasing ringtone. In their increasing ringtone system, the ringtone will start off on a low volume and increase until it reaches your set volume. In theory, this is useful for not shocking the user with a sudden, blaring ringto...

How To: Silence the Annoying Camera Shutter Sound on Your Samsung Galaxy S3

SNAP. That's the sound of your Samsung Galaxy S3's camera going off. Not that big of deal, unless you're trying to take some top secret pics or some candid shots of your friends. The shutter sound gives you away, and the next thing you know, you're deleting pictures. On most other smartphones, if the users turns the phone on silent or vibrate, the shutter sound is killed. If that doesn't do the trick, usually muting the shutter sound itself in the settings will do the trick. But for some of y...

How To: Repair or Replace Your Broken Headphone Jacks

If you haven't met a person that's broken a pair of headphones, you might need to get out more. No matter how expensive or cheap a pair of headphones are, the sound can get buggy, the wire can get cut, or the headphone jack itself can be broken or ripped off the cord. But instead of buying a new set of headphones or borrowing the ones from your cousin with the earwax problem, you can easily fix it yourself.

How To: Play an off-beat snare drum

In this instructional video series you will learn how to play an off-beat snare drum to a swing beat. Our expert Peter Van Dyck shares techniques for creating a basic drum beat, adding fills, and offers tips and advice on how to begin the process and walks you through some great informational steps to becoming a more advanced drummer.

How To: Unravel a Bound Off Row

There will be times when you've finished a project, such as a scarf, that you've already bound off, when you will realize it's not quite as long as you want it to be. You will have to unravel the bound off row, add more yarn, and then start knitting again.

How to Play Stupid Zombies: 3 Stars on Levels 1-60 in Chapter 1, Stage 1

Looking for another Angry Birds fix? Well, drop the lame birds and pick up the zombies—Stupid Zombies, that is. You'd think that killing "stupid" undead beings would be easier than knocking off a few "angry" vertebrates, but it's actually more challenging—and more fun! Who wouldn't enjoy killing zombies with a shotgun blast and watching their heads roll? Armed with a shotgun and a strategic mind, your goal is to take out all the living dead with as few bullets as possible, trying to achieve t...

How To: Disable and uninstall extensions in the Safari web browser

If you're wanting to turn off an extension in Safari, this short video will show you what needs to be done. You'll see how to disable and uninstall single extensions, as well as how to turn off all extensions, in the Safari web browser. It's a simple process— you just need to know where to go— preferences. Disable and uninstall extensions in the Safari web browser.

News: Electric Fly Swatter Tag

Have about 10 guys In a small, pitch black room, each armed with two electric fly swatters. Once the lights go off, it's every man for himself in an all-out, spark-filled brawl. I would suggest a strobe light in the room, but I'm sure the sparks given off by the electrified rackets will do.

How To: Play perfect open chords on an electric guitar

If you're a musician in need of some lessons, there's no better way to learn than with Music Radar's so-called "Tuition" instructions. Although the title tuition is misleading, this video class is anything but costly, because it's free, right here. Whether you're looking for help with your voice, bass, electric guitar, drums, guitar effects, piano, Logic Pro or production techniques, Music Radar is here to show you the way.

How To: Straighten a kick shot in pool using reverse English

A pool shooting tutorial. Using a slight right English in this example, the cue ball bypasses an obstacle ball and kicks off the rail, sending the object ball into the pocket. The use of reverse English reduces the rebound angle as the object ball is deflected off the rail which enables you to hit previously unreachable balls. Straighten a kick shot in pool using reverse English.

News: Its time to steal your own fairy!!

While scrawling the world of minecraft I came across a interesting and well done texture pack that will totally be in my mind. right Hyrule castle time!!!!!For those of you who didnt have the pleasure of playing one of the greatest worlds of all time, it looked something like this.