Intricate Relationship Search Results

How To: Crochet a Catherine Wheel stitch blanket

This video tutorial demonstrates how to crochet a Catherine Wheel stitch blanket. Stitching a Catherine Wheel takes more time than other crochet patterns, but it is well worth it. As seen here, it is possible to crochet two colors of yarn as one to re-enforce the rainbow gradation pattern. The Catherine Wheel is defined as a Gothic marigold, or circular shaped, spinning firework. The radiating colonettes of the stitched wheel resemble spokes. This crochet pattern creates a thick and intricate...

How To: Make marbled greeting cards

This video is about making a marble greeting card. The materials required for making them are marabu marble starter kit which consists of six marble paints,a marabu konturf paste, a polyester ball, a bowl, kebab sticks, a pencil, a cutting knife, a glue, sweat pieces of card, three cards of different colors and a bucket of water. The video starts by folding one piece of card into half and then cutting the ball into two pieces. Keeping the piece of ball as the center draw a flower around it on...

How To: Paint your nails with an elegant dot and flower design

This video describes how to create intricate nail painting designs. The first step is to choose a background color. You can either choose a lighter background color so the darker designs you paint over it will stand out, or a darker background color so the lighter-colored designs will stand out. For this specific design consisting of 3 flowers and a few dots, the former will be used. Next, take globbing paper and glob it with some white polish. Use a nail dotter to apply the polish from the p...

How To: Play a drum rock shuffle

The rock shuffle is a fun and intricate rhythm that's worth exploring when learning techniques on the drums. Learn several variations for playing the rock shuffle drum pattern from a professional drummer in this free video series.

How To: Buy flowers for your girlfriend

Sure, you can go online and send the first flowers you see, but a little thought and planning will go a long way toward impressing her. Sure, you can go online and send the first flowers you see, but a little thought and planning will go a long way toward impressing her. You will need a friend or relative of the recipient. Send her favorite. If she’s ever mentioned a favorite flower, buy that. You’ll get bonus points for listening to her. If you have no clue, ask a friend or relative of hers ...

How To: Apologize to your husband after a fight

Marriage isn't always easy, and there are going to be times when you irritate your husband so badly that the relationship may seem to be in jeopardy. If you want to apologize effectively but aren't sure how, this video will give you some tips on making an honest, heartfelt, effective apology that will get your marriage back on track.

How To: Sign up and set up a Twitter account

In this tutorial, we learn how to sign up and set up a Twitter account. Twitter is a social networking site where you have 140 characters to tell your friends how you are feeling, what you are doing, or talk to them! You can follow people and other people can follow you. You can choose who follows you, which will create and strengthen online relationships. You can even get business referrals from this! Just by getting yourself out there, this is a great tool. To sign up, you will simply go to...

How To: Overcome depression by increasing your intake of Vitamin D or UV light

Depression can come with physical symptoms - such as poor sleeping habits or aching joints. The theory explained in this video is that there is a relationship between the physical symptoms of an overactive immune system and depression. By supplementing a diet with Vitamin D and UV light, and thereby altering one's immune system, one can allieviate the symptoms of depression.

How To: Fold a beautiful origami iris flower

The tradition of bringing a colorful boquet of dead flowers to your true love is old as balls, not to mention sort of morbid. Stop sending "let these deceased flowers signify the longevity of our relationship" messages by making paper flowers that'll last a long time if not forever (so long as you don't sit on them).

How To: Be more outgoing

Keith Ferrazzi teaches you how to be outgoing. Although it is difficult to talk to people you don`t know, you might miss out on opportunities if you don`t. Only by reaching out to people, you will meet them and they may get to know you enough to perhaps be of help to you in your carreer. You have to learn how to speak up. One way is to pick a role model in your social circle who is outgoing and watch how they behave and listen to what they say. Joining a Toastmasters group is also recommended...

How To: Make branches-styled friendship bracelets

What better way to say thanks for all you've done, than by making a cool friendship bracelet! For kids, friends can play a key role in how they mature and are able to build relationships with other individuals later on in life. And by making friendship bracelets, not only will they be sending a message that they care, but they'll also be showing them they share a certain bond that no one else has. So check out this tutorial on how to make branches-styled friendship bracelets from scratch. Enjoy!

How To: Experiment with temperature using glow sticks

In this video from Dr. Carlson, users are shown how to witness the effects of the relationship between temperature and matter firsthand, using light-sticks. For the experiment, users need 3 beakers (or vessels of the sort,) and 3 light-sticks of the same color, shape, and light. To test the range, each beaker must correspond to one of the following states: room temperature, ice-water, or boiling water. Deposit a stick in each of them and observe for two minutes. Thus, one will see how the ato...

How To: Make beer-batter onion rings

Looking for a satisfying snack you can whip up in minutes? Try this recipe for delicious beer-batter onion rings. Explore the sizzling relationship between America's most popular grown-up beverage and an everyday vegetable. Let's make some beer-batter onion rings. If you're having trouble parting with a can of the good stuff for this recipe, consider this: A New Zealand study found that adding beer to batter helps reduce the oily fat content of fried food by as much as 40 percent. Yep, that's...

News: Skyfall's DOP, Roger Deakins | WTI

As we've already mentioned, Skyfall is an awesome James Bond movie - one of the best, really (if not THE best?). Today's very special Watch This Instead looks at one of the reasons it turned out so great: cinematographer Roger Deakins. He's worked with Skyfall director Sam Mendes many times before and has a special relationship with the Coen bros. also. If you're not a James Bond freak or you can't make it out to see Skyfall, then check out some of his other work instead!

News: Human Dissection Illustrated in Anatomical Pop-Up Books

Before there was Gray's Anatomy, physicians and medical students used anatomical flap books to explore the inner workings of the human body—a scientific illustrated guide that takes its name from the moveable paper flaps that can be "dissected" to reveal hidden anatomy underneath. Similar to pop-up books, these instructional tools mimic the act of human dissection, allowing doctors and students to study the intricacies of the body normally concealed by flesh.

PhD in Paper Craft: Make This Insanely Detailed & Anatomically Correct Human Torso—Complete with Removable Organs

If you're studying human anatomy (or have ever visited a doctor's office), you're no doubt familiar with those plastic anatomical models with removable pieces meant to teach the different parts of the body. Before those, there were illustrated pop-up books. If you need to know the difference between the latissimus dorsi and the multifidus, you're probably better off sticking with your textbook diagrams. But if you prefer a more artful approach (and have a lot of time one your hands), this pap...