Jackpot Hits Search Results

How To: Train your hand eye coordination

In baseball, hand eye coordination is absolutely crucial. So how do you develop your coordination to hit the ball? Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to train your hand eye coordination for baseball with coach Turtle Thomas. Train your hand eye coordination.

How To: Shoot three pointers and make jump shots in basketball

Three pointers are the best way of putting points on the board whether you're playing catch up to the opposing team, or simply placing more points between you and them. This instructional video shows you how to properly hit a three pointer with coach Chuck Melito. This tutorial also covers jump shots. Shoot three pointers and make jump shots in basketball.

How To: Bunt and field in softball

Just started playing softball? Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to properly bunt in softball. Bunting is a crucial technique in softball and over the years, the game has slowly moved from hitting the ball as far away as possible to a game of speed. Bunt and field in softball.

How To: Improve your child's tennis technique

Tennis professional Francis Ribeiro explains that to help children improve their tennis technique, you should first help them hold their racket's string toward the sky. You can also tell them to line up and have them hit forehands and show them a fun way to pick up tennis balls. Improve your child's tennis technique.

How To: Grip the bat

Buddy Mason explains how to grip the bat for the game cricket. He says that you should form a V by pointing the thumb and forefinger of your top hand down between outside edge and center of the back of the bat. The correct grip is vital to providing yourself with a full range of shots, letting you hit a bowler all over the ground! Grip the bat.

How To: Master the basic one-handed backhand in tennis

Francis Ribeiro explains that to hit the one-handed backhand, you must use the eastern grip. You should approach the ball, take a backswing with bent arms, swing, and follow through. You should never take your eyes off the ball. Master the basic one-handed backhand in tennis.

How To: Master the lob shot

Tennis professional Francis Ribeiro says that to master the lob shot, you should use the continental grip. You should bring your racket back and keep the racket face open. You have to follow through from low to high. Make sure to hit the ball with enough power so that your opponent cannot smash your attempted lob. Master the lob shot.

How To: Practice chipping with drills

Rickard Strongert explains that to learn how to feel where the ball will land, you can try lying two clubs on the green, three feet apart, and try hitting 15 balls in between the two clubs. You should also try to use different clubs and to control your breathing. Practice chipping with drills.

How To: Make a straight shot using follow

With this simple technique the cue ball will follow the path of the object ball without scratching. If both balls are lined up with the pocket, an off-center hit will help in pocketing the object ball but not the cue ball preventing a scratch and lining up the next shot. Make a straight shot using follow.

How To: Make a power shot, positioning the cue ball

This video shows how to shoot the target ball with enough strength to pocket the ball and set the cue ball up for the next shot. Hitting low on the cue ball with a good follow through will position the cue ball for the next shot. If done correctly, you can end the game! Make a power shot, positioning the cue ball.

How To: Make a double bank shot

This video demonstrates a shot from the film "Pool Hall Junkies" and involves hitting the cue ball off center with a medium stroke. The object ball then banks off the rail into other balls, deflects off those and goes into the pocket. Make a double bank shot.

Minecraft: Pocket Edition App Now Available in the Android Market

Minecraft may seem like a game for just hardcore gamers and computer nerds, but it's totally not. It can hook anyone and everyone, from casual gamers to online addicts to total newbies—it can even turn its users into serial killers. And now, Notch and his Mojang crew have made it possible for more people in the world to become Minecraft addicts who'll never leave their servers. A console version for the Xbox 360 will be available this winter, but for now you can all enjoy the cubed sandbox wo...

How To: Browse the Web Much Faster in Google Chrome

Despite the fact that you may not find this as a necessity, if you do follow this quick guide, you will wonder how you ever managed before. This tutorial is based on the assumption that you're using Google Chrome, so if you aren't, I advise you to download and install it. Furthermore, this tutorial is aimed towards beginners, however advanced users may also learn a thing or two.

News: accupuncture or needle darts

As a young boy, my mom would leave her sewing needle, with a length of thread, sticking in the arm of our couch while she did other mom things. I found it to be very fun to sling it by holding the thread, at my siblings or dad, to get it to stick in their skin. We always coverd our eyes since that was the only vital spot we didnt want to hit. I cant begin to tell you how hilarious it was. We laughed our ass's off the way you guys do. I have wanted to see you guys do this prank since you first...