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How To: Get the Easter Hare egg in Fable 3

Fable 3 is packed with all sorts of great content for the diligent fan who takes their time to really dig into the games depths! If you're trying to find all the Easter Eggs in Fable 3, have you found the REAL Easter Hare egg!? Bet you haven't! Check out this video from Geoff and Griffon from Achievement Hunter on how to acquire this sacred relic!

How To: Fix your iPod video without having to restore it

If you've ever received that grim error message from your iPod that tells you that you have to restore it, then you know what it feels like to stare down the threat of losing all your hard-acquired music files. This video teaches you how to make your iPod work again without having to restore it, preserving both the functionality of the iPod and your extensive MP3 and video library.

Market Reality: Snap Inches Toward Smartglasses with Spectacles 3, Meta Patent Suit Ends, YouTube Launches AR Makeup

This week, Snapchat parent Snap came closer to fulfilling its smartglasses destiny by adding new 3D content capabilities to its third-generation Spectacles. At the same time, the now defunct Meta Company continued its fall from grace, as a judge ruled in favor of the plaintiff in the patent infringement case against the Meta 1 and Meta 2 headsets.

News: Update — Apple Linked to OLED Maker Investment, but eMagin CEO Says No Cash from Cupertino

Update: Monday, 11 p.m. ET: In a report from Bloomberg, eMagin CEO Jeffrey Lucas has contradicted what appeared to be investor information found in SEC filings that surfaced on Monday. Although Apple is listed among several other investors in the company in filing, Lucas told Bloomberg that Apple is not, in fact, an investor in the company. Offering further clarification, Lucas told the news site that eMagin "listed those companies in the filing because it had discussions with them at industr...

How To: Make origami tissue foil paper

More advanced origami projects call for more advanced papers. In this tutorial, you'll acquire the art of paper making. Specifically, you'll learn how to make your own origami tissue foil paper, which has a much stronger hold than normal origami paper.

How To: Start a business

In a bad economy, starting your own business is hard, even if you know everything about a business plan. And lots of people have ideas to start a business, but starting a successful business takes more than a good idea, it takes planning.

How To: Strategically buy stocks in a bear market

In this video we learn how to strategically buy stocks in a bear market. In the last bear market, we were able to buy high quality stocks for a great price. These are great times for value investors to purchase cheap stocks and see their share prices go up as the economy becomes better. You also want the company to rise and become more popular so you are getting more of a return after the stocks that you have bough in the first place. When you do this, you can reinvest after this and get a lo...

How To: Understand a securitization

In this tutorial, we learn how to understand a securitization. This is a type of structured finance that has three key elements. the first is that there is a pooling of credit sensitive assets. In pooling the assets, you introduce diversification. The second element is to transfer credit risk to the third party and make rules around whether there has been a true transfer of credit risk. The third element in this is trenching of liabilities. This means when cash flows are transferred to a spec...