Israeli Military Search Results

News: The Current Administration

Film director, producer, actor and writer Sean Stone has thrown his weight behind a resolution introduced in the House last month by North Carolina Republican Walter Jones. Resolution 107 states that should the president use offensive military force without the authorization of Congress that such an act would be "an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor."

Kony 2012: Question its Motives

s the Kony 2012 movement a fraud designed to justify another U.S. military invasion into another country? With oil reserves in Uganda speculated to be as large as those in Saudi Arabia, it wouldn't be a surprise. The Kony 2012 movement is VERY popular and seems to have a good intention. Let's just make sure we don't repeat history. QUESTION EVERYTHING, then you can support it!

News: Omnicron

Test your might against the perilous onslaught of mechanized military weaponry, embryonic aliens, and demonic monsters! Click on blue things to absorb their energy and increase your killing power! Feed your need for fast paced, bullet dodging arcade action with Omnicron!

News: News Clips - June 4

Water Purification Device Prompts TSA to Close Down Minneapolis Airport In another stupendous incident of comical over-reaction, the TSA ordered the evacuation of two airport terminals in Minneapolis after a water purification device was found in a woman’s luggage.

News: Falling Sky/ Roomdiving

Basically 2 ideas, one more creative than the other..Falling sky Pretty simple and doesnt take alot of imagination. Find a way to rig thousands of set mousetraps on a ceiling or something, and release them as soon as the victim enters the room. I think it would be most effective in a warehouse or something big. RoomdivingWell, we all know how the military drops tanks and such out of airplanes, well, what if there was a way to drop a purpose built room from an airplane? (With the SLEEPING vict...

News: Iraqi Insurgents Hack U.S. Drones With 26 Dollar Download

Uh oh. Somebody screwed up big this time. It has recently been reported that Iraqi insurgents have used $26 software to intercept live video feeds from U.S. drones located in Middle East conflict zones. The drone (a remotely piloted aircraft) is considered one of the U.S. military's most sophisticated weapons. Apparently not sophisticated enough, however. 

Photo of the Day: Meanwhile, in Afghanistan...

From's The Big Picture, what a real-life version of the Green Hornet's gas gun might look like. Taken in Afghanistan in February of this year, an Afghan army recruit is pictured shrouded in a cloud of shocking green smoke as he participates in a graduation parade after an oath ceremony at Ghazi military training center—an American effort to strengthen Afghan forces so they can fight against Taliban strongholds.

News: News Clips - August 10

U.S. slaps new sanctions on Syria, extends those against Hezbollah - The United States announced new sanctions against Syria and those supporting its embattled government Friday, focusing on Hezbollah and a Syrian oil company. » James Holmes’ Psychiatrist Lawyers Up Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!.

Deposit by iPhone: Virtual Banking at Last

Finally! Counting down the days to a paperless (and errand free) banking system. Both no-hassle and eco-friendly, USAA bank has released an iPhone application that allows its customers to deposit their checks via iPhone. The process is simple: photograph both sides of the check, hit send, and void, file or discard the paper trail.

News: Make Optimus Prime Papercraft

Papercraft + Transformers = Fanboy nirvana. Papercrafting is enjoying a renaissance thanks to its nerd-love. Popularity of card modeling boomed during World War II when paper was one of the few items whose use and production was not heavily regulated. Micromodels, designed and published in England, were a popular source of military-themed modeling designs.