Jackpot Hits Search Results

Shortcut: 5 Secret Body Tricks

Body hacks. So simple, so ingenious. They're the shortcuts in life. We love them, the internet loves them. Back in 2008, somebody named Alicia Goh wrote a friendster blog post that has been passed along far and wide. Her tricks of the body include quick solutions for an itchy throat, a stuffy nose, a dire need to pee, and more. My favorites:

Trip on This: Liquids Reaching Freezing Point in the Most Dramatic Fashion

"Freezing Moments" is a great piece of video of different liquids dramatically reaching freezing point, directed by Andrey Muratov. It's cryptically described as "Components of the space. Between existence and 'No!'. Alive - Absorbs." Hmm. Client is also cryptic: GTLK (Gosudarstvennaya Transportnaya Lizingovaya Kompaniya). Appears to be Russian, which would translate to the "State Transport Leasing Company".

News: What Happens When Water Hits a Scalding Hot Pan at 3000 Frames-Per-Second?

The Leidenfrost Effect: “a phenomenon in which a liquid, in near contact with a mass significantly hotter than the liquid’s boiling point, produces an insulating vapor layer which keeps that liquid from boiling rapidly”. It looks pretty spectacular captured at 3000 frames-per-second (almost as spectacular as when the same principle is applied to the human hand). Previously, Hand Fully Submerged in Liquid Nitrogen (OUCH... right?)

News: Rovio Partners with Mattel to Release Angry Birds Board Game

Joystiq reports, "Mattel is working on a board game adaptation of Rovio's mobile hit, Angry Birds. The game looks like a pretty authentic recreation of its source material; players draw 'Mission Cards' depicting structures of bricks and pigs, which they then build using plastic models included in the game. Oh, and then they shoot birds at those structures using a tiny slingshot."

News: Burger Cupcakes

These Cupcake burgers are so much fun. You can make them yourself and serve them at the party, or make them a part of the fun. The last 5 pictures are pics of the burger cupcake craft at my daughter 4th of July summer school party. These 4, 5, and 6 year olds did an amazing job. The sloppier the burgers the better! With colored frosting for the ketchup and mustard, chopped up gummy bears for the relish and tomatoes, and coconut for the onions, and died coconut for the lettuce--the burgers wer...

News: Sugar Mohawk of Etsy | party treats

OMG! This Etsy Shop (SugarMohawk) must have been on a total sugar high when coming up with these recipes. How yummy do all of these cool concoctions look? Check out all the crazy combos that I bet you have never seen before. These could definitely be the hit at your next kiddie event! Nerds, Cotton Candy, Red Velvet, chocolate-what’s not to love! Sugar Jaw Melt Swirls which are cotton candy balls dipped in chocolate. Candied apples with a sprinkle twist. Sweet donut holes stuffed with blackbe...

News: People Are Awesome

Usually there's something semi-dissatisfying about greatest hits compilations on YouTube, but People Are Awesome is pretty amazing. And being this is WonderHowTo, we are all about celebrating people doing amazing things. (*In fact, if you're continual reader, you will see many familiar faces below.)

News: What Happens When You Smash the Essence of Dynamite With a Hammer?

Nitroglycerin, otherwise known as the explosive essence of dynamite, is so sensitive AND powerfully explosive that when hit with a hammer, it creates "a supersonic shockwave and a flash of light almost too fast to film, even with the latest specialist cameras". In the blink of an eye (literally) extreme detonation occurs. Shooting super slo-mo is absolutely necessary (600x slower, to be exact).

News: Force Unleased 2 Comic Con Preview

If you want Star Wars, look to the games and not the movies to satisfy your hunger. The original Force Unleashed was a great game and a surprise hit. Later next year another Star Wars MMO will debut from Bioware. Maybe the Star Wars novels are also a good source for Star Wars material, but that's a realm I know nothing about.

News: Email

When I tried to send a free gift back to my friend, I got this popup I clicked skip the first time, and it came up twice more. So I logged in, it imported my contacts...

HowTo: Become Lil' Wayne's Prison Penpal

Via WonderHowTo World, Luv and Music: Weezy, we miss you. Well, at least I do. And I'm not ashamed to admit it. Lil' Wayne is currently serving a year long sentence in a New York prison, after pleading guilty to a gun charge. (Miss the story? Get the scoop on NPR).

News: Jason Mraz fans! Here ya go! Learn "I'm Yours"

Want to learn this great hit by one of the best? Tune into my easy to follow vids and you will be playing I'm Yours & many other tunes within hours. Read some comments from my students. Have taught 1000's of students from all over the World! When ya get to the site click on "ALL" for over 170 other tuts. Type in what you are looking for...it just might be there or coming soon :)!  Also check out http://www.youtube.com/user/erichandreas

News: Arrived in Denver at the Starfest Convention!

Ford Austin here....with a special report!  I just arrived at the 2010 Starfest Convention in Denver, Colorado and I have to say it is AWESOME!  We are at the Marriott Convention Center where they are holding Dahmer Vs Gacy Night at the Convention.  We are attending a live band performance at about 8pm where the rumor is that band will be performing the Dahmer vs Gacy Original Theme song LIVE before the 10pm Dahmer vs Gacy screening. Tonight's screening kicks off the Official 1 year  DAHMER V...

Words and Stuff: Zine Reviews

Curious about the newest obscure zines to hit the streets? Words and Stuff is a great website full of reviews on zines (mostly in the punk, politics, eroticism, and art arena) that either give the thumbs up or the thumbs down on what's worth purchasing.

How To: Build an arbor bench

Enjoy your lawn in comfort and style with a charming arbor bench that you can build yourself. This project is sure to be a hit with the woodworkers and gardeners alike. In this video tutorial, you'll find exhaustive, step-by-step arbor bench construction instructions, as well as plans. For more, or to get started building your own arbor bench, watch this DIY guide. Build an arbor bench.

How To: Do Sisterlock and lock extensions for hair

Fashions come and go, but some beauty looks never go out of style. Take full, voluminous hair, for instance. Thick, enviably lustrous hair has been seen on stars on the red carpet for years and years, and the look is still going strong. And do you want to know a secret? There is not a single celeb who hits the red carpet without some hair that her mama didn't give her.

How To: Use Quick Masking layers in Photoshop CS2

In this Photoshop CS2 video tutorial you will learn how to use Quick Masking layers. Learn how to edit a quick masking layer, and how to combine image and mask together. Masks will always sit in the second channel of the layers'stack. Make sure to hit "play tutorial" in the top left corner of the video to start the video. There is no sound, so you'll need to watch the pop-up directions. Use Quick Masking layers in Photoshop CS2.