Interfaces Search Results

How To: Install OpenVAS for Broad Vulnerability Assessment

OpenVAS is a powerful vulnerability assessment tool. Forked from Nessus after Nessus became a proprietary product, OpenVAS stepped in to fill the niche. OpenVAS really shines for information gathering in large networks where manual scanning to establish a foothold can be time-consuming. OpenVAS is also helpful for administrators who need to identify potential security issues on a network.

Hack Like a Pro: Digital Forensics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 8 (More Windows Registry Forensics)

Welcome back, my fledgling hackers! Let's continue to expand our knowledge of digital forensics, to provide you the skills necessary to be a digital forensic analyst or investigator, as well make you a better hacker overall. In your attempts to enter a system or network undetected, it is key to understand what a skilled forensic investigator can learn about you, the alleged hacker.

How To: The Hardware Hacker's Introduction to Microcontrollers, Part One: Anatomy of an Arduino

In this article, I'll be explaining the basics of how microcontrollers work, physically and virtually. First off, microcontrollers are no simple thing, so don't be discouraged if you find it mind-boggling! The world of microcontrollers is fascinating, engaging, and an awesome hobby; it never gets boring. I'll be focusing more on I/O and analog based microcontrollers, such as those running Arduino, and using Atmel chips as examples (these are most commonly available, and easy to program).

Video: Haptics Make Holograms Touchable on the HoloLens

Imagine wearing your HoloLens, then reaching out to touch a hologram and actually feeling it. Mind blown, right?! Now imagine that same hologram responding to your touch. I don't mean in the way holograms currently respond to an air tap, but a much more refined and precise touch. Maybe you touch a character on the shoulder and it turns around to see you, or maybe you hit a button in the air and it reacts accordingly.

News: HoloTube Brings YouTube to the HoloLens, but It Needs to Be Way Better

HoloTube, a new unofficial YouTube app for the Microsoft HoloLens, brings a whole bunch of new content to the mixed reality headset. While it's nice to have, the experience feels focused on quantity, not quality. HoloTube has a simple interface most people will recognize. You get a page of video categories, and as you drill down through each option you're presented with videos to watch. You can view regular, flat videos on the wall (or wherever you like)—which has its merits.

How To: Using BASH for Computer Forensics

Greetings to all geeks, hackers, nerds, and explorers of Null Byte. Welcome to my brand new tutorial, "Using BASH for Computer Forensics". This tutorial will give you a look at how the computer programming language, Bash, can be used to find out details on apple devices for later use.

How To: Turn Your Old NES into an All-In-One Retro Gaming Console

While the PlayStation and Xbox models may rule the current world of gaming, there are still those who love to keep it old school. The grittiness, toughness and nostalgia that is laced throughout old gaming consoles appeals to many people. Every time I play Donkey Kong 64 (with the expansion pack of course!), I revert back to the days of Sunday morning cartoons and only worrying about homework.

How To: Run Windows 8's Desktop and Metro Views Simultaneously Using a Second Monitor

The new Windows 8 operating system pushes the Metro interface hard, but not all of your apps will play nicely in Metro, which means you'll need to resort to the traditional desktop environment for some of your favorite programs. As a result, it has left many users picking between the two—Metro or traditional? Fortunately, there's a way to run them both simultaneously with the use of second monitor. In the video below, Donald Bell of CNET explains how you can run both interfaces simultaneously...

Android for Hackers: How to Backdoor Windows 10 & Livestream the Desktop (Without RDP)

The Windows 10 desktop and microphone can be livestreamed without using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) software and without opening any ports on the target computer. A hacker with low user privileges can monitor and exfiltrate a target's every move and private conversation in real time no matter where they are. Hackers are watching and listening, and there are few ways to protect yourself.

News: UK Wireless Giant Three Promos 5G for AR, VR, & Smartphones with Wild Sci-Fi Video That's Better Than Some Movies

The entire wireless industry is working overtime to convince the world that 5G, and the higher prices associated with the faster speeds it affords, will not only be worth it but will deliver never-before-seen wonders. But few companies have produced such a stunningly well-done sales job as Three, one of the leading wireless giants in the UK.