Jackpot City Search Results

News: Discover the Hidden World Around You with the Trover iPhone App

You're in a new city and you want to explore—what mobile app is best? If you want to know what club is hopping that night, use SceneTap. If you want to know if any friends are at a nearby get-together, use Foursquare. If you want to know what restaurant is best, try Yelp. But if you're looking to get a real feel for the city, skip the more touristy destinations and take to the streets—discover where some great graffiti is located or where the best view of the city is with the Trover iPhone ap...

News: Bat Cave in San Francisco

What do you do when you desperately need to put a parking garage into the bottom floor of your Victorian apartment building, but the city's Department of Planning says "No". The simple and expensive answer: Create an elaborate secret garage door. If you own a pretty building, it is well within the jurisdiction of the Landmark Commission to inform you that even though you own the piece of property, you cannot remodel it any way you want. Seems un-American. But in San Francisco, specifically th...

News: Liar, Liar, House On Fire

See a burning building? Hold all calls to the fire department. Canadian artist Isabelle Hayeur fools passerbyers with her installation, "Fire with Fire", an artwork that creates the illusion of a fire-swept four-story heritage building in the downtown eastside of Vancouver. "The Downtown Eastside is the oldest neighbourhood in Vancouver; it is also the most run-down. This historic area is infamous for being plagued by social problems due to poverty. Before falling prey to serious urban decay,...

The Whole World is Watching: Faces of the World Cup

Possibly the greatest thing about the World Cup? Nearly the entire world has joined together to watch. Opposing teams, sure. But there's something amazing about the simultaneous excitement across the globe. The World Cup is the most widely viewed sporting event in the world. An estimated 715.1 million people watched the final match of the 2006 World Cup held in Germany!

News: Chris Henrickson Creating Community & Change

Stand back. This is a powerful talk from Chris Henrikson founder of Street Poets Inc. An organisation that is committed to building a community that brings together different racial, ethnic and socio-economic segments of the city of Los Angeles around the transformational power of the creative process.

News: Sean Young's Super-8 Movies From Dune

Its amazing the access actors have to sets and what they could share with us if they took the time to document their experience. Sean Young has done just that, by sharing her Super-8 films from the making of the David Lynch Classic Sci-Fi Film - Dune. Shot in Mexico City in the Spring of 1983, this 6 minute film is a must see for Dune or David Lynch lovers.

News: Video Games vs. Real Life

Alex Lewis imagines what the world would look like infiltrated by video game characters in his digital montage series “Video Games vs. Real Life”. (P.S. If you like what you see, check out Lewis' t-shirt designs at Threadless).

News: Grafitti Dog Goes For a Stroll

Nowhere Near Here, by Pahnl, is made with the graffiti light writing technique (stop motion animation that uses a combination of light with stencils and long exposure photography). Over 300 hours in the making and more than 200 stencils later, the tale of a "dog running around the city at night, doing whatever a dog does": Vocals by Karin Dreijer Andersson of the Knife and Fever Ray.

News: Bodies in Plain Sight

Choreographer Willi Dorner's curiously charming “human sculptures” invade New York City as part of the French Institute Alliance Française’s Crossing the Line festival. More images of Dorner's Bodies in Urban Spaces at the Wall Street Journal photography blog.

News: Psychedelic Paper Bunny Hole

A mass accumulation of $5 donations allowed NYC artist collective SOFTlab to install the below piece, entitled CHROMAtex, at the Bridge Gallery. The piece is constructed with each donator's name printed as a photo paper tile, laser cut and then assembled with everyday binder clips. Elegantly constructed! Previously, Elegantly Crafted Paper Chandeliers.

News: trust fall

This is simple, Yet fun to get random people reactions. Just go through a city, town, store, yelling out trust fall and falling backwards at people to see if they will catch you. Go up to peoples cars and do it while they are in idle or stopped at a stoplight.

News: All Aboard the VIA Rail Train to Churchill, Manitoba

This is a snapshot of the 1700 kilometre journey up most of the length of the Province of Manitoba by VIA Rail train from Winnipeg to Churchill - an arctic city on Hudson Bay. Filmed by Bea Broda, the trip takes place at the height of summer. While most travelers that are curious to experience polar bear sightings visit during the autumn season, there are also many to be seen in the summer months.

News: ZIPPP Line

Cool Zip Line on the road from Libertad to the city.  About 10km up the road on the right had side.  You have to check this place out.  The family who runs it a super nice and zip lines are great.