Kid's Lifestyle Search Results

News: The LEGO Party Jeep

Kevin Mathieu of California offers this interactive ART piece for rent at kids or adult parties.  Based on a US Postal Jeep, this LEGO jeep is equipped with LEGO surfaces throughout its shape to stick LEGO's to.  After writing a 40 page art proposal LEGO gave Kevin 600 lbs of LEGOs, but he is still looking for more.  So if you live in the San Francisco Bay Area be on the lookout for the LEGO JEEP.

How To: How would you design a school garden?

GOOD, a Los Angeles-based magazine focused on doing good in the world, along with LAUSD, The USDA People’s Garden Initiative, The Environmental Media Association, The National Gardening Association, The Urban & Environmental Policy Institute, The California School Garden Network, and Mia Lehrer & Associates, is sponsoring a contest for people to help design a garden for a LAUSD school. GOOD will help build the winning garden design, and they'd like your participation, too. 

News: HD Tour of the Brand New International Space Station

Take a tour of the ISS (International Space Station), just posted on YouTube this week. The ISS is an international project, including the five participant space stations: American National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Russian Federal Space Agency (RKA), the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), and the European Space Agency (ESA).

News: The Evolution of Samsung's Displays: From SH100 Analog Mobile to Galaxy Note 3

With each passing year our technology gets better and better. We've come a long way from the NES that I gamed on as a kid with the release of the PS4 and Xbox One, and cell phones have come just as far—if not further—and Samsung is proud to show their evolution. Particularly, they're pretty fond of their displays, and released this infographic highlighting the progress, from the SH100 back in 1988 all the way up to their newest device with the best touchscreen—the Samsung Galaxy Note 3.

News: Cheater Caught at the 2012 National SCRABBLE Championship!

Whoa. Someone just got caught this weekend cheating at the 2012 National Scrabble Championship in Florida. He was holding on to some blank tiles, which dropped on the floor mid-game. How did this kid even think he'd get away with hiding blank tiles? Wouldn't it be a little suspicious once his opponent got a third blank tile from the bag? It was the first time anyone has been caught cheating in the National Scrabble Championship, though that can't be said for club, regional, or world tournamen...

News: Dice Stacking Virtuosos

Wikipedia's definition of dice stacking: "Dice stacking is a performance art, akin to juggling or sleight-of-hand, in which the performer scoops dice off a flat surface with a dice cup and then sets the cup down while moving it in a pattern that stacks the dice into a vertical column via centripetal force and inertia."

News: Blow anti-gravity floating bubbles

Defy logic and gravity with this quick magic-science illusion. All you need is lighter fluid, a bowl and some bubble solution. The butane gas from the lighter sinks to the bottom of the bowl, below the oxygen. The bubbles then float in the oxygen atop the heavy butane creating a magical hover effect!

News: Twirl this banana around your thumb

Visit Taiwan some day. Honest. Every school kid twirls and twirls during class. This cool video teaches you different ways to spin a pencil/pen on your fingers. By using your thumb, index finger, and middle finger, while observing the weight balance, you will learn to be that post-modern metro sexual blase blase...way.

Fire Dousing Baby Doll: WTFoto Stock Photo Challenge Winner (Plus Favorites)

For any of you not in the loop, last week marked our first ever WTFoto Challenge. The goal was to find the craziest, most absurd stock photo on the web we've never seen before. There were a lot of WTF images submitted to our community corkboard, and now it's time to announce the results of the stock image showdown. Who will win the the honor of Watermark of Weirdness? Drumroll please, imaginary band leader named Tim Drickles...

NORTHWAY Games: Cool Indies by a Restless Company on the Road

Game design is sedentary work. Generally its practitioners do their work with their butts planted securely in front of a computer in an office (be it home or away) as their muscles and verbal skills atrophy. Even game journalists are prone to this condition. Not so with Colin and Sarah Northway (pictured below), the husband and wife team behind NORTHWAY Games. Not only do they make really cool indie games, but they do it with just a laptop while traveling the world meeting indie developers of...

How To: Easy DSLR Project—Get Unfocused!

(Difficulty Level: from Newby to Expert) Digital cameras can produce freaky sharp images—it’s one thing that sets them apart from film cameras. A DSLR doesn’t have grain, it has noise—and that sounds a lot less charming for a reason. If you shoot at a low ISO, high f-stop and fast shutter speed, you can wind up with a super sharp image that might look great even on a billboard. But sometimes, sharp isn’t everything.