Israeli Officer Search Results

How To: Everything You Should Do Before Posting Protest Photos & Videos on Social Media

As protests surge in the wake of George Floyd's murder by a Minneapolis police officer, powerful photographs and videos from the demonstrations have gripped the world, putting our nation's very real and very justifiable widespread civil unrest out into the digital world. Unfortunately, these pictures could put you or others in danger if precautions aren't taken before uploading them online.

How To: Use Traffic Analysis to Defeat TOR

As was mentioned by the great OTW last week, TOR, aka The Onion Router, has had its integrity attacked by the NSA. In an attempt to reduce the anonymity granted by the service, the NSA has opened a great many nodes of their own. The purpose is presumably to trace the origin of a communication by compromising some entrance and exit nodes. Once both are compromised, it is much easier to correlate traffic with a particular individual.

How To: Remember These Popular App Store Games? They're Still Alive to Play Today

The App Store has been around for almost 14 years now, and during that time, we must have seen over a million games come and go and stay and expand. But only a tiny fraction of those games have become blockbuster sensations because of the mighty App Store's reach on iPhone and iPad, and many of the first big hits are still alive today for you to relive the good ol' days of mobile gaming.

Bookmark This: Complete List of Netflix's Hidden Genre Codes

The biggest problem with Netflix (which is hardly a real problem) is the overwhelming amount of content available for streaming. Browsing through profile-specific categories might help narrow down your search on something to watch, but some of those categories come and go without warning, and it's impossible to find them again—but not anymore.

Rumsfeld: Israel needn't notify US about strike

While US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta attempted to convince top Israeli politicians and security officials not to launch a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities during his visit to Israel last week, his predecessor Donald Rumsfeld, seems more prepared for a possible attack. Rumsfeld: Israel needn't notify US about strike - Israel News, Ynetnews.

How To: Make an Agamograph

Need an easy craft for young kids. Learn to make a relief sculpture out of paper created by an Israeli artist name Yaacov Agam. All you need is paper, glue, scissors, pencil and a ruler. Make an Agamograph.

News: News Update 2/27/2012

Here's today's morning news: Rising Gas prices: The United States has seen a big inflation in gas prices throughout the nation. Many stations in New York have hit $4 per gallon, while Hawaii sells at $4.247. Experts predict another increase before memorial day. When will you reach your gas limit? Seen any outrageous gas prices?

Bibi’S Twofer: Bulgaria Bombing Allows Him to Flay Hezbollah, Iran, Possibly Go to War

Anonymous U.S. officials are quoted by the NY Times stating explicitly that a Hezbollah suicide bomber attacked the Israeli tourist bus yesterday. While this is entirely possible, I think we should remember the bizarre bombing plot of a few months ago in which a small-time Iranian drug dealer was alleged by the Justice Department to have direct links to the Revolutionary Guards, and to have plotted the assassination of the Saudi ambassador. By the way, this is the same person, Bandar ibn Sult...

News: News Clips - June 4

Water Purification Device Prompts TSA to Close Down Minneapolis Airport In another stupendous incident of comical over-reaction, the TSA ordered the evacuation of two airport terminals in Minneapolis after a water purification device was found in a woman’s luggage.

Know Your Rights: How to Escape Unlawful Stops and Police Searches with Social Engineering

Law enforcement can make a lot of folks cringe. Too often do we hear on the news, and even experience in our own lives, the unjust way that an unacceptable portion of law enforcement treat the very citizens they are supposed to protect. People's rights are violate each and every day by law enforcement, simply because they are timid and uneducated with the laws of society. This dirty trickery shouldn't be played on harmless citizens under any circumstances.

News: You Have to Ask, "What Were They Thinking?"

There really are depths of dumbth up with which I will not put, so I won’t be spending nine coins to build a Detective Agency in FrontierVille.Historically, the Pinkerton National Detective Agency was started 1850 but came into its own working for Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War (1861 to 1865, for foreigners and the home-schooled) catching Confederate spies and running their own networks in the South. The US didn’t have a national police force until the Bureau Of Investigation started up...

How To: Avoid a false positive breathalyzer test

Driving under the influence of alcohol is extremely dangerous. Police officers use breathalyzer tests to check if you are too intoxicated to be driving. However, many of the machines they use are faulty at times. This video will give you some tips on how to avoid getting that DUI. Avoid a false positive breathalyzer test.

News: Police Use iPhones to ID Suspects via Face, Iris and Fingerprint Scans

Some cops already have the ability to extract data from your cell phone using handheld forensic devices, but soon police officers will have a new mobile data collection toy to play with—an Apple iPhone. Actually, it's an iPhone-based device that connects directly to the back of an iPhone, which is designed to give law enforcement an accurate and immediate identification of a suspect based on their facial features, fingerprints and even their eyes.