Internationally Accepted Search Results

DIY Plastination: Turning Dead Animals Into Science-Jerky

If you found the world renown Body Worlds exhibition gnarly and perverse, perhaps you'll find this latest parade of plastination a little less so—considering we don't share the same DNA as these specimens of jerky-in-the-name-of-science. The Koerperwelten der Tiere—or Animal Body Worlds–doesn't showcase preserved corporal matter, but rather 20 odd plastinated mammals, currently on display at the Cologne Zoo in Cologne, Germany.

News: A Quick Homage to Our Benefactor

Without Richard Channing Garfield the world would be a much grayer and less interesting place today, at least for all of us. He created Magic in college, playtested it throughout, accidentally found a publisher for it, and wound up the the most well-known and successful paper game designer in the world (sorry Guygax, make something new why don't ya?). He does not seek the limelight, has not had a snappy biography written about him (or his game, amazingly enough) and I thought we should pay a ...

How To: Fix the Executable File Association Virus in Windows

The executable file association virus deletes the "Regkey" that associates ".exe" files with the proper Windows execution. The virus can be contracted while browsing the web, from an infected file, or even from pictures and documents. Once the damage is done, Windows will show a window similar to the one below, and will ask you for the correct program with which to open the file.

How To: Port Your Mobile Phone Number to Google Voice

Want to stick it to your mobile carrier by porting your cell number to Google Voice? Now you can! On Wednesday, January 19th, Google Voice began allowing select users to transfer their personal numbers to Google Voice for a one-time fee of $20. Though the feature is still in limited release, Google has stated that they intend to make the feature available to all Google Voice users "in the near future." Terrific, right? Not entirely!

Winspiration: 16 Crazy Stock Photos to Inspire Your WTFoto Contest Submissions

So far, there have been some excellent entries to our WTFoto Stock Photo Challenge, but the battle is not over yet. You still have a couple days left to submit your best find to the WTFoto community corkboard for a chance to take the crown. Remember, we're looking for an absurd stock photo image that nobody's ever seen before. Entries are due Monday, February 27th, 11:59:59pm PST. One second later and, well... I'll probably just let it slide. But 2 seconds later and you're out!

News: International iPhoneography Exhibition in NYC Calling for Entries

MacPhun, the company who brought FX Photo Studio to the iPhoneography community, and MobiTog, have teamed up to create the upcoming International iPhoneography Show. The first exhibition will kick off in New York on December 16-22 at The Soho Gallery for Digital Art. It will feature approximately 200 pictures captured with iPhones by over 150 different artists from around the world, making it the biggest exhibition of iPhone photography of the year. There will also be more international exhib...