Jackpot City Search Results

How To: 11 Ways to Make Your Living Space Look Bigger

Is your tiny city apartment or super modest house starting to feel a bit too cramped for comfort? While most of us don't have the luxury of hiring an architect to add on more kitchen space, or the money to live in a more spacious apartment, there are a number of simple things we can do with what we have to create the illusion of more indoor space within our walls.

How To: Pickpocket-Proof Yourself from Thieving Hands

When you are in Rome, do as the Romans do... avoid carrying your wallet in the back pocket of your jeans. But no matter what city or country you are in, there are several easy precautions you can take to keep yourself as pickpocket-proof as possible so that your amazing travel memories won't be sullied by the experience of having your camera or passport stolen.

Solidoodle: Cheap 3D Printing at Home for Under $500!

The possibilities are endless for 3D printing. With your very own 3D printer, you can make spare parts, circuit boards, inflatable balloons, duplicate keys, Minecraft cities, and even tiny replicas of your face. From a more artsy standpoint, you can make complex sculptures, like this cool mathematical sculpture of thirty interwoven hexagons by Francesco De Comite:

Dueling Plasma: Singing Tesla Coils' Shocking Battle to the Death

Tesla coils are electrically satisfying in so many ways. But what happens when a guitar-playing city coil has a run-in with a backwoods, banjo-playing, inbred coil? A musical duel to the death! Watch these two Tesla coils battle it out as they play Dueling Banjos. Shocking. Just shocking. Okay, so it's no secret that Tesla coils can create a wonderful light show of electricity, but by modulating the frequency, they quickly turn into powerful singing Tesla coils—the key to any electromaniac's ...

WTFoto News Scoop Sundays: Puttin' It to Putin!

For those of you behind on their international politics, Vladimir Putin has once again been elected as President of Russia. And right now, there are over 20,000 protesters in Moscow yelling about election fraud. Now, whether or not you think they're right, or whether or not you think Putin is a badass (he is, for the record), you have to admit he is an amazingly interesting cultural figure. And what do we do with amazing cultural figures? Why, we make fun of them with Impact-laden photos, of ...

How To: Get the 'Master Criminal' Achievement in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

This was one of the most difficult achievements for me to get in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Mostly because I was never able to do something horrible enough to warrant a 1000 gold bounty. However, pms00 has a great video tutorial showing the easiest way to get the 'Master Criminal' achievement, which requires you to hold a bounty of at least 1000 gold in all nine cities in Skyrim.

Din Tai Fung: The Best Dumplings... in the World?

Luckily for Los Angeles residents, Southern California's most populated county is chock full of amazing Chinese food. Granted it's a far drive for many—the best restaurants are in Alhambra and Monterey Park, which fall within the far eastern realm of the county—but regardless, I've found more amazing Chinese restaurants in L.A. than New York City.

What You See Is What You Get: The Street Art of RERO

Inspired by the beauty of traditional signage printed on doors and buildings, Rero is a French graffiti artist who makes a simple, yet heavy mark. Using the universally common Verdena typeface, Rero brands abandoned public spaces in extreme disarray with his own codified messages based on theories of public use of imagery and private property.

DIY Anthropology: International Obscura Day this Saturday. Go Wild.

Calling all curious minds—scientists, anthropologists, relentless tourists: Saturday, April 9th, is International Obscura Day, the day to "explore hidden treasures in your hometown," or so says Atlas Obscura, a website dedicated to public curiosities and esoterica. If you're the kind of person who appreciates public oddities every day of the year, tomorrow is icing on the cake. Celebrate Obscura Day in one of hundreds of locales—from Los Angeles to Sydney, from Berlin to Manila.

The Joy of Destruction: Smashing, Guillotining, Igniting & More

Why is it so satisfying to squash, snap, squeeze and splatter? You know, squashing a juicy grape, snapping a twig, squeezing ketchup out of a packet—perhaps with your fist—or splattering mud across a sidewalk. But all of these actions are child's play next to animators Laura Junger and Xaver Xylophon's Joy of Destruction. The real joy of destruction is illustrated below—we're talking sawing ladies in half, exploding corn into popcorn with dynamite, burning cities, and rolling over statues wit...

News: Sign up for a FREE Dragon pet!

Many of you wizards out there still don't know what this Wizard101 is. Technically, I shouldn't call you wizards, but oh well, you will soon become one.So you read the overview of Wizard101 and are very interested in it. You head over to the Wizard101 website and click Play, sign up, and have a new Wizard101 account.But wait!Along that way, you are not reminded of anything about getting a free dragon or free Crowns. But now, there's a way.On the Links box on this page (or any other one), you ...

HowTo: Screw the President (Well, Sorta)

Whether you're an Obama lover or Obama hater, here's your chance to, ahem, screw him, somewhat literally. The president starred in the recent Sex Culture Festival in the southern city of Guangzhou, China. The screen-printed blow up doll is shown photographed next to his fellow adult toy compatriots.

HowTo: Dumpster Dive For Gold

Dumpsters make great swimming pools and skateboard ramps, but when they're full of trash, they're pretty valuable, too. You can get a surprising amount of free booty dumpster diving. If you're a penny pincher who values low cost (re: free) functionality, check out Apartment Therapy's guide to mastering the craft. Below, my three favorite insider tips.

News: Rainbow Riot

Set-up Have one or two guys go to a place where there are people rioting and protesting against gay rights. The 2 guys need to be dressed kind of feminine or awkwardly like in speedo's or something. You can also wear disguises if you want, or don't, either way works.

News: Culver City Seido's Approach to Competition

Competition and cooperation are two modes of interaction that engage us throughout our lives. West LA Seido Karate recognizes the need for being skillful at both. We channel the cooperative instinct in the dojo in a variety of ways, ritual courtesy being the most visible. We also give our competitive nature its due. In weekly sparring classes and periodic tournaments throughout the year, the West LA Seido program provides the eligible student with sufficient opportunities to “test” her or him...

How To: How high is your landfill?

Think about how many things you truly throw in the trash, and how many times you empty your trash, only to be taken away by the garbage man and out of your sight. Well, the truth is that its not exactly out of your life. Statistics show that on average each person uses 350 trash bags each year, thats 100 billion all together, and the worst part aboput this fact is that it takes up to 500 years for each of the bags to decay. Thats right in your city at your landfill, bags pileing up, polluting...