Joint Disease Search Results

How To: Cure Vampirism in Skyrim

So, there you are, walking along a mountain range in the beautiful game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, when all of a sudden a vampire attacks you. Oh no! Now you've caught Sanguinare Vampiris, otherwise known as the vampire disease. That's horrible for your goody-two-shoes character, since feasting on the blood of innocents isn't really your bag. That's where Achievement Hunters comes to your rescue! In this tutorial, Fragger and Jack show you how to initiate and complete the quest to become mo...

How To: Create a giant spider web with rope and bolts

Watch this video tutorial to see how to create a giant spider web with rope and bolts. To make this giant Halloween spider web effect, you'll need a bunch of rope, a frame and 24 eye bolts. You can use this technique to weave a spider web at any scale, as long as you have an even number of at least 24 points to fasten to, around four sides.

News: Fluorescent Puppies You Can Turn On and Off

Always wanted a fluorescent dog but didn’t want to commit? Well, here’s your solution. Researchers at Seoul National University developed fluorescent puppies that only glow when you want them to. Just inject the special pups with doxycycline and they’ll glow like a black light poster for a few weeks. Then, they return to dull, furry normal.

How To: Install base boards

This tutorial will talk you through installing base boards. Installing base molding adds dimension to baseboard. It protects baseboards and it is easy to replace. Remove the old molding. Four techniques will be discussed about different cuts you will have to make. 1) end of run 2 )mid-run joint

How To: Get a pregnancy massage

Pregnancy massage may reduce stress, decrease swelling in arms and legs, and relieve aches and pains in muscles and joints. Pregnancy massage is becoming increasingly popular with mothers-to-be. You might have heard of it before, but may not know what it involves or who to go to. So if you're a mother-to-be or know one, certified pregnancy massage therapist Sue Hare is going to show us what pregnancy massage is really like. Remember pregnancy massage and differs from regular massage, watch th...

How To: Grip the ball to bowl offspin

Buddy Mason demonstrates how to grip the ball to bowl offspin for the game cricket. The seam turns from horizontal to vertical in the grip and the middle joints of the index, middle, and third fingers should be spread across the seam. You rotate the ball from your forefinger to your third finger. A good spinner can be the difference maker in your team, and offspin is the most popular spin type. Grip the ball to bowl offspin.

How To: Care for your horse's hooves

A well cared for hoof is essential. Follow this simple guide for healthy, well maintained hooves. A well cared for hoof is vital for the prevention of lameness, joint, back and leg problems and enables your horse to move freely and comfortably. You will need a hoof pick, an experienced farrier, hoof growth treatment, a bucket of water, a water brush, and a brush and some hoof grease. Then, check the hooves, take care of the hoof wall, trim the hooves, and shoe him regularly. Care for your hor...

How To: Avoid mosquito bites

The female mosquito feeds on blood so she can develop eggs, but in the process she can transmit disease. This video gives tips on how to avoid mosquito bites like avoid going out at dusk, application of repellent, wearing long sleeves and more. Avoid mosquito bites.

How To: Keep bed bugs from biting

As far as we know bed bugs don't carry diseases. But the thought of an insect feeding on you while you sleep is pretty disgusting. Bed bugs are a nuisance. This video gives you some ideas where they come from and how to get rid of them. Keep bed bugs from biting.

How To: Sneeze or cough properly into your sleeve

Many diseases are spread by poor coughing and sneezing techniques. Most people put their hands in front of their mouths and noses to stop germs from getting into the air. Unfortunately, this technique puts the germs on their hands. The germs are then spread to telephones and doorknobs and many other surfaces from which they are then picked up by the next user. This is how colds spread quickly through schools and workplaces, and how the flu spreads quickly through entire cities. It would be ve...

How To: Diagnose tetanus in dogs

Carnivores, like dogs and cats are relatively resistant to tetanus compared to other species like horses, guinea pigs and humans. However they can occasionally be affected and it can then be a dramatic disease if not identified quickly by your veterinarian. This video describes the symptoms and outlines the treatment of that condition. Diagnose tetanus in dogs.