King's Cross Search Results

Wheels of Steel: A Virtual Turntable in Your Browser

Wheels of Steel is a virtual browser-based turntable emulator created by Scott Schiller, a Canadian developer who works on Flickr at Yahoo. This project will appeal to those who A) dig turntablism and B) are knowledgeable in web development. I know nothing of the latter, but from what I can tell, Wheels of Steel appears to be significant because unlike its predecessors, it employs CSS3 instead of flash. Since I'm not familiar with the topic, here's Scott on the history and technical details o...

News: OMG! World's Strongest Beer!!

What is the Strongest Beer in the World?? Long live the Queen and move over Sean Connery because the Scottish have done it! The strongest beer in the world belongs to a company called Brewdog out of Fraserburgh. The beer is called Tactical Nuclear Penguin and has an alcohol content of over 32% -WOW! That is more than many hard alcohols and its creator warns it should be drunk in "...spirit sized measures." This means no 12oz. bottle for this mother of all beers. Instead try a 2oz. shot glass!

How To: Track a Stolen Camera Online

Ever had your car broken into? Or worse, your apartment? Ever been pickpocketed? Handheld electronics—iPods, iPhones, iPads, GPS devices, digital cameras—are easy to snatch, light to carry, and useful to most. And when they're gone, they're gone.

Printable Tactile Astronomy: How to "See" Outer Space if You're Blind

Have you ever felt the desire to reach out and touch a galaxy? Or "feel" those stunning nebulas and planets you see in Hubble photos? As alluring as it sounds, it's safe to say the odds of your whim coming true are nonexistent. You'd have to travel about 6 earth years and spend millions of dollars building your own personal spacecraft to get close enough to actually wave your hand through one of Saturn's rings. But in an attempt to help the blind "see" what they're missing, some semblance of ...

News: 10-Year-Old Girl Imitates Banksy

When children's book author Aaron Zenz took his family to see the highly acclaimed Banksy documentary, Exit Through the Gift Shop, his 10-year-old daughter Gracie was immediately inspired to become a street artist. Aaron quickly explained that "while the art was fun and the story was great, vandalism isn’t a good thing" so the family was challenged to come up with an appropriately stealthy public art project that didn't entail defacing public property. So, what do you get when you cross an in...

News: Fifa 11- My tips

This are my tips for fifa 11. The following are purely my opinion and what has worked well for me, it is not my fault if the same things do not work for you.

HowTo: Screw the President (Well, Sorta)

Whether you're an Obama lover or Obama hater, here's your chance to, ahem, screw him, somewhat literally. The president starred in the recent Sex Culture Festival in the southern city of Guangzhou, China. The screen-printed blow up doll is shown photographed next to his fellow adult toy compatriots.

News: Mitakuye Oyasin

This expression, mitakuye oyasin, comes from the language of the Lakota Sioux, a tribe among the Native Americans. It means "We are all related." It's uttered upon crossing the threshold into the Sweat Lodge, the small, low structure used by the Sioux for their sacred purification ritual, the Sweat. In Seido Karate we have a saying we utter upon entering the dojo and upon greeting others: Osu! Osu is an abbreviation of the expression Oshi shinobu osu, which means "maintain patience."

News: Alice Waters and Her Edible Schoolyard!

Oh Alice Waters and her magical Edible Schoolyard! Back in 1994, Alice Waters and King Middle School principal Neil Smith, worked with the community to refurbish their 1930's cafeteria kitchen into a wonderland of food education. The kitchen along with a one acre garden was the begining of what turned into the Edible Schoolyard project. 

News: Yogi Bear in 3D Dot Heroes

Yogi Bear in 3D Dot Heroes God I loved that cartoon. Who doesn't like that silly bear and his innocent child companion Boo Boo. It was so nice to see Yogi raise the young Boo Boo by himself in an unmarked cave in the privacy of the forest.

News: Apple iTravel to Eliminate Airport Torture

The folks over at Patently Apple have uncovered some very promising looking plans for a future iPhone app called iTravel. iTravel plans to cover ticket-buying, electronic check-in, car rentals, and possibly even Apple designed airport kiosks. Fingers crossed it comes out soon. Apple excels at making dummy-proof, intuitive, easy-as-pie user interfaces, and man, the airline travel process sure could use a little streamlining.

News: John Bonham the Innovative King of Rock Drumming

... Describing the style of John Bonham's drumming instantly conjurs up visions of the thunderous power he created. His contributions to rock music were revolutionary, and his talent unmatched and irreplaceable. You can only imagine Jimmy Page's reaction to first seeing him in 1968, ending his search for a new drummer to form a new band, the New Yardbirds (later renamed Led Zeppelin.)

How To: Do an external shoulder rotation arm exercise

External shoulder rotation exercises are done to work the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff consists of four muscles. They include the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor. Each muscle works to rotate the arm externally (laterally) and internally (medially). The following are instructions for the cable external rotation shoulder exercise:

How To: Do back hyperextension exercises on a stability ball

The stability ball hyperextension works to strengthen the lower back. Begin by placing your stomach/chest on a stability ball. Your legs should be shoulder width apart and fully extended against a wall behind you. The wall is used to provide leverage during the back extension. Place your hands either on side of the ball or crossed in front of your chest. Next, lift your chest off the ball until the lower back is fully flexed, then slowly return to the starting position. To add difficulty to t...

How To: Do a dumbbell toe raise

The dumbbell toe raise (aka dumbbell calf raise) mainly works the upper portion of the calves or the gastrocnemius. Three items are needed for this exercise: 1) a supportive apparatus for balance 2) an elevated surface (e.g. aerobic step, 2 x 4, etc.) to allow for full range of motion 3) a dumbbell.

How To: Do a crossover lunge

The crossover lunge is an advanced exercise that is used to build strength and improve flexibility in the muscles that act on the hips and thighs. The crossover step is often used as a warm-up to prepare for more dynamic exercises or sports conditioning drills.

How To: Organize Emails Better with Your iPhone's Hidden Flag Colors

The latest update to Apple's Mail app introduces a suite of new colors for flags, unique amongst even the best email apps on the App Store. The problem is they're hard to find — if you try to flag an email the old fashioned way, it'll use the default orange color, with seemingly no way to change it. Of course, there is a way, it's just a little out of the way.

News: How to Bold, Italicize, & Underline Text in Gmail for Android

Say you're out and about when suddenly you get the urge to write a strongly-worded email. You get the words down, but still feel like you could really hammer home the message with the right point of emphasis. Or maybe you just want to make absolutely sure that your recipient catches a certain detail. If you were on the mobile app, ALL CAPS was pretty much your only option other than crossing your fingers really hard.

News: Paper Airplane Guru Sets New World Record

Takuo Toda broke his previous Guinness World record of 27.9 seconds in flight this past Sunday. The paper airplane virtuoso, head of the Japan Origami Airplane Association, aimed to reach a 30 second long flight with his 10-centimeter-long paper aircraft. Unfortunately, he didn't quite make it.

How To: Knit the Purl Stitch

There are two basic stitches in knitting. One is the Knit Stitch. The other is the Purl Stitch. All knitting patterns are based on these stitches, so you'll want to know how to do both of them. The Knit side of your work is generally called the Front or Right side, whereas the Purl side is generally called the Back or Wrong side. This is important to remember when you're following a pattern.