Key Marketing Search Results

How To: Chroma key & replace backgrounds in iMovie '09

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to use chroma key in iMovie '09. This video teaches users how to use chroma key to replace the background of videos. Begin by opening the program. Now drag or image or video background into the time line. Now click on iMovie and select Preferences. In the General tab, check the Show Advanced Tools option. Then simply drag the video that you want over the background image/video in the time line. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy creating ...

How To: Turn off sticky keys on a PC

In this how-to video, you will learn how to turn off sticky keys in Windows XP. You will need a computer running Windows XP in order to perform this. First, go to the start menu and click control panel. Go to the accessibility icon and click it. A new window will open. From here, uncheck the option for sticky keys. You can make any further changes in this window. Once you are done, click okay on all the windows to save the new setting. Now you will not have sticky keys when using your compute...

How To: Use key modulation in a musical piece

This how-to video will show the proper use of key modulation in music. Follow Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio as he takes you through the uses of key modulation in music writing. Watch as he explains the difference between direct modulation and pivot chord modulation. Once you know the different types of modulation, you can learn how to introduce both of them to your music writing as you continue growing as a muscian.

How To: Flip your computer screen upside down in MS Vista

This video is a quick guide on how to turn your computer screen up side down. If you have Windows Vista, right click on mouse and go to graphics properties. Go to display settings. On the rotation box, choose the desired angle of rotation. Click apply and hit OK to confirm settings. For the keyboard shortcut, click control+alt+down arrow key to turn screen up side down. Click control+alt+right arrow key to turn screen to the left. Click control+alt+left arrow key to turn screen to the right. ...

How To: Use the Smart Key to start a 2010 Toyota 4Runner

Do you have a smart key but are not aware of its advantages? Here are some tips. Put your foot on the brake pedal. A green light will illuminate the start/stop button. Then press that button and the engine will start. To start other accessories, leave your foot off the brake pedal and click the start/stop button. An amber light will illuminate. If the battery is low on the smart key, then touch the smart key to the start/stop button and the engine will start. This provides quick ways to start...

How To: Hack a bike lock without a key

Hacking a bike lock is something that you may need to do sometime if you forget your combination or maybe just didn't bring the key for the lock with you. You should never hack a bike lock to steal anything and should know that this tutorial is for informational purposes only. The first thing you will need to do to accomplish this task is to get a marker. Once you have the correct size marker to fit into the key hole, just stick it in there. Once it is in the lock, just press down while turni...

How To: Use a Tennis Ball to Unlock Car Doors Without a Key

The Next Three Days is the new film by Paul Haggis (Crash), which stars Russell Crowe and Elizabeth Banks. Laura (Banks) is accused of murder and sent to prison, and her husband John (Crowe) struggles to prove her innocence while taking care of their only child. But the system does not work for John, and he's forced to take extreme actions and attempt a prison break.

How To: Extract the key from a LiteOn DG-16D2S XBox 360 drive

If you want to flash the disc drive on your XBox 360, you are going to need to know the key to that drive or another one so that you can reassign a key to the drive after you flash it. This video will show you how to do that, as well as how to make your own DIY XBox connectivity kit. That will save you about $30 and make you feel much more legit as you hack away at you XBox 360.

How To: Do a Business Part 2 of 5

Although a business plan is a technical document, remember that this first draft will not be. The audience and author of this document will be the owner/manager of the small business. The purpose is to get as much information written as possible so this draft can be used as a starter for versions of the business plan that are crafted for other audiences. It eliminates the possibility of the first business plan you write for other audiences actually looks like your first attempt. Since the lat...

How To: Set Windows to boot from a CD-Rom first

The video shows users how to change the boot sequence in a computer with an older AMI (American Megatrends, Inc.) BIOS to boot from the CD/DVD drive. This is required, for instance, if you need to reinstall an operating system, or fix a corrupted windows installation by running Windows Setup from the installation CD. Users should first enter the BIOS setup by pressing the delete key when prompted shortly after powering the computer on. Once the Bios Setup screen has loaded, users may navigate...

How To: Play the Hawaiian song "Moani Ke Ala" on the ukulele

The ukulele is a beautiful and unique stringed instrument that is perfect for the traveling musician because it is so portable and relatively inexpensive. The ukelele is a version of a small guitar that originated in Hawaii. In this tutorial you will learn how to play "Moani Ke Ala," an old Hawaiian song in the key of D. This song's progression is D A D D7 G D A A D A D (repeat)then a transistion chord for key change C, then key of F. The progression in the key of F is F C F F7 B flat F C C F...

How To: Make classic key lime pie

No matter what your climate or location might be, this simple recipe will turn your home into a tropical paradise. Let's whip up a classic key lime pie. A democratic blend of tangy and sweet, Key Lime Pie is a tasty way to end a meal. Watch how to make a classic Key Lime Pie at home. Ingredients needed are graham cracker pie crust, egg yolks, sweetened condensed milk, grated lime zest and key lime juice, fresh or bottled. If you can not find key lime juice in your grocery store, general lime ...

How To: Unlock your iPhone or iPod Touch to bypass the passcode

Back in the olden days, if a lock was, well, locked, you couldn't get in the door. At least, the average individual couldn't get in the door. But inventive and scheming folk (read: ye hackers of olde) devised crafty ways to pick lock keys and sometimes even created skeleton keys that opened any door or chest. This will let you unlock someones password on an ipod or iphone touch.

How To: Assign convenience keys on a BlackBerry smartphone

Learn how to set up convenience keys a BlackBerry phone running version 5 of the BlackBerry OS. This clip will show you how it's done. Whether you're the proud owner of a BlackBerry smartphone or are merely considering picking one up, you're sure to be well served by this video guide. For detailed information, including step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Create a key schedule in Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011

Need help figuring out how to make a key schedule within Revit Architecture 2011? Learn how with this clip. Whether you're new to Autodesk's popular CAD building information modeling application or a seasoned professional merely looking to better acquaint yourself with the newest features and functions of Revit Architecture 2011, you're sure to bell well served by this free video software tutorial. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch the video.

How To: Key in Final Cut Pro (with a $1 DIY green screen)

In this video, you'll learn how to key in Final Cut Pro with a do-it-yourself green screen that can be built for around a dollar. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just want to better acquaint yourself with the popular video editing program, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this tutorial.

How To: Create and edit Shape Keys in Blender 2.49b or 2.5

This clip offers a few quick tips on how to create, edit and otherwise manipulate Shape Keys when using Blender 2.49b or 2.5. Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular 3D modeling program or a seasoned graphic artist just interested in better acquainting yourself with the application, you're sure to be well served by this free video tutorial. For more information, including detailed instructions, take a look.

How To: Display keys in 3D when working in Blender 2.49 or 2.5

This clip offers a quick tip on how to view the keys in the 3D View using Blender 2.49b or 2.5. Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular 3D modeling program or a seasoned graphic artist just interested in better acquainting yourself with the application, you're sure to be well served by this free video tutorial. For more information, including detailed instructions, take a look.

How To: Create key events for Java game development

Want to program your own Java games and applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBoston will have you coding your own Java apps in no time flat. Specifically, this lesson discusses how to handle key events when writing code in the Java programming language. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this helpful programmer's guide.

How To: Hack a Windows PC with a USB key

In this episode of Hak5, Darren shows us a USB key, dubbed the USB Hacksaw, that instantly and silently installs on target Windows 2000 or higher computers with guest or higher privileges which will monitor USB ports for flash drives and automatically download their contents for silent archival and email. For detailed instructions on replicating this hack yourself, watch this video hacking tutorial.